↑Petro Sodol (1993). 〈Ukrainian Insurgent Army〉. 《Encyclopedia of Ukraine》 5.
↑Petro Sodol (1993). 〈Ukrainian Insurgent Army〉. 《Encyclopedia of Ukraine》 5. A Ukrainian military formation which fought from 1942 to 1949, mostly in Western Ukraine, against the German and Soviet occupational regimes. Its immediate purpose was to protect the Ukrainian population from German and Soviet repression and exploitation; its ultimate goal was an independent and unified Ukrainian state.
↑Rudling, Per A. (2011). “The OUN, the UPA and the Holocaust: A Study in the Manufacturing of Historical Myths”. 《The Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies》 (2107). p. 14. doi:10.5195/cbp.2011.164. While anti-German sentiments were widespread, according to captured activists, at the time of the Third Extraordinary Congress of the OUN(b), held in August 1943, its anti-German declarations were intended to mobilize support against the Soviets, and stayed mostly on the paper.
↑Spector, Holocaust, 279; Mykhailo V. Koval’, Ukraina v druhii svitovyi i velykyi vitchyznianyi viinakh, 1939–1945 rr., (Kyiv: Dim Al’ternatyvy, 1999), 154. "Збір заявив, що ОУН-УПА бореться як проти нацистської Німеччини, розвал якої вже неминучий, так і проти нової більшовицької окупації."
↑Institute of Ukrainian History, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army Chapter 3 pp. 104–154
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