It can be named by its Schläfli symbol {4,35}, being composed of 3 6-cubes around each 5-face. It can be called a hepteract, a portmanteau of tesseract (the 4-cube) and hepta for seven (dimensions) in Greek. It can also be called a regular tetradeca-7-tope or tetradecaexon, being a 7 dimensional polytope constructed from 14 regular facets.
This configuration matrix represents the 7-cube. The rows and columns correspond to vertices, edges, faces, cells, 4-faces, 5-faces and 6-faces. The diagonal numbers say how many of each element occur in the whole 7-cube. The nondiagonal numbers say how many of the column's element occur in or at the row's element.[1][2]
Cartesian coordinates
Cartesian coordinates for the vertices of a hepteract centered at the origin and edge length 2 are
while the interior of the same consists of all points (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) with -1 < xi < 1.
This hypercube graph is an orthogonal projection. This orientation shows columns of vertices positioned a vertex-edge-vertex distance from one vertex on the left to one vertex on the right, and edges attaching adjacent columns of vertices. The number of vertices in each column represents rows in Pascal's triangle, being 1:7:21:35:35:21:7:1.
Coxeter, Regular Polytopes, (3rd edition, 1973), Dover edition, ISBN0-486-61480-8, p. 296, Table I (iii): Regular Polytopes, three regular polytopes in n-dimensions (n≥5)
H.S.M. Coxeter, Regular Polytopes, 3rd Edition, Dover New York, 1973, p. 296, Table I (iii): Regular Polytopes, three regular polytopes in n-dimensions (n≥5)
Kaleidoscopes: Selected Writings of H.S.M. Coxeter, edited by F. Arthur Sherk, Peter McMullen, Anthony C. Thompson, Asia Ivic Weiss, Wiley-Interscience Publication, 1995, ISBN978-0-471-01003-6[1]
(Paper 22) H.S.M. Coxeter, Regular and Semi Regular Polytopes I, [Math. Zeit. 46 (1940) 380-407, MR 2,10]
(Paper 23) H.S.M. Coxeter, Regular and Semi-Regular Polytopes II, [Math. Zeit. 188 (1985) 559-591]
(Paper 24) H.S.M. Coxeter, Regular and Semi-Regular Polytopes III, [Math. Zeit. 200 (1988) 3-45]