Città del Dakota del Sud

Questa lista delle città del Dakota del Sud, Stati Uniti d'America, comprende le 390 località suddivise in 156 city, 154 town, 1 village e 79 census-designated place (CDP).

I dati sono dell'USCB riferiti al censimento del 2010.

# Località Status Censimento
1 Aberdeen city 26 091
2 Agar town 76
3 Agency Village CDP 181
4 Akaska town 42
5 Albee town 16
6 Alcester city 807
7 Alexandria city 615
8 Allen CDP 420
9 Alpena town 286
10 Altamont town 34
11 Anderson CDP 371
12 Andover town 91
13 Antelope CDP 826
14 Arlington city 915
15 Armour city 699
16 Artas town 9
17 Artesian town 138
18 Ashland Heights CDP 754
19 Ashton city 122
20 Astoria town 139
21 Aurora town 532
22 Aurora Center CDP 12
23 Avon city 590
24 Badger town 107
25 Baltic city 1 089
26 Bancroft town 19
27 Batesland town 108
28 Bath CDP 172
29 Bath Corner CDP 49
30 Belle Fourche city 5 594
31 Belvidere town 49
32 Beresford city 2 005
33 Big Stone City city 467
34 Bijou Hills CDP 6
35 Bison town 333
36 Blackhawk CDP 2 892
37 Blucksberg Mountain CDP 462
38 Blunt city 354
39 Bonesteel city 275
40 Bowdle city 502
41 Box Elder city 7 800
42 Bradley town 72
43 Brandon city 8 785
44 Brandt town 107
45 Brant Lake CDP 159
46 Brentford town 77
47 Bridgewater city 492
48 Bristol city 341
49 Britton city 1 241
50 Broadland town 31
51 Brookings city 22 056
52 Bruce city 204
53 Bryant city 456
54 Buffalo town 330
55 Buffalo Gap town 126
56 Bullhead CDP 348
57 Burke city 604
58 Bushnell town 65
59 Butler town 17
60 Camp Crook town 63
61 Canistota city 656
62 Canova town 105
63 Canton city 3 057
64 Carthage city 144
65 Castlewood city 627
66 Cavour town 114
67 Centerville city 882
68 Central City city 134
69 Chamberlain city 2 387
70 Chancellor town 264
71 Chelsea town 27
72 Chester CDP 261
73 Claire City town 76
74 Claremont town 127
75 Clark city 1 139
76 Clear Lake city 1 273
77 Colman city 594
78 Colome city 296
79 Colonial Pine Hills CDP 2 493
80 Colton city 687
81 Columbia city 136
82 Conde city 140
83 Corn Creek CDP 105
84 Corona town 109
85 Corsica city 592
86 Cottonwood town 9
87 Cow Creek CDP 30
88 Cresbard town 104
89 Crocker CDP 19
90 Crooks city 1 269
91 Custer city 2 067
92 Dakota Dunes CDP 2 540
93 Dallas town 120
94 Dante town 84
95 Davis town 85
96 Deadwood city 1 270
97 Dell Rapids city 3 633
98 Delmont city 234
99 De Smet city 1 089
100 Dimock town 125
101 Doland city 180
102 Dolton town 37
103 Draper town 82
104 Dupree city 525
105 Eagle Butte city 1 318
106 Eden town 89
107 Edgemont city 774
108 Egan city 278
109 Elk Point city 1 963
110 Elkton city 736
111 Emery city 447
112 Erwin town 45
113 Estelline city 768
114 Ethan town 331
115 Eureka city 868
116 Fairburn town 85
117 Fairfax town 115
118 Fairview town 60
119 Faith city 421
120 Farmer town 10
121 Faulkton city 736
122 Fedora CDP 37
123 Ferney CDP 43
124 Flandreau city 2 341
125 Florence town 374
126 Forestburg CDP 73
127 Fort Pierre city 2 078
128 Fort Thompson CDP 1 282
129 Frankfort city 149
130 Frederick town 199
131 Freeman city 1 306
132 Fruitdale town 64
133 Fulton town 91
134 Gann Valley CDP 14
135 Garden City town 53
136 Garretson city 1 166
137 Gary city 227
138 Gayville town 407
139 Geddes city 208
140 Gettysburg city 1 162
141 Glenham town 105
142 Goodwill CDP 513
143 Goodwin town 146
144 Green Grass CDP 35
145 Green Valley CDP 928
146 Gregory city 1 295
147 Grenville town 54
148 Groton city 1 458
149 Hamill CDP 11
150 Harrisburg city 4 089
151 Harrison CDP 52
152 Harrold town 124
153 Hartford city 2 534
154 Hayti town 381
155 Hazel town 91
156 Hecla city 227
157 Henry town 267
158 Hermosa town 398
159 Herreid city 438
160 Herrick town 105
161 Hetland town 46
162 Highmore city 795
163 Hill City city 948
164 Hillsview town 3
165 Hitchcock town 91
166 Hosmer city 208
167 Hot Springs city 3 711
168 Hoven town 406
169 Howard city 858
170 Hudson town 296
171 Humboldt town 589
172 Hurley city 415
173 Huron city 12 592
174 Interior town 94
175 Ipswich city 954
176 Irene city 420
177 Iroquois city 266
178 Isabel town 135
179 Java town 129
180 Jefferson city 547
181 Johnson Siding CDP 659
182 Kadoka city 654
183 Kaylor CDP 47
184 Kennebec town 240
185 Keystone town 337
186 Kidder CDP 57
187 Kimball city 703
188 Kranzburg town 172
189 Kyle CDP 846
190 La Bolt town 68
191 Lake Andes city 879
192 Lake City town 51
193 Lake Madison CDP 683
194 Lake Norden city 467
195 Lake Poinsett CDP 493
196 Lake Preston city 599
197 Lane town 59
198 Langford town 313
199 La Plant CDP 171
200 Lead city 3 124
201 Lebanon town 47
202 Lemmon city 1 227
203 Lennox city 2 111
204 Leola city 457
205 Lesterville town 127
206 Letcher town 173
207 Lily town 4
208 Little Eagle CDP 319
209 Long Hollow CDP 192
210 Long Lake town 31
211 Loomis CDP 34
212 Lower Brule CDP 613
213 Lowry town 6
214 McIntosh city 173
215 McLaughlin city 663
216 Madison city 6 474
217 Manderson-White Horse Creek CDP 626
218 Mansfield CDP 93
219 Marion city 784
220 Martin city 1 071
221 Marty CDP 402
222 Marvin town 34
223 Meadow View Addition CDP 538
224 Mellette city 210
225 Menno city 608
226 Midland town 129
227 Milbank city 3 353
228 Miller city 1 489
229 Milltown CDP 10
230 Mission city 1 182
231 Mission Hill town 177
232 Mitchell city 15 254
233 Mobridge city 3 465
234 Monroe town 160
235 Montrose city 472
236 Morningside CDP 105
237 Morristown town 67
238 Mound City town 71
239 Mount Vernon city 462
240 Murdo city 488
241 Naples town 41
242 New Effington town 256
243 Newell city 603
244 New Holland CDP 76
245 New Underwood city 660
246 New Witten town 79
247 Nisland town 232
248 Norris CDP 152
249 North Eagle Butte CDP 1 954
250 North Sioux City city 2 530
251 North Spearfish CDP 2 221
252 Northville town 143
253 Nunda town 43
254 Oacoma town 451
255 Oelrichs town 126
256 Oglala CDP 1 290
257 Okaton CDP 36
258 Okreek CDP 269
259 Ola CDP 13
260 Oldham city 133
261 Olivet town 74
262 Onaka town 15
263 Onida city 658
264 Orient town 63
265 Ortley town 65
266 Parker city 1 022
267 Parkston city 1 508
268 Parmelee CDP 562
269 Peever town 168
270 Philip city 779
271 Pickstown town 201
272 Piedmont city 222
273 Pierpont town 135
274 Pierre city 13 646
275 Pine Lakes Addition CDP 314
276 Pine Ridge CDP 3 308
277 Plankinton city 707
278 Platte city 1 230
279 Pollock town 241
280 Porcupine CDP 1 062
281 Prairie City CDP 23
282 Presho city 497
283 Pringle town 112
284 Pukwana town 285
285 Quinn town 54
286 Ramona town 174
287 Rapid City city 67 956
288 Rapid Valley CDP 8 260
289 Ravinia town 61
290 Raymond town 50
291 Redfield city 2 333
292 Ree Heights town 62
293 Reliance town 191
294 Renner Corner CDP 305
295 Revillo town 119
296 Richland CDP 89
297 Rockham town 33
298 Roscoe city 329
299 Rosebud CDP 1 587
300 Rosholt town 423
301 Roslyn town 183
302 Roswell town 15
303 Running Water CDP 36
304 St. Charles CDP 11
305 St. Francis town 709
306 St. Lawrence town 198
307 Saint Onge CDP 191
308 Salem city 1 347
309 Scotland city 841
310 Selby city 642
311 Seneca town 38
312 Sherman town 78
313 Shindler CDP 584
314 Sinai town 120
315 Sioux Falls city 153 888
316 Sisseton city 2 470
317 Soldier Creek CDP 227
318 South Shore town 225
319 Spearfish city 10 494
320 Spencer city 154
321 Spring Creek CDP 268
322 Springfield city 1 989
323 Stickney town 284
324 Stockholm town 108
325 Storla CDP 6
326 Strandburg town 72
327 Stratford town 72
328 Sturgis city 6 627
329 Summerset city 1 814
330 Summit town 288
331 Tabor town 423
332 Tea city 3 806
333 Timber Lake city 443
334 Tolstoy town 36
335 Toronto town 212
336 Trent town 232
337 Tripp city 647
338 Tulare town 207
339 Turton town 48
340 Twin Brooks town 69
341 Two Strike CDP 209
342 Tyndall city 1 067
343 Utica town 65
344 Vale CDP 136
345 Valley Springs city 759
346 Veblen city 531
347 Verdon town 5
348 Vermillion city 10 571
349 Viborg city 782
350 Vienna town 45
351 Vilas town 20
352 Virgil town 16
353 Vivian CDP 119
354 Volga city 1 768
355 Volin town 161
356 Wagner city 1 566
357 Wakonda town 321
358 Wall town 766
359 Wallace town 85
360 Wanblee CDP 725
361 Ward town 48
362 Warner town 457
363 Wasta town 80
364 Watertown city 21 482
365 Waubay city 576
366 Waverly CDP 37
367 Webster city 1 886
368 Wentworth village 171
369 Wessington city 170
370 Wessington Springs city 956
371 Westport town 133
372 Wetonka town 8
373 White city 485
374 Whitehorse CDP 141
375 White Horse CDP 276
376 White Lake city 372
377 White River city 581
378 White Rock town 3
379 Whitewood city 927
380 Willow Lake city 263
381 Wilmot city 492
382 Winfred CDP 52
383 Winner city 2 897
384 Wolsey town 376
385 Wood town 62
386 Woonsocket city 655
387 Worthing city 877
388 Wounded Knee CDP 382
389 Yale town 108
390 Yankton city 14 454

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