Number that is the sum of its own digits, each raised to a given power
In number theory, a perfect digital invariant (PDI) is a number in a given number base () that is the sum of its own digits each raised to a given power ().[1][2]
Let be a natural number. The perfect digital invariant function (also known as a happy function, from happy numbers) for base and power is defined as:
where is the number of digits in the number in base , and
is the value of each digit of the number. A natural number is a perfect digital invariant if it is a fixed point for , which occurs if . and are trivial perfect digital invariants for all and , all other perfect digital invariants are nontrivial perfect digital invariants.
For example, the number 4150 in base is a perfect digital invariant with , because .
A natural number is a sociable digital invariant if it is a periodic point for , where for a positive integer (here is the th iterate of ), and forms a cycle of period . A perfect digital invariant is a sociable digital invariant with , and a amicable digital invariant is a sociable digital invariant with .
All natural numbers are preperiodic points for , regardless of the base. This is because if , , so any will satisfy until . There are a finite number of natural numbers less than , so the number is guaranteed to reach a periodic point or a fixed point less than , making it a preperiodic point.
Numbers in base lead to fixed or periodic points of numbers .
If , then the bound can be reduced.
Let be the number for which the sum of squares of digits is largest among the numbers less than .
Let be the number for which the sum of squares of digits is largest among the numbers less than .
Let be the number for which the sum of squares of digits is largest among the numbers less than .
Let be the number for which the sum of squares of digits is largest among the numbers less than .
. Thus, numbers in base lead to cycles or fixed points of numbers .
The number of iterations needed for to reach a fixed point is the perfect digital invariant function's persistence of , and undefined if it never reaches a fixed point.
is the digit sum. The only perfect digital invariants are the single-digit numbers in base , and there are no periodic points with prime period greater than 1.
reduces to , as for any power , and .
For every natural number , if , and , then for every natural number , if , then , where is Euler's totient function.
be a natural number with digits, where , and , where is a natural number greater than 1.
Therefore, for any natural number , if , and , then for every natural number , if , then .
No upper bound can be determined for the size of perfect digital invariants in a given base and arbitrary power, and it is not currently known whether or not the number of perfect digital invariants for an arbitrary base is finite or infinite.[1]
By definition, any three-digit perfect digital invariant for with natural number digits , , has to satisfy the cubic Diophantine equation . has to be equal to 0 or 1 for any , because the maximum value can take is . As a result, there are actually two related quadratic Diophantine equations to solve:
when , and
when .
The two-digit natural number is a perfect digital invariant in base
This can be proven by taking the first case, where , and solving for . This means that for some values of and , is not a perfect digital invariant in any base, as is not a divisor of . Moreover, , because if or , then , which contradicts the earlier statement that .
There are no three-digit perfect digital invariants for , which can be proven by taking the second case, where , and letting and . Then the Diophantine equation for the three-digit perfect digital invariant becomes
for all values of . Thus, there are no solutions to the Diophantine equation, and there are no three-digit perfect digital invariants for .
There are just four numbers, after unity, which are the sums of the cubes of their digits:
These are odd facts, very suitable for puzzle columns and likely to amuse amateurs, but there is nothing in them which appeals to the mathematician. (sequence A046197 in the OEIS) — G. H. Hardy, A Mathematician's Apology
By definition, any four-digit perfect digital invariant for with natural number digits , , , has to satisfy the quartic Diophantine equation . has to be equal to 0, 1, 2 for any , because the maximum value can take is . As a result, there are actually three related cubic Diophantine equations to solve
We take the first case, where .
b = 3k + 1
Let be a positive integer and the number base . Then:
Perfect digital invariants can be extended to the negative integers by use of a signed-digit representation to represent each integer.
Balanced ternary
In balanced ternary, the digits are 1, −1 and 0. This results in the following:
With odd powers , reduces down to digit sum iteration, as , and .
With even powers , indicates whether the number is even or odd, as the sum of each digit will indicate divisibility by 2 if and only if the sum of digits ends in 0. As and , for every pair of digits 1 or −1, their sum is 0 and the sum of their squares is 2.
A happy number for a given base and a given power is a preperiodic point for the perfect digital invariant function such that the -th iteration of is equal to the trivial perfect digital invariant , and an unhappy number is one such that there exists no such .
defpdif(x:int,p:int,b:int)->int:"""Perfect digital invariant function."""total=0whilex>0:total=total+pow(x%b,p)x=x//breturntotaldefpdif_cycle(x:int,p:int,b:int)->list[int]:seen=[]whilexnotinseen:seen.append(x)x=pdif(x,p,b)cycle=[]whilexnotincycle:cycle.append(x)x=pdif(x,p,b)returncycle