Medal winning nations
Legend |
Summer Olympic Games |
Winter Olympic Games |
Combined Summer & Winter
Non-medal winning nations
A total of 88 other nations have competed at least once at the Olympic Games, but have yet to win their first medal:
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Does not include medals won as part of mixed teams with athletes from other nations (१८९६–१९०४).
- ^ Competed १९५२–१९८८. Does not include the totals from the Unified Team (EUN, १९९२), nor the totals from pre- and post-Soviet republics (RUS, UKR, etc.).
- ^ Competed १८९६–१९५२ and १९९२–current. Does not include the totals from the United Team of Germany (EUA, १९५६–१९६४) nor the १९६८–१९८८ totals of East Germany (GDR) or West Germany (FRG).
- ^ Includes medals won by athletes from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (१८९६–१९२०) and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (१९२४-present), both of which used the name "Great Britain" and the country code GBR.
- ^ a b Competed १९६८–१९८८. Totals not combined with those of Germany (GER).
- ^ Does not include medals won as part of the combined Australasia team (ANZ) with न्यू झीलँड at the १९०८ and १९१२ Games.
- ^ Competed १९००–१९१२ and १९९४–current. Totals not combined with those of the सोवियेत संघ (URS).
- ^ Does not include totals of Chinese Taipei (TPE) or Hong Kong (HKG).
- ^ Team of several Commonwealth of Independent States nations that competed together in १९९२ after the breakup of the सोवियेत संघ. Totals not combined with those of the Soviet Union (URS).
- ^ Competed १९२०–१९९२. Does not include medals won by Bohemia (BOH, १९००–१९१२) nor by the Czech Republic (CZE) or Slovakia (SVK) (१९९४–current).
- ^ Team competed from १९५६–१९६४, composed of athletes from both East Germany (GDR) and West Germany (FRG). Totals not combined with those of Germany (GER).
- ^ Does not include medals won as part of the combined Australasia team (ANZ) with ऑस्ट्रेलिया at the १९०८ and १९१२ Games.
- ^ Includes medals won by athletes from the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (१९२०–१९३६), Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (१९४८–१९९२ Winter) and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (१९९६–२०००), all of which used the name "Yugoslavia" and the country code YUG. Does not include medals won by Serbia and Montenegro (SCG, २००२–२००६) or of any other ex-SFRY nation (CRO, SLO, BIH, MKD). Also does not include medals won by Yugoslav athletes competing as Independent Olympic Participants at the १९९२ Summer Olympics (IOP).
- ^ Does not include medals won by Bohemia (BOH, १९००–१९१२) nor by Czechoslovakia (TCH, १९२०–१९९२).
- ^ Special code used by the IOC to refer to medals won by athletes of multiple nations competing together, which was common in early Games (१८९६–१९०४). These medals are not included in the respective totals for each nation represented by individual mixed team athletes.
- ^ Does not include medals won by Jamaican athletes competing for the British West Indies (BWI) in the १९६० Summer Olympics.
- ^ Includes medals won as the United Arab Republic (UAR, १९६०–१९६८).
- ^ Combined team of athletes from ऑस्ट्रेलिया (AUS) and न्यू झीलँड (NZL) that competed together at the १९०८ and १९१२ Games. These medals are not also counted with those nations' totals.
- ^ Includes medals won by athletes competing as Taiwan (TAI, १९६०–१९६४) and the Republic of China (ROC, १९६८–१९७२) before the Chinese Taipei name was first used in १९८४.
- ^ Does not include medals won by Trinidadian athletes competing for the British West Indies (BWI) in the १९६० Summer Olympics.
- ^ Does not include the gold medal won by Michel Théato at the १९०० Summer Olympics, which the IOC attributes to France.
- ^ Includes all medals won by athletes representing the Hong Kong National Olympic Committee, designated as Hong Kong
from १९५२–१९९६ and Hong Kong, China
since २०००.
- ^ Does not include medals won by athletes from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (YUG, १९९६–२०००).
- ^ Competed १९००–१९१२. Totals not combined with those of Czechoslovakia (TCH) or the Czech Republic (CZE).
- ^ Individual Yugoslav athletes taking part in the १९९२ Summer Olympics because Yugoslavia was under UN sanctions. Totals not combined with those of Yugoslavia (YUG).
- ^ Includes medal won as Ceylon (CEY, १९४८–१९७२).
- ^ Competed in १९६०. Totals not combined with those of Barbados (BAR), Jamaica (JAM) or Trinidad and Tobago (TRI).
- ^ Does not include medals won by Barbadian athletes competing for the British West Indies (BWI) in the १९६० Summer Olympics.