伊本·赫勒敦[1](阿拉伯语:ابن خلدون,1332年5月27日—1406年3月19日),又译伊本·哈勒敦[2],全名为阿布·扎伊德·瓦利·代因·阿卜杜勒-拉赫曼·伊本·穆罕默德·伊本·穆罕默德·伊本·穆罕默德·伊本·哈桑·伊本·穆罕默德·伊本·贾比尔·伊本·穆罕默德·伊本·易卜拉欣·伊本·阿卜杜勒-拉赫曼·伊本·赫勒敦·哈德拉米·伊什比利(阿拉伯语:أبو زيد عبد الرحمن بن محمد بن خلدون الحضرمي,Abū Zayd ʿAbdu r-Raḥmān bin Muḥammad bin Khaldūn Al-Ḥaḍrami),阿拉伯穆斯林学者、歷史學家、经济学家、社会学家,被认为为人口统计学之父。[n 1][3][n 2]1332年出生于突尼斯,是塞维利亚的阿拉伯贵族的后裔 (8世纪时跟随阿拉伯军队出征到安达卢西亚,后迁到北非)。自幼跟从父亲学习《古兰经》和阿拉伯文,又到宰图那大学学习深造,受到系统的伊斯兰教育。1352年开始从政。1378年写成作《历史绪论》。1406年3月19日在开罗逝世。
伊本·赫勒敦在其著作《历史绪论》中强调,人类的思考能力(“firk”)决定了人类的行为和普遍模式。这种能力也促使人类形成社会结构,在分工和组织中进行合作。 扎伊德·艾哈迈德在《城市研究中的认识论与人文维度》(Epistemology and the Human Dimension in Urban Studies)一书中指出:“fikr ”是伊本·赫勒敦理论中与人类的精神、智力、身体、社会和政治倾向相关的所有哲学方面的支柱。
"...regarded by some Westerners as the true father of historiography and sociology".[28]
"Ibn Khaldun has been claimed the forerunner of a great number of European thinkers, mostly sociologists, historians, and philosophers".(Boulakia 1971) harv模板錯誤: 無指向目標: CITEREFBoulakia1971 (幫助)
"This grand scheme to find a new science of society makes him the forerunner of many of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries system-builders such as Vico, Comte and Marx." "As one of the early founders of the social sciences...".[30]
"Ibn Khaldun is the forerunner of many economists, he is an accident of history and has had no consequence on the evolution of economic thought...His name should figure among the fathers of economic science".(Boulakia 1971) harv模板錯誤: 無指向目標: CITEREFBoulakia1971 (幫助)
^Joseph J. Spengler(英语:Joseph J. Spengler) (1964). "Economic Thought of Islam: Ibn Khaldun", Comparative Studies in Society and History, 6(3), pp. 268-306. Jean David C. Boulakia (1971). "Ibn Khaldûn: A Fourteenth-Century Economist", Journal of Political Economy, 79(5), pp. 1105-1118.
^Ali Zaidi, Islam, Modernity, and the Human Sciences, Springer, 2011, p. 84
^Lewis, Bernard. Ibn Khaldūn in Turkey. Ayalon, David; Sharon, Moshe (编). Studies in Islamic history and civilization: in honour of Professor David Ayalon. Brill. 1986: 527–530. ISBN 978-965-264-014-7.
^Published by Muħammad ibn-Tāwīt at-Tanjī, Cairo 1951
^他的原话是:“And our ancestry is from Hadhramaut, from the Arabs of Yemen, via Wa'il ibn Hajar, from the best of the Arabs, well-known and respected.” (p. 2429, Al-Waraq (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)版)
^A., Ibn Khaldun: His life and Works for Mohammad Enan
^Oweiss, Ibrahim M. “Ibn Khaldun, the Father of Economics.” Georgetown University, State University of New York Press, 1988, faculty.georgetown.edu/imo3/ibn.htm.
^Irwin, Robert. Ibn Khaldun: an Intellectual Biography. Princeton University Press., 2018.
^Affandi, Akhmad, and Dewi Puji Astuti. “Dynamic Model of Ibn Khaldun Theory on Poverty.” Humanomics, vol. 30, no. 2, 2014, pp. 136–161.
^index. 30 October 2020 [14 May 2022]. (原始内容存档于30 October 2020).
^Gates, Warren E. The Spread of Ibn Khaldûn's Ideas on Climate and Culture. Journal of the History of Ideas (University of Pennsylvania Press). 1967, 28 (3): 415–422. doi:10.2307/2708627.
^Dhaouadi, M. IBN KHALDUN: THE FOUNDING FATHER OF EASTERN SOCIOLOGY. International Sociology. 1 September 1990, 5 (3): 319–335. doi:10.1177/026858090005003007.
Fuad Baali. 2005 The science of human social organization : Conflicting views on Ibn Khaldun's (1332–1406) Ilm al-umran. Mellen studies in sociology. Lewiston/NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
Walter Fischel. 1967 Ibn Khaldun in Egypt : His public functions and his historical research, 1382–1406; a study in Islamic historiography. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Ibn Khaldun. 1951 التعريف بإبن خلدون ورحلته غربا وشرقا Al-Taʻrīf bi Ibn-Khaldūn wa Riħlatuhu Għarbān wa Sharqān. Published by Muħammad ibn-Tāwīt at-Tanjī. Cairo (Autobiography in Arabic).
Ibn Khaldūn. 1958 The Muqaddimah : An introduction to history. Translated from the Arabic by Franz Rosenthal(英语:Franz Rosenthal). 3 vols. New York: Princeton.
Ibn Khaldūn. 1967 The Muqaddimah : An introduction to history. Trans. Franz Rosenthal, ed. N.J. Dawood. (Abridged).
Mahmoud Rabi'. 1967 The political theory of Ibn Khaldun. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Róbert Simon. 2002 Ibn Khaldūn : History as science and the patrimonial empire. Translated by Klára Pogátsa. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. Original edition, 1999.
Allen Fromherz. 2010 "Ibn Khaldun : Life and Times". Edinburgh University Press, 2010.