麥卡尼的父親曾經贈送少年時的保羅一支鍍銀的小號,嘗試培養他對小號的興趣,但意想不到流行一時的民歌爵士樂(Skiffle Music)改變了兒子的選擇,因此保羅後來把那支小號換了一支價值十五英鎊的飛魔士(英语:Framus)天頂17型鋼弦木結他[21][22]。由於保羅·麥卡尼是天生的左撇子,所以很快便感到無法憑着不靈敏的右手去彈奏結他。困窘之下,他偶然看見一張史林懷特曼的演唱會海報,之後恍然大悟,原來懷特曼正透過剛剛相反的弦線方向,使用左手彈奏結他[22][23]。麥卡尼立即依樣畫葫蘆,用天頂17型結他寫下了第一首歌曲《我失去了我的女友(英语:I Lost My Little Girl)》。當麥卡尼與約翰·連儂一起創作時,他也會使用屬於父親的西班牙結他伴奏[24],後來他又學習鋼琴並以此寫下個人第二首歌曲《當我六十四歲》[25]。在父親的建議之下保羅·麥卡尼亦曾經上過私人教授的音樂課程,但當他漸漸地愛上用「自己雙耳」去學習音樂之後,再也沒有心機去參與課堂[25]。
由1960年5月起,漸見雛形的樂隊希望使用新的名字,他們考慮過「尊尼和月犬」(Johnny and the Moondogs),亦曾經以「銀色甲蟲」(The Silver Beetles)之名前往蘇格蘭表演。到8月中,他們終於落實定名為「披頭四」,同時為了應付緊接下來的德國漢堡演出之旅,連忙在8月12日招募了彼得·貝斯為固定的專職鼓手[30][31]。
后来吉他手亨利·麦卡洛(英语:Henry McCullough)加入乐队,1972年羽翼乐队的首次巡迴演唱便开始,而第一场演唱会的观众就是700名诺丁汉大学的学生。之後乐队又乘坐麵包车於英国各地大学举办了十场演唱會,这次巡演的日程并未對媒體公布,在此期间,乐队的作风低调,而主要收入都是学生所给与,而且在巡演中不會演唱披头四时期的歌曲。[86]緊接下来的七個星期,乐队举行了25场欧洲演唱会(英语:Wings Over Europe Tour),在此期间,乐队只演唱羽翼合唱团和麦卡尼個人的歌曲以及翻唱歌曲,包括小理查德的《高高的莎莉(英语:Long Tall Sally)》,这也是巡迴演出唯一的一首披头四之前录製过的歌曲。麦卡尼不想举行大规模的巡演,演出場地都在较小的音乐厅举行,觀众人數不會超过3,000人。[87]对于这两次后披头四时期巡演,麦卡尼表示:「我不想看到的就是我一上台,就面对着五排拿着筆記本的记者,盯着我说:好吧,他不行了,比不上以前了。这种折磨我受不了,于是我们决定去大学演出,这让我不會那么紧张。那次巡迴演唱结束后,我觉得我們應該幹点其他的了,于是我们举辦了欧洲巡演。」 [88]
麦卡特尼小的时候,他的母亲读过他写的诗并鼓励他读书。他父亲经常让他和他的弟弟迈克尔玩填字游戏,来“增长其词汇量”,麦卡特尼如是说。[257]在2001年,麦卡特尼出版《黑鸟歌唱》(Blackbird Singing),他在纽约和利物浦两地进行公开朗读,书中收录了他的诗作和歌词。[258]在书的前言中,他写道:“当我小的时候 ... 我有着很强的愿望想要在校刊上登诗。我写过一些深沉的、寓意深刻的作品——却被迅速拒绝了——我从那时开始就有点怀恨在心。“[259]在2005年,他发行了《高入云霄:城市中毛茸茸的尾巴(英语:High in the Clouds)》,此书是和作家菲利浦·阿德(英语:Philip Ardagh)和动画片制作者杰夫·邓巴一起创作的,《卫报》评价作品是“反资本主义童书”。[260]
在1963年,狄克·詹姆斯(英语:Dick James)创立北方民谣(英语:Northern Songs)公司来发行列侬—麦卡特尼的歌曲。[274]麦卡特尼最初拥有公司20%的股份,1965年的一次公开售股后这一比例降到15%。在1969年,詹姆斯将北方民谣的很大一部分卖给卢·格瑞德(英语:Lew Grade)的ATV电视公司,而麦卡特尼和列侬与ATV的合同理应于1973年到期,但是在此次出售后不久,两人就抛售了他们的股份。在1972年,麦卡特尼和ATV签订7年的合同来促使ATV与麦卡特尼的MPL公司(英语:MPL Communications)达成一致。1979年起,MPL传播公司开始发行麦卡特尼的作品。麦卡特尼和小野洋子曾试图于1981年重新买下北方民谣公司,但是格瑞德拒绝了他们给出的价码,并将ATV全部卖给了商人罗伯特·霍姆斯·阿·考特(英语:Robert Holmes à Court)。迈克尔·杰克逊最终于1985年买下了ATV。1995年杰克逊据报道以5905.2千万英镑的价格将ATV与索尼合并,成立了索尼/ATV音乐出版公司,而他本人拥有一半股权。[275]后来北方民谣公司也理所当然地成为了索尼/ATV的一部分。[276]麦卡特尼作为披头士歌曲的作者能从每首歌曲在美国的商业利用收入中获得总收入的33.5%左右,最高可达50%到55%。[277]两支披头士的早期歌曲《Love Me Do》和《P.S. I Love You》的版权,在北方民谣成立之前就属于EMI的一个分支公司——Ardmore & Beechwood。麦卡特尼在80年代中期从Ardmore那里得到了这两首歌的版权,这也成为了麦卡特尼的MPL通信公司仅拥有的两首披头士歌曲版权。[278]
1980年12月9日,麦卡特尼被列侬在头一天晚上遇刺的新闻惊醒,列侬之死引起了披头士其他成员受到了媒体疯狂的关注。[352]当天晚上,当麦卡特尼当晚离开牛津街的录音室时,他被记者围住并被问及他的感受,他说:“真是差劲(it's a drag)。”此举迅速受到了批评,人们认为他对此事的反应肤浅,漠不关心。[353]后来他解释,“当约翰被杀了,然后就有人拿着麦克风问我:‘你怎么想的?’我说‘这真是差劲’,我说的时候极其悲伤,但是当你把这句话打出来的时候,就像是这样,‘今天麦卡特尼在伦敦街头受访,对于他的朋友之死,他说,“真是差劲”。’ 于是人们就会觉得这答复很轻率。”[353]他也回忆了列侬遇刺后与洋子的见面以及他与列侬的最后一次交谈:
麦卡特尼有24支英国冠军单曲,为史上最多,其中17支是披头士时期作品。[376][nb 44]他也是仅有的作为独奏者(《Pipes of Peace》)、双人合作者之一(与汪达的作品《乌木与象牙》)、三人创作组合之一(羽翼时期的作品《Mull of Kintyre》)、四人创作组合之一(披头士的《She Loves You》)、五人创作者之一(披头士与Billy Preston合作)以及群星慈善组合成员都有冠军单曲的音乐家。[378]
^其他导致乐队解散的原因还包括乐队对于最后一张专辑《Back to the Egg》的失望以及麦卡特尼1980年因私藏大麻在日本被捕一事,此事导致了日本巡演的取消和乐队经济上的损失。莱恩认为乐队的不和与麦卡特尼不情愿到日本巡演有着很大关系,麦卡特尼在列侬于1980年遇刺后很惶恐。麦卡特尼当时的发言人经常说,“保罗在忙其他事,仅此而已”。[112]
^MacDonald 2005,第195頁: The first of three consecutive McCartney A-sides; Lewisohn 1992,第350–351頁: Revolver's release was preceded by "Paperback Writer".
^The Beatles 2000,第214頁: "the forerunner of videos"; Lewisohn 1992,第221–222頁: The films aired on The Ed Sullivan Show and Top of the Pops.
^Harry 2000a,第970頁: Rock's first concept album; MacDonald 2005,第254頁: McCartney sensed unease among the bandmates and wanted them to maintain creative productivity.
^Miles 1997,第303頁: McCartney creating a new identity for the group.
^Gould 2007,第391–395頁: The Sgt. Pepper cover featured the Beatles as the imaginary band alluded to in the album's title track, standing with a host of celebrities (secondary source); The Beatles 2000,第248頁: Standing with a host of celebrities (primary source); Miles 1997,第333頁: On McCartney's design for the Sgt. Pepper cover (primary source); Sounes 2010,第168頁: On McCartney's design for the Sgt. Pepper cover (secondary source).
^Gould 2007,第391–395頁: The Sgt. Pepper cover attracted curiosity and analysis; Miles 1997,第333頁: On McCartney's design for the Sgt. Pepper cover (primary source); Sounes 2010,第168頁: On McCartney's design for the Sgt. Pepper cover (secondary source).
^The Beatles 2000,第236頁: The growing influence of hippie style on the Beatles; Gould 2007,第385頁: "spoofed the vogue in Britain for military fashions".
^Harry 2002,第641–642頁: "My Love", Harry 2002,第744–745頁: Red Rose Speedway; McGee 2003,第245頁: Peak US chart positions for Red Rose Speedway; Roberts 2005,第312頁: Peak UK chart position for Red Rose Speedway.
^Benitez 2010,第50頁: "symphonic rock at its best"; Harry 2002,第515–516頁: "Live and Let Die" US chart peak; Roberts 2005,第311頁: "Live and Let Die" UK chart peak.
^Sounes 2010,第304頁: Pyrotechnics; Sounes 2010,第329頁: Laser lighting display; Sounes 2010,第440頁: Performing "Live and Let Die" with pyrotechnics, 1993; Sounes 2010,第512–513頁: Performing "Live and Let Die" with pyrotechnics, 2002.
^Benitez 2010,第57頁: "Helen Wheels", Benitez 2010,第58頁: Positive critical response to Band on the Run; Harry 2002,第466–467頁: Jet; Levy 2005,第203頁: the 413th spot on Rolling Stone's list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.
^Harry 2002,第882–883頁: Venus and Mars, Harry 2002,第910–911頁: Wings at the Speed of Sound; Roberts 2005,第312頁: Peak UK chart position for Venus and Mars.
^McGee 2003,第245頁: NME ranking Wings at the Speed of Sound number 1, and the LP was number 1 on three charts in the US; Roberts 2005,第312頁: Peak UK chart position and weeks on charts for Wings at the Speed of Sound.
^Blaney 2007,第116頁: "And for the first time, McCartney included songs associated with the Beatles, something he'd been unwilling to do previously"; Harry 2002,第848–850頁: Wings Over the World Tour; Ingham 2009,第107頁: "featuring a modest handful of McCartney's Beatle tunes"; McGee 2003,第85頁: "Paul decided it would be a mistake not to ... [perform] a few Beatles songs."
^Harry 2002,第912–913頁: Wings Over America; Lewisohn 2002,第83頁: "After extensive rehearsals in London".
^Carlin 2009,第247–248頁: Birth of James; Doggett 2009,第264頁: one of the best-selling singles in UK chart history.
^Ingham 2009,第107–108頁: "Mull of Kintyre"; Benitez 2010,第86頁: "the biggest hit of McCartney's career".
^Harry 2002,第42–43頁: Back to the Egg, Harry 2002,第530–532頁: London Town, Harry 2002,第758–760頁: the Rockestra; Ingham 2009,第108頁: London Town and Back to the Egg; McGee 2003,第245頁: Back to the Egg certified platinum.
^Harry 2002,第578頁: He composed all the music and performed the instrumentation himself; Lewisohn 2002,第167頁: McCartney II a UK number-one, and a US top-five.
^Benitez 2010,第96–97頁: On Wings' April dissolution, McCartney fearing for his personal safety and the commercial disappointment of Back to the Egg; Blaney 2007,第132頁: "Back to the Egg spent only eight weeks in the British charts, the shortest chart run of any Wings album".; Doggett 2009,第276頁: "Paul is doing other things, that's all".; George-Warren 2001,第626頁: McCartney's reluctance to tour for fear of his personal safety; McGee 2003,第144頁: On McCartney's reluctance to tour out of fear for his personal safety, and Laine's statement that this was a significant contributing factor to Wings' dissolution.
^Ingham 2009,第109–110頁: Wings disbanded in 1981; McGee 2003,第245頁: US and UK chart positions of Wings' LPs; Harry 2002,第904–910頁: Wings, 912–913: Wings over America; Lewisohn 2002,第163頁: one of few live albums ever to achieve the top spot in America.
^McGee 2003,第244–245頁: Wings' US and UK singles and albums chart positions; Harry 2002,第511–512頁: "Listen to What the Man Said", 788: "Silly Love Songs"
^Harry 2002,第720–722頁: Pipes of Peace album and song., Harry 2002,第776–777頁: "Say Say Say"; Roberts 2005,第311頁: Last UK number one single; For the peak US chart position of Pipes of Peace see: Blaney 2007,第159頁.
^For the RIAA database see: RIAA: Searchable Database. the Recording Industry Association of America. [2012-06-24]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-04).; Roberts 2005,第312頁: Peak UK chart position and weeks on charts for Pipes of Peace; Blaney 2007,第159頁: US chart peak for Pipes of Peace.
^Harry 2002,第365–374頁: Give My Regards to Broad Street (film); Harry 2002,第817頁: Starr in Give My Regards to Broad Street.
^Blaney 2007,第167頁: Peak US chart position for "No More Lonely Nights", (number 6); Graff 2000,第40頁: Gilmour on guitar; Harry 2002,第368–369頁: "No More Lonely Nights".
^Blaney 2007,第171頁: Peak US and UK chart positions for "Spies Like Us"; Benitez 2010,第117頁: "Became a top-ten hit for McCartney"; Roberts 2005,第311頁: Peak UK chart position for "Spies Like Us".
^Blaney 2007,第223頁: The peak UK chart position for "Young Boy", Blaney 2007,第224頁: Starr on "Beautiful Night", Blaney 2007,第225頁: Peak US chart position for Flaming Pie; Roberts 2005,第311頁: Peak UK chart position for "Young Boy", Roberts 2005,第312頁: Peak UK chart position for Flaming Pie.
^Blaney 2007,第269頁: Peak UK and US chart positions for "Fine Line"; Blaney 2007,第271頁: Peak UK and US chart positions for Chaos and Creation in the Backyard; Blaney 2007,第274頁: Peak UK chart position for "Jenny Wren".
^For the 30 November 2005 Los Angeles setlist see: Paul McCartney: The US Tour. paulmcartney.com. [2012-06-24].[永久失效連結]; For the Billboard boxscores see:Waddell, Ray. Top Tours Take Center Stage. Billboard. 2006-08-05 [2012-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-19).
^Bacon & Morgan 2006,第10, 44頁: Rubber Soul as the starting point for McCartney's bass improvement, Bacon & Morgan 2006,第98頁: "a high point in pop bass playing".
^MacDonald 2005,第309–310頁: "Back in the U.S.S.R"., MacDonald 2005,第332頁: "I've Got a Feeling", a "raunchy, mid-tempo rocker" with a "robust and soulful" performance.
^MacDonald 2005,第66–67頁: "According to McCartney, the bassline was taken from "...I'm Talking About You"; Mulhern 1990,第18頁: McCartney: "I'm not gonna tell you I wrote the thing when Chuck Berry's bass player did; Miles 1997,第94頁: McCartney: "I played exactly the same notes as he did and it fitted our number perfectly".
^Harry 2000a,第549–550頁: Indica Gallery renovation and Lennon meeting Ono; Harry 2002,第549–550頁: Miles as McCartney's official biographer; Miles 1997,第232, 237–238頁: Barry Miles and IT.
^Harry 2002,第386–387: the Grateful Dead documentary, 789: "Lisa the Vegetarian", 862頁.
^For MPL's ownership of over 25,000 songs see: Sir Paul is 'pop billionaire'. BBC News. 2002-01-06 [2009-07-13]. (原始内容存档于2009-07-07).; Harry 2002,第630–632頁: MPL's ownership of Guys and Dolls, A Chorus Line, and Grease; Sounes 2010,第348頁: MPL's ownership of Annie.
^Blaney 2007,第287–297頁: McCartney's discography, with release label detail; Roberts 2005,第311–312頁: McCartney discography with release label detail.
^For McCartney's current record label see: Hermis, Will. Paul McCartney: Kisses on the Bottom. Rolling Stone: Reviews. 2012-02-07 [2012-06-25]. (原始内容存档于2012-06-18).; For his joining Hear as their first artist see: McCartney joins Starbucks label. BBC News. 2007-03-22 [2012-06-25]. (原始内容存档于2012-06-29).
^Harry 2002,第456–459頁: McCartney was unhappy about Jackson's purchase and handling of Northern Songs; Southall & Perry 2006,第203頁: Northern Songs dissolved and absorbed into Sony/ATV.
^Harry 2002,第536頁: The only Beatles songs owned by MPL Communications; Southall & Perry 2006,第192–193頁: McCartney acquired the publishing rights for "Love Me Do" and "P.S. I Love You".
^For McCartney's pledge to continue Linda's animal rights work see: McCartney vows to keep animal rights torch alight. BBC News. 1998-08-05 [2007-01-29]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-22).; For McCartney ensuring that Linda McCartney Foods remained GMO free, see: GM-free ingredients. BBC News. 1999-06-10 [2010-01-03]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-22).
^Devour the Earth. World Preservation Foundation. [2013-09-20]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-07).
^Harry 2002,第270頁: Concerts for the People of Kampuchea, 327–328: "Ferry Cross the Mersey", 514–515: Live Aid; Roberts 2005,第49頁: Band Aid & Band Aid 20, 187: Ferry Aid.
^For the "US Campaign for Burma" see: US campaign for Burma protest. BBC News. 2005-06-20 [2012-05-05]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-08).; For the Aid Still Required CD see: Aid Still Required. Aid Still Required. [2012-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-29).
^Harry 2002,第45頁: Paul and Linda's first meeting, Harry 2002,第587頁: "Pushiness worked for me that night!"; Miles 1997,第432–434頁: Linda's UK assignment to photograph rock musicians in London.
^Harry 2002,第504–505頁: On 24 April 1976, the two were watching Saturday Night Live, last time Lennon and McCartney spent time together; Miles 1997,第592頁: Lennon: "We nearly got a cab, but we were actually too tired".
^Harry 2002,第816頁; Miles 1997,第495頁: "Paul ticked Ringo off over a fluffed tom-tom fill. They had already argued about how the drum part should be played ... and Paul's criticisms finally brought matters to a head"; MacDonald 2005,第310頁: "The ill-feeling ... finally erupted ... after an argument with McCartney over the drum part".
^Harry 2002,第238頁: Inducted "as a solo artist"; Harry 2002,第388–389頁: Record sales; Harry 2002,第756–758頁: McCartney's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction.
^详情可参考:Most No. 1s By Artist (All-Time). Billboard. [2012-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-25).; Bronson 1992,第150頁: "A World Without Love" performed by Peter and Gordon, Bronson 1992,第388頁: "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" performed by Elton John, Bronson 1992,第581頁: "Say Say Say" with Michael Jackson, Bronson 1992,第808頁: McCartney's thirty-two Billboard Hot 100 number-ones.
^披头士解散后的冠军单曲:Roberts 2005,第49頁: Band Aid & Band Aid; Roberts 2005,第20, 54–55頁: the Beatles; Roberts 2005,第187頁: Ferry Aid; Roberts 2005,第311–312頁: Solo, Wings, Stevie Wonder and "The Christians et al."
Benitez, Vincent P. (2019). "'That Was Me' in 'Vintage Clothes': Intertextuality and the White Album Songs of Paul McCartney." In The Beatles through a Glass Onion: Reconsidering the White Album, ed. Mark Osteen, 213–29. Tracking Pop Series. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press. ISBN978-0-472-07408-2.
Lennon, Cynthia. John. Three Rivers Press. 2006 [2010-11-24]. ISBN 0-340-89828-3. (原始内容存档于2021-07-01).
Lewisohn, Mark. Wingspan. Little, Brown and Company. 2002. ISBN 0-316-86032-8.
Levy, Joe (编). Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time First Paperback. Wenner Books. 2005. ISBN 978-1-932958-61-4.
Lewisohn, Mark. The Complete Beatles Chronicle:The Definitive Day-By-Day Guide to the Beatles' Entire Career 2010. Chicago Review Press. 1992. ISBN 978-1-56976-534-0.
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Este artigo não cita fontes confiáveis. Ajude a inserir referências. Conteúdo não verificável pode ser removido.—Encontre fontes: ABW • CAPES • Google (N • L • A) (Maio de 2019) Coordenadas: 40° 50' N 44° 16' ESpitakNome oficiais (hy) Սպիտակ(az) Hamamlı (até 1948)(hy) Համամլու (até 1949)Nome local (hy) ՍպիտակGeografiaPaís ArméniaProvince of Armenia LorriCapital ...
This article is about the French music television channel. For the British music television channel formerly used the same name, see Trace Hits. For the African channel, see Trace Africa. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Trace Urban – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (November 2016)...
هذه المقالة عن مانشستر باي ذ سي (ماساتشوستس). لمعانٍ أخرى، طالع مانشستر (توضيح). مانشستر باي ذا سي الاسم الرسمي (بالإنجليزية: Manchester)(بالإنجليزية: Manchester-by-the-Sea) الإحداثيات 42°34′40″N 70°46′10″W / 42.577777777778°N 70.769444444444°W / 42.577777777778; -70.769444444444 تاريخ الت...
Constituency of Bangladesh's Jatiya Sangsad Chuadanga-2Constituencyfor the Jatiya SangsadDistrictChuadanga DistrictDivisionKhulna DivisionElectorate415,027 (2018)[1]Current constituencyCreated1984PartyAwami LeagueMember(s)Md. Ali Azgar Chuadanga-2 is a constituency represented in the Jatiya Sangsad (National Parliament) of Bangladesh since 2008 by Md. Ali Azgar of the Awami League. Boundaries The constituency encompasses Damurhuda and Jibannagar upazilas, and four union parishads of C...
Japanese sociologist This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately from the article and its talk page, especially if potentially libelous.Find sources: Shinji Miyadai – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (April 2008) (Learn how and when to remove this template message...
American politician from North Carolina Kristin BakerMember of the North Carolina House of Representativesfrom the 82nd districtIncumbentAssumed office March 19, 2020Preceded byLinda Johnson Personal detailsBornKristin Leah Dutrow1963 (age 59–60)Political partyRepublicanSpouseScott BakerResidenceConcord, North CarolinaAlma materUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (BS, MD)OccupationPsychiatrist Kristin Dutrow Baker (born 1963) is a Republican member of the No...
Majority group in Twelver Shi'a Islam Part of a series onShia Islam Beliefs and practices Monotheism Holy Books Prophethood Succession to Muhammad Imamate Angels Judgment Day Mourning of Muharram Intercession Clergy The Four Companions Arbaʽeen Pilgrimage Days of remembrance Ashura Arba'een Mawlid Eid al-Fitr Eid al-Adha Eid al-Ghadir Eid al-Mubahala Mourning of Muharram Omar Koshan History Verse of purification Two things Mubahala Khumm Fatimah's house First Fitna Second Fitna Battle of Kar...
PT Infokom ElektrindoJenisAnak perusahaanIndustriTelekomunikasiPendahuluElektrindo NusantaraDidirikan30 Oktober 1997KantorpusatMNC Tower Lt. 25 Jl. Kebon Sirih 17-19, Kebon Sirih Jakarta, IndonesiaPemilikElektrindo Nusantara (1997-2003)Global Mediacom (2003-sekarang)Situs webInfokom.id PT Infokom Elektrindo adalah anak usaha dari PT Global Mediacom Tbk yang bergerak di bidang telekomunikasi, terutama dalam infrastruktur dan multimedia. Didirikan pada 30 Oktober 1997 dan mulai beroperasi pada ...
La ermita de Guadamur. El ábside mudéjar de la ermita de Guadamur. La ermita de Nuestra Señora de la Natividad es una ermita de Guadamur, en la provincia de Toledo, España. Situada en el cerro del mismo nombre, domina el pueblo desde el este y se encuentra muy cerca del castillo de Guadamur.[1] Estilo Es de estilo mudéjar temprano (siglos XIII-XIV). En la villa existía la tradición de una remota aparición milagrosa. La mención más antigua del culto en la ermita data de 1611. ...
Former American aerospace and industrial products company This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Hamilton Sundstrand – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (August 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Hamilton SundstrandTypeSubsidiaryIndustryAerospace and IndustrialPrede...
1983 single by Todd RundgrenBang the Drum All DayU.S. releaseSingle by Todd Rundgrenfrom the album The Ever Popular Tortured Artist Effect B-sideChant (US)Drive (UK)ReleasedApril 1983Recorded1982 at Utopia Sound StudiosGenre Pop rock ska novelty[1] Length3:38LabelBearsvilleSongwriter(s)Todd RundgrenProducer(s)Todd RundgrenTodd Rundgren singles chronology Feet Don't Fail Me Now (1982) Bang the Drum All Day (1983) Loving You's a Dirty Job but Somebody's Gotta Do It (1986) Bang the Drum ...
У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Днепровский. Данные в этой статье приведены по состоянию на 2013 год.Вы можете помочь, обновив информацию в статье. Днепровский автобусный завод Тип общество с ограниченной ответственностью Год основания 1965 Расположение ...
1996 Australian filmTo Have & to HoldDirected byJohn HillcoatWritten byGene ConkieStory by Gene Conkie John Hillcoat Produced byDenise PatienceStarring Tchéky Karyo Rachel Griffiths Steve Jacobs CinematographyAndrew de GrootEdited byStewart YoungMusic by Blixa Bargeld Nick Cave Mick Harvey Productioncompanies Small Man Productions Calypso Films Film Finance Corporation Australia Distributed byPalace FilmsRelease date 31 October 1996 (1996-10-31) Running time99 minutesCount...
British engineer, inventor, and soldier (1897–1961) This article's lead section may be too short to adequately summarize the key points. Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of all important aspects of the article. (October 2021) Cecil Vandepeer ClarkeCouncillor for PutnoeIn office?–? Personal detailsBorn(1897-02-15)15 February 1897[1]Died1961 (aged 63–64)[2]Political party Labour Party (until 1959) Liberal Party (after 1959) Occu...
Overview of obesity in the United States of America Share of adults that are obese, 1975 to 2016 Obesity is common in the United States and is a major health issue associated with numerous diseases, specifically an increased risk of certain types of cancer, coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular disease, as well as significant increases in early mortality and economic costs.[1] Statistics The CDC defines an adult (a person aged 20 years or greater) with a...
Not to be confused with Pennsylvania Archives. The Pennsylvania State Archives tower on the grounds of the Pennsylvania State Capitol The Pennsylvania State Archives is the official archive for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, administered as part of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Located at 1681 N. Sixth St. in the state capital of Harrisburg, it is a part of the Pennsylvania State Capitol Complex.[1] Mission The primary function of the Pennsylvania State Archive...
Bruno Pontecorvo Información personalNacimiento 22 de agosto de 1913 Pisa (Italia) Fallecimiento 24 de septiembre de 1993 (80 años)Dubná (Rusia) Causa de muerte Enfermedad de Parkinson Sepultura Cementerio protestante Nacionalidad Británica, italiana (1946-1993) y soviéticaEducaciónEducado en Universidad de Roma La SapienzaUniversidad de Pisa Supervisor doctoral Enrico Fermi y Jean Frédéric Joliot-Curie Información profesionalOcupación Físico, físico nuclear y científico Ár...