センの潜在能力アプローチを発展させたものが、国際連合開発計画(UNDP)の人間開発指数(HDI:Human Development Index)である。HDIは、平均寿命、教育(識字率+就学率)、国民所得(一人当たりGDP)の3つの指標からなっている。最初、センは、1990年にパキスタンの経済学者マブーブル・ハックの提唱した生活の質や発展度合いを示す「シンプルな指標」であるHDIに難色を示した。その理由をセンは、「HDIの平均寿命・教育・国民所得も手段であって、目的そのものではない。目的は、人それぞれ多様なものであり、社会的・文化的背景によって異なる」と述べている。しかし、最終的にはセンも同意し協力メンバーの一人となった。HDIは1993年から国連年次報告「人間開発報告書(HDR)」の中で国連開発計画によって毎年発表されている。現在では、経済中心のGDPに代わる人間性を加味した指標として日本政府も注目している。
Sen, Amartya (1983). Choice, Welfare, and Measurement. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. ISBN9780631137962
Reprinted as: Sen, Amartya (1999). Choice, Welfare, and Measurement. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. ISBN9780674127784
Reviewed in the Social Scientist: Sanyal, Amal (October 1983). “"Choice, welfare and measurement" by Amartya Sen”. Social Scientist11 (10): 49–56. doi:10.2307/3517043. JSTOR3517043.
Sen, Amartya (1970). Collective Choice and Social Welfare (1st ed.). San Francisco, California: Holden-Day. ISBN9780816277650
Reprinted as: Sen, Amartya (1984). Collective Choice and Social Welfare (2nd ed.). New York: North-Holland Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Publishing Co.. ISBN9780444851277
Sen, Amartya (1997). Resources, Values, and Development. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. ISBN9780674765269
Sen, Amartya (1985). Commodities and Capabilities (1st ed.). New York: North-Holland Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Publishing Co.. ISBN9780444877307
Sen, Amartya; Foster, James E. (1997). On economic inequality. Radcliffe Lectures. Oxford New York: Clarendon Press Oxford University Press. ISBN9780198281931
Sen, Amartya; Drèze, Jean (1998). India, economic development and social opportunity. Oxford England New York: Clarendon Press Oxford University Press. ISBN9780198295280
Sen, Amartya; Suzumura, Kōtarō; Arrow, Kenneth J. (1996). Social Choice Re-examined: Proceedings of the IEA conference held at Schloss Hernstein, Berndorf, near Vienna, Austria. 2 (1st ed.). New York: St. Martin's Press. ISBN9780312127398
Sen, Amartya (1999). Development as Freedom. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN9780198297581
Sen, Amartya; Zamagni, Stefano; Scazzieri, Roberto (2008). Markets, money and capital: Hicksian economics for the twenty-first century. Cambridge, UK New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN9780521873215
Sen, Amartya (2010). The Idea of Justice. London: Penguin. ISBN9780141037851
Sen, Amartya; Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Fitoussi, Jean-Paul (2010). Mismeasuring our lives: why GDP doesn't add up: the report. New York: New Press Distributed by Perseus Distribution. ISBN9781595585196
Reprinted as: Sen, Amartya (2010), “Equality of what?”, in MacMurrin, Sterling M., The Tanner lectures on human values, 4 (2nd ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 195–220, ISBN9780521176415.
Sen, Amartya (1988), “The concept of development”, Handbook of development economics, 1, Amsterdam New York New York, N.Y., U.S.A: North-Holland Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Publishing Co., pp. 2–23, ISBN9780444703378.
Sen, Amartya (2004), “Capability and well-being”, The quality of life, New York: Routledge, pp. 30–53, ISBN9780415934411.
Reprinted in Sen, Amartya (2012), “Development as capability expansion”, The community development reader, New York: Routledge, ISBN9780415507769.
Sen, Amartya (2008), “"Justice" – definition”, The new Palgrave dictionary of economics (8 volume set) (2nd ed.), Basingstoke, Hampshire New York: Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN9780333786765. See also: The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.
Sen, Amartya (2008), “"Social choice" — definition”, The new Palgrave dictionary of economics (8 volume set) (2nd ed.), Basingstoke, Hampshire New York: Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN9780333786765. See also: The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.
^Sugden, Robert (September 1986). “"Commodities and Capabilities" by Amartya Sen”. The Economic Journal96 (383): 820–822. doi:10.2307/2232999. JSTOR2232999.