
类型性心理障碍[*]ejaculatory dysfunction[*]疾病

早發性射精(英語:premature ejaculation,縮寫PE),又稱早洩早漏一觸即發,俗稱快槍俠,是指男性在開始性行为沒過多久,且只有些微刺激的情況下,便達至性高潮射精。至於何謂「射精過早」則沒有明確劃一的定義,不過國際性醫學學會的專家把之界定作在受到刺激的約1分鐘內射精。《國際疾病與相關健康問題統計分類》第十版則將其界定為在開始性交後的15秒內射精[1]






研究者已確定腦部巨细胞核英语nucleus paragigantocellularis在射精控制上扮演一定角色[9]



射精可細分作兩個過程——釋出與射出。釋出為射精的第一步,當中來自输精管壺腹、精囊前列腺的液體會釋出至尿道後方[11]。第二步則為射出。當中膀胱頸會先閉合,然後骨盆会阴肌和球海绵体肌英语bulbospongiosus muscle會促使尿道有節律地收縮,以及尿道外括约肌间歇性放松[12]






《精神障碍诊断与统计手册》第五版(DSM-5)將早發性射精定義為「一種在與伴侶發生性行為的過程中,持續或反覆出現的射精模式,表現為在插入陰道的1分鐘內,以及在當事人想射精前射精」。若要診斷某人患上早發性射精,DSM-5還要求有關情況必須持續6個月以上;引起當事人具臨床意義的痛苦;不能由關係問題、其他心理疾患、藥物副作用來解釋。 這些因素需經當事人主訴的經歷確定,不用進行任何的診斷測試[1]











麥斯特與強生為了治療早發性射精,而開發出「擠壓法」這一治療方法。有關治療法建基於詹姆斯·塞门斯(James Semans)於1956年提出的塞门斯方法[22]。在當中男性需留意自身的興奮模式,並要從中識別自己在射精「迫在眉睫」前的感受。之後若自己出現這種感受,便要通知自己的伴侶,讓其以拇指和食指擠捏龜頭,使射精反射被迫暫停。最終使該名男士更為持久[23][24][25]















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  • Hamblin, James. When Is Ejaculation 'Premature,' and When Should a Penis Be Made Numb?. The Atlantic. 2012 [2017-03-06]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-04). According to [Dr. John Mulhall], when we talk casually about premature ejaculation ... we're usually talking about what the medical community would consider 'premature-ejaculatory-like syndrome,' or simply 'rapid ejaculation.' ... Mulhall says it comes down to whether the guy lasts long enough. If his partner is made wholly replete in 90 seconds, then a man who lasts 95 seconds can be fine. But if another guy lasts 15 minutes, and that's not cutting it, then it's a problem and can be considered rapid. 


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This article is about the original arcade version of Super Dodge Ball. For the Nintendo Entertainment System version, see Super Dodge Ball (NES video game). For the Neo Geo version, see Super Dodge Ball (Neo Geo). 1987 video gameSuper Dodge BallSales flyer for the arcade versionDeveloper(s)Technos JapanPublisher(s)Technos Japan (Japan)Leland Corporation (North America)Designer(s)Hiroshi SatoComposer(s)Kazuo SawaPlatform(s)Arcade, X68000, PC Engine, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 4ReleaseArcadeNov...


Multi-use indoor arena in Sydney, New South Wales State Sports CentreLocationOlympic Boulevard, Sydney Olympic Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (Map)Coordinates33°51′12″S 151°4′10″E / 33.85333°S 151.06944°E / -33.85333; 151.06944Capacity3,854 (expandable up to 5,006)ConstructionBroke ground1981; 42 years ago (1981)OpenedNovember 1984; 39 years ago (1984-11)ArchitectColin StillTenantsSydney Supersonics (NBL) (...

This article relies excessively on references to primary sources. Please improve this article by adding secondary or tertiary sources. Find sources: Sathariel – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (October 2022) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Satariel redirects here. For the Swedish music group, see Satariel (band). Sathariel (Hebrew: סתריאל, Ancient Greek: Σαθιήλ, romanized: Sathiḗl) is described in the...


Adina Bar-ShalomPersonalBornAdina Yosef (1945-01-05) January 5, 1945 (age 78)JerusalemReligionJudaismNationalityIsraeliSpouseEzra Bar-ShalomChildren3Parent(s)Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and Margalit FattalDenominationSephardi Ultra-Orthodox JudaismAlma materShenkar College of Engineering and DesignOccupationEducator and social activistResidenceJerusalem Adina Bar-Shalom (Hebrew: עדינה בר-שלום; January 5, 1945) is an Israeli educator, columnist, and social activist. She is the foun...


В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с фамилией Болдин. Валерий Иванович Болдин 1-й руководитель аппарата Президента СССР 17 апреля 1990 года — 22 августа 1991 года Президент Михаил Сергеевич Горбачёв Предшественник должность учреждена Преемник Григорий Иванович Ревенк...

International World Games AssociationHeadquarters in LausanneAbbreviationIWGAFormation21 May 1980; 43 years ago (1980-05-21)TypeSports associationHeadquartersLausanne, SwitzerlandMembership 39Official language EnglishPresidentJosé Perurena LópezWebsiteTheWorldGames.org The International World Games Association, abbreviated as IWGA, is an international association, recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), that organises every four years, beginning in 1981, t...


Yesaya 40Gulungan Besar Kitab Yesaya, yang memuat lengkap seluruh Kitab Yesaya, dibuat pada abad ke-2 SM, diketemukan di gua 1, Qumran, pada tahun 1947.KitabKitab YesayaKategoriNevi'imBagian Alkitab KristenPerjanjian LamaUrutan dalamKitab Kristen23← pasal 39 pasal 41 → Yesaya 40 (disingkat Yes 40) adalah pasal ke-40[nb 1] dari Kitab Yesaya dalam Alkitab Ibrani dan Perjanjian Lama di Alkitab Kristen.[3] Berisi Firman Allah yang disampaikan oleh nabi Yesaya bin Amos ...


Genre This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Pakistani rock – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (April 2014) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Music of Pakistan Genres Classical Semi-classical Folk Ghazal Qawwali Sufi Specific forms Religious music Hamd Nasheed Naat Qaww...

نيوكاسل أندر لايمالبلد  المملكة المتحدة المنطقة ميدلاند الغربية المساحة 81٫083 كم²[1] الدائرة الانتخابيةتأسست في 24 نوفمبر 1885 عدد المقاعد 1 مجلس العموم أنشئ من Newcastle-under-Lyme (en) تعديل - تعديل مصدري - تعديل ويكي بيانات 53°02′N 2°18′W / 53.04°N 2.30°W / 53.04; -2.30 نيوكاسل أندر ...


Fall Out Boy song CenturiesSingle by Fall Out Boyfrom the album American Beauty/American Psycho ReleasedSeptember 9, 2014 (2014-09-09)[1]Recorded2014Genre Pop rock[2] alternative rock[3] arena rock[4] Length3:48Label Island DCD2 Songwriter(s) Michael Fonseca Raja Kumari J.R. Rotem Justin Tranter Andy Hurley Patrick Stump Joe Trohman Suzanne Vega Pete Wentz Producer(s) J.R. Rotem Omega Fall Out Boy singles chronology Young Volcanoes (2013) Centuri...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!