Way of the Warrior Kid is an upcoming American drama film directed by McG and written by Will Staples. It is based on the 2017 children's novel Way of the Warrior Kid: From Wimpy to Warrior the Navy SEAL Way by Jocko Willink. It stars Chris Pratt, who also serves as a producer, alongside Linda Cardellini, Jude Hill, Levi McConaughey, Ava Torres, Arlan Ruff, and Ellis Hobbs IV.
A bullied 11-year-old named Marc learns to find his inner warrior over one summer with the help of his Navy SEAL uncle Jake.[1]
In April 2024, a movie adaptation of the novel Way of the Warrior Kid: From Wimpy to Warrior the Navy SEAL Way by Jocko Willink was in development, with McG directing and producing, and Will Staples writing the screenplay. Chris Pratt was cast in the lead role.[1] In June, Skydance Media acquired worldwide rights to the film for $80–85 million, also joining it as a production company with distribution rights going to Apple Studios as part of their overall deal with Skydance.[2] In August, Linda Cardellini and Jude Hill joined the cast.[3] In September, Levi McConaughey and Ava Torres were added.[4] In October, Arlan Ruff and Ellis Hobbs IV rounded out the cast.[5]
Principal photography began on August 19, 2024 in Los Angeles but largely happened at RSI Locations in Pomona, CA. Some filming also occurred in San Diego in early-mid October 2024.[6]