南アメリカの建艦競争(みなみアメリカのけんかんきょうそう、英語: South American dreadnought race、スペイン語: Carrera armamentista naval sudamericana、ポルトガル語: Corrida armamentista naval da América do Sul)は20世紀初頭、ABC三国(アルゼンチン、ブラジル、チリ)による海軍の軍拡競争。ブラジル政府が弩級戦艦を3隻注文したことで始まった。
イギリスの会社が注文を受けたにもかかわらず、巨大の支出を要し、アルゼンチンとブラジルの関係(英語版)に悪影響を与えたため、イギリス駐ブラジル大使(英語版)ウィリアム・H・D・ハガード(William H. D. Haggard)はブラジルの海軍拡張計画に反対した。彼はそれを「虚栄心の体現と個人の金銭上の動機が合わさった結果」とみなした[23]。アメリカ駐ブラジル大使(英語版)ロイド・カーペンター・グリスコム(英語版)は1906年9月に米国国務省に電報を送り、状況が大規模な建艦競争に発展した場合、情勢の不安定化の恐れがあると警告した。アメリカ大統領セオドア・ルーズベルトは外交による解決を目指し、ブラジルに計画の中止を求めたが拒否された。リオ・ブランコ男爵は米国の要求をのんだ場合、ブラジルは1901年憲法(英語版)で米国による内政干渉を許したキューバのような無力な国になると警告した[24]。1906年11月にブラジル大統領に就任したアフォンソ・ペナ(英語版)は国民会議への演説で海軍の軍拡を支持した。彼は1月に事故で爆発したアキダバン、および現海軍を構成する旧式艦の代替となる軍艦を購入する必要性を鑑みて支持したのであった[25]。
ブラジルのミナス・ジェラエス級戦艦のリードシップであるミナス・ジェラエス(英語版)は1907年4月17日にアームストロング社により起工、姉妹船(英語版)のサン・パウロも13日後にヴィッカース社により起工した。ミナス・ジェラエスの進水に必要な、部分的に完成した船体は5か月間のストライキにより、進水が1908年9月10日に延期された。その後、サン・パウロも1909年4月19日に進水した[90]。2隻とも大勢の人が見守る中、ブラジル駐イギリス大使(英語版)のフランシスコ・レジス・デ・オリヴェリラ(Francisco Régis de Oliveira)の妻によって命名された[91]。艤装の後、速度、耐久、武器などを試すための海上公試がミナス・ジェラエスを検体として9月に複数回行われた。この海上公試では史上最大規模の軍艦による舷側砲斉射が行われた。ミナス・ジェラエスはその後、完成して1910年1月5日にブラジルに引き渡された[92]。海上公試は上部の背負い式砲塔(英語版)からの砲撃が下部砲塔の人員に爆傷を負わせないことを証明した。船自体は27,212指示馬力(indicated horsepower)から21.432ノットの速度を出すことに成功した[93]。サン・パウロも1910年5月末の海上公試の後、7月にブラジルに引き渡された。サン・パウロの海上公試では28.645指示馬力から21.623ノットの速度を出した[94]。
多くの二次出典はブラジルが戦艦を注文したことに言及せず[129]、Conway's All the World's Fighting Shipsという軍艦の百科事典では「ブラジルは4つの設計から選ばなかった」とまで言及した[130]。ブラジル政府はデザイン781(Design 781)と名付けられた設計を選んだ。この設計は当時イギリスが建造していたクイーン・エリザベス級戦艦とリヴェンジ級戦艦にもみられる特徴を有していた[131]。1914年5月12日、ブラジルはこの設計を採用する軍艦1隻を注文、アームストロング社のエルスウィック造船所で建造するとした[132]。予定の起工日は9月10日で、原材料も一部準備されたが、1914年8月に第一次世界大戦が勃発したことで計画が遅れた。結局、リアシュエロの建設は1915年1月14日に正式に中止、5月13日には完全に取り消された[133]。
^同時代の文献では例えばNavy, pp. 11–12が「イギリス=ブラジル軍艦」、Navy, pp. 13–14が「ブラジルの『弩級戦艦』」、Literary Digest, pp. 102–103が「ブラジルの『弩級戦艦』の謎」、World's Work, pp. 10867–10868が「大ブラジル弩級戦艦の謎」、Boston Evening Transcript, 25 January 1908, p. 2が「リオで置き去りにされる」、New York Herald, 1 July 1908, p. 9が「イングランドか日本のための巨大な船」、Sun (New York), 1 July 1908, p. 6が「ブラジルと日本とグレートブリテン」、Evening Telegraph (Angus, Scotland), 17 July 1908, p. 3が「謎の戦艦」、Japan Weekly Mail, 5 September 1908, p. 288は「ブラジルの戦艦」、New York Times, 9 August 1908, p. C8は「ドイツがイギリスの軍艦を購入する可能性あり」、Day (New London), 19 March 1909, p. 7は「(イギリスが)ブラジルの船を取得する可能性あり」、Nelson Evening Mail, 6 April 1909, p. 2は「海軍の優位性への競争」などと様々に報じた。一方、第一次世界大戦直前にはこれらの新聞記事でほとんど言及されなかったロシア政府が実際にブラジルとアルゼンチン政府に弩級戦艦の購入を打診した(両国とも拒否した)[40]。
^Grant, Rulers, Guns, and Money, p. 148; Martins, A marinha brasileira, pp. 56, 67; Brook, Warships for Export, p. 133; Livermore, "Battleship Diplomacy," p. 32; Topliss, "Brazilian Dreadnoughts," p. 240.
^Love, Revolt, p. 16; Sondhaus, Naval Warfare, p. 216; Scheina, "Brazil," p. 403.
^Scheina, "Brazil," 403; Livermore, "Battleship Diplomacy," p. 32.
^Hutchinson, "Coffee 'Valorization'," pp. 528–529.
^Love, Revolt, p. 14; Scheina, Naval History, p. 80.
^Scheina, Naval History, p. 80; Martins, A marinha brasileira, pp. 156–158; Scheina, "Brazil," p. 403; Topliss, "Brazilian Dreadnoughts," p. 240.
^Scheina, Naval History, p. 80; Martins, A marinha brasileira, pp. 80, 128, 158.
^Viana Filho, A vida do Barão do Rio Branco, p. 446.
^English, Armed Forces, p. 108; Scheina, Naval History, p. 80; Brook, Warships for Export, p. 133; Grant, Rulers, Guns, and Money, p. 147; Martins, A marinha brasileira, pp. 75, 78; Alger, "Professional Notes," pp. 1051–1052.
^Martins, A marinha brasileira, p. 80; Topliss, "Brazilian Dreadnoughts," pp. 240–246.
^Foreign Office, British National Archives 371/201, General Report on Brazil for the Year 1906, W.H.D. Haggard, in Grant, Rulers, Guns, and Money, p. 149.
^Grant, Rulers, Guns, and Money, p. 152; Livermore, "Battleship Diplomacy," p. 33; "New Era in the Americas," Boston Evening Transcript, 17 November 1906, p. 1.
^Scheina, Naval History, p. 81; Topliss, "Brazilian Dreadnoughts," p. 246; "Brazilian Battleship 'Minas Geraes'—Most Powerful Fighting Ship Afloat," Scientific American, p. 428.
^"The Mystery of the Great Brazilian Dreadnoughts," World's Work, p. 10867; Earle, "Professional Notes," p. 305.
^Campbell, "Germany," p. 145; Scheina, "Brazil," p. 403.
^Breyer, Battleships, p. 320; Scheina, "Brazil," p. 404; Sondhaus, Naval Warfare, p. 216.
^Love, Revolt, p. 15; Sondhaus, Naval Warfare, pp. 227–228.
^Martins, A marinha brasileira, pp. 144–150; Martins, "Colossos do mares," p. 77; Mead, "Reaction," p. 238; "The Mystery of the Great Brazilian Dreadnoughts," World's Work, p. 10867; "British-Brazilian Warships," Navy, p. 11; "The Warships for Brazil," Times (London), 14 July 1908, p. 8c; "The Brazilian Battleships," Japan Weekly Mail, 5 September 1908, p. 288.
^Budzbon, "Russia," p. 291; Sondhaus, Naval Warfare, p. 217.
^Scheina, "Brazil," p. 404; Haag, "O Almirante Negro," p. 89.
^"The Reported Purchase of Battleships," Navy, p. 39.
^"The Mystery of the Great Brazilian Battleships," World's Work, pp. 10867–10868.
^Трубицын, Линкоры, p. 6; Topliss, "Brazilian Dreadnoughts," p. 246; "Naval Policy," Times (London), 24 March 1908, p. 6e; "Battleships for Brazil," Times (London), 12 May 1908, p. 4d; "The Warships for Brazil," Times (London), 14 July 1908, p. 8c; "Naval and Military Intelligence," Times (London), 18 July 1908, p. 12c; "British and Foreign News," Evening Post (Wellington), 12 September 1908, p. 13; "Naval and Military Intelligence," Times (London), 22 March 1909, p. 9e.
^"May Take Brazil's Ships, Day (New London), 19 March 1909, p. 7; "The Brazilian Battleships," Times (London), 23 March 1909, p. 6d; "House of Commons," Times (London), 23 March 1909, p. 12a; "The Brazilian Battleships," Times (London), 25 March 1909, p. 7b; "The Naval Scare," Sydney Mail, 24 March 1909, p. 24; "England's Power on the Sea Safe," New York Herald, 25 March 1909, p. 9.
^"The Brazilian Battleships," Times (London), 25 March 1909, p. 7b.
^"Mystery of the Brazilian 'Dreadnoughts'," Literary Digest, p. 103.
^Трубицын, Линкоры, p. 3; Livermore, "Battleship Diplomacy," p. 32.
^Livermore, "Battleship Diplomacy," p. 33; Heinsfeld, "Falsificando telegramas," p. 1; Di Biassi, "Ley de Armamento Naval Nº 6283"; "Brasil's New War Vessels," New York Herald, 10 September 1908, p. 8.
^Grant, Rulers, Guns, and Money, p. 156; Livermore, "Battleship Diplomacy," p. 33; "Argentina's Defense," Argus, 29 August 1908, p. 20; "Brazil and Argentina May Fight," Pittsburg Press, 30 August 1908, p. 1.
^Livermore, "Battleship Diplomacy," p. 33; "Argentina and Brazil," Sydney Morning Herald, 1 October 1908, p. 7; "Battleships for Argentina," Sydney Morning Herald, 20 November 1908, p. 7.
^Hough, Big Battleship, p. 19; Livermore, "Battleship Diplomacy," p. 33; Di Biassi, "Ley de Armamento Naval Nº 6283"; "The Status of South American Navies," Naval Engineers, p. 254; "Dreadnoughts for Argentina," Sydney Morning Herald, 21 December 1908, p. 7.
^Трубицын, Линкоры, p. 3; Scheina, Naval History, p. 83; Livermore, "Battleship Diplomacy," p. 33.
^Schenia, "Ecuador," p. 414; "The Status of South American Navies," Naval Engineers, pp. 254–257.
^Scheina, Naval History, p. 321; Scheina, "Brazil," p. 404; Topliss, "Brazilian Dreadnoughts," p. 249; "The Brazilian Battleship," United States Artillery, p. 188; "Minas Geraes I," Serviço de Documentação da Marinha — Histórico de Navios; "São Paulo I," Serviço de Documentação da Marinha — Histórico de Navios.
^"The Brazilian Battleship," United States Artillery, pp. 185–188; "The Brazilian Battleship," Scientific American, pp. 240–241; "The Minas Geraes," Times (London), 6 January 1910, p. 4d.
^"The Brazilian Battleship," United States Artillery, pp. 187–188; "The New Brazilian Battleships," Times (London), 22 January 1910, p. 16f.
^Alger, "Professional Notes," pp. 858–859; "Brazil," Naval Engineers, p. 999; "Trials of the Sao Paulo," Times (London), 3 June 1910, p. 7c; "Gun Trials of the Sao Paulo," Times (London), 4 June 1910, p. 9b.
^Scheina, Naval History, p. 321; Parkes, British Battleships, p. 605; Burt, British Battleships, pp. 231, 240; Preston, "Great Britain," p. 37; "British Navy Gains," New York Times, 7 December 1918, p. 14.
^José Paranhos(英語版), in Edmar Morel, A Revolta da Chibata 4th ed. (Rio de Janeiro: Edições Graal, 1986), p. 13, in Morgan, "Revolt of the Lash," p. 37.
^Love, Revolt, pp. 66–72; Morgan, "Revolt of the Lash," pp. 33, 36–37.
^Presentation to Federal Congress by Federal Deputy for Rio Grande do Sul, José Carlos de Carvalho(英語版), 23 November 1910, in Morel, Revolta, pp. 80–84, in Morgan, "Revolt of the Lash," p. 41.
^Love, Revolt, pp. 20, 28–31, 35–36; Morgan, "Revolt of the Lash," pp. 37–38.
^Foreign Office, British National Archives, 371/1518, Haggard to Grey, 19 June 1913, Brazil, Annual Report, p. 1912, in Grant, Rulers, Guns, and Money, p. 160; Gill, "Professional Notes," p. 1257.
^Grant, Rulers, Guns, and Money, p. 160; Topliss, "Brazilian Dreadnoughts," p. 283.
^Robinson, "Brazilian Navy"; "Bahia (3º)," Serviço de Documentação da Marinha — Histórico de Navios; "Rio Grande do Sul I," Serviço de Documentação da Marinha — Histórico de Navios..
^English, Armed Forces, p. 110; Scheina, Naval History, pp. 135–136; Livermore, "Battleship Diplomacy," p. 48.
^"Brazil Navy Composed of 28 Obsolete Ships," New York Times, 7 October 1930, p. 3.
^Whitley, Battleships, p. 27; Topliss, "Brazilian Dreadnoughts," p. 289.
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Partnership between MSN and Microsoft Research Microsoft Live Labs home page. Microsoft Live Labs was a partnership between MSN and Microsoft Research that focused on applied research for Internet products and services at Microsoft. Live Labs was headed by Dr. Gary William Flake, who prior to joining Microsoft was a principal scientist at Yahoo! Research Lab and former head of research at the Web portal's Overture Services division. Live Labs' focus was on applied research and practical appli...
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Desenho das ruínas da Catedral de Concepción O sismo do Chile de 1835 foi um abalo sísmico que ocorreu perto das cidades de Concepción e Talcahuano no Chile a 20 de Fevereiro às 11h30 (hora local), contando com uma magnitude de 8,2 graus e que foi presenciado por Charles Darwin.[1][2] O terremoto desencadeou um tsunami que causou a destruição de Talcahuano. Um total de pelo menos 50 pessoas morreram em consequência do terremoto e do tsunami. O terremoto causou danos de San Fernando, n...
1971 Pakistani genocide of ethnic Bengali Hindus The neutrality of this article is disputed. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until conditions to do so are met. (November 2023) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Bangladesh genocidePart of the Bangladesh Liberation WarPhotograph by Rashid Talukder showing the corpses of Bengali intellectuals in a field at Rayer Bazaar after they were systematically murdered by Pakistani troo...
El análisis técnico, dentro del análisis bursátil, es el estudio de la acción del mercado, principalmente a través del uso de gráficas, con el propósito de anticipar, con mayor probabilidad cambios en la estructura del mercado. Tecnicoecopetrol El término “acción del mercado” incluye las tres principales fuentes de información disponibles para el analista técnico. Estas son: Precio o cotización: La variable más importante de la acción del mercado. Normalmente se representa ...
FranklinNome oficial FranklinNome local FranklinGeografiaPaís Estados UnidosEstado Carolina do NorteAltitude 410Coordenadas 36° 30′ 25″ N, 80° 51′ 56″ OLocalização da Carolina do Norte nos E.U.A.DemografiaPopulação 2 400 hab. (2010)FuncionamentoEstatuto township of North CarolinaIdentificadoresCódigo postal 27024GNIS 1027214Localização no mapa de Carolina do Norteeditar - editar código-fonte - editar Wikidata O município de Franklin (em inglês: Franklin Tow...
Stasiun Suzurannosatoすずらんの里駅Stasiun Suzurannosato pada April 2012LokasiFujimi, Fujimi-cho, Suwa-gun. Nagano-ken 399-0211 JepangKoordinat35°55′49″N 138°12′43″E / 35.930352°N 138.212028°E / 35.930352; 138.212028Ketinggian949.6 meter[1]Pengelola JR EastJalur■ Jalur Utama ChūōLetak dari pangkal186.1 km dari TokyoJumlah peron2 peron sisiJumlah jalur2Informasi lainStatusUnstaffedSitus webSitus web resmiSejarahDibuka1 April 1987Penum...
Public university with its main campus in Vincennes, Indiana For the similarly named university in Paris known as The Université de Vincennes à Saint-Denis, see Paris 8 University. Vincennes UniversityFormer nameJefferson Academy(1801–1806)MottoS'Instruire pour servirMotto in EnglishLearn in order to serveTypePublic baccalaureate collegeEstablished1801; 222 years ago (1801)FounderWilliam Henry HarrisonAccreditationHigher Learning CommissionPresidentCharles Chuck Joh...