Calls is a mysterythrilleranalog animated miniseries created by Fede Álvarez. The show is based on a French television series of the same name created by Timothée Hochet. The series is a co-production between Apple TV+ and French network Canal+, the latter being the production company behind the original French version. It premiered on Apple TV+ on March 19, 2021.[1] It received acclaim from critics and audiences. The series won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Motion Design.[2]
Told through a series of interconnected phone conversations, these conversations chronicle the mysterious story of a group of strangers whose lives are thrown into disarray in the lead-up to an apocalyptic event.
Calls allows "audiences to experience short stories through real-life audio sources and minimal visuals."[3]
On June 21, 2018, it was reported that Apple had given the production a series order for a first season consisting of ten episodes. The series, an English-language adaptation of original French series Calls, was created by original series creator Timothée Hochet. The show is a co-production between Apple TV+ and French network Canal+. Alongside Apple's series order announcement, it was confirmed that Apple had acquired the rights to the existing season of the original French series.[3][5][6]
Teleplay by : Fede Álvarez Based on a story by : Timothée Hochet
March 19, 2021 (2021-03-19)
A couple, Sara in New York, Tim in L.A. have a phone call. Their long distance relationship is not working and Tim has met someone else, Camila, and is trying to break up with Sara. Camila's baby goes missing suddenly, and she leaves the call. Sara then sees that someone is trying to break into the house. A horrified Sara calls 911 because the intruder does not look human, has incredibly long arms, and is huge. Sara is found mutilated by a deputy but abandons her, and leaves only Sara and Tim to say their final words, as earthquakes appear, people disappear, and everyone starts floating. Tim confesses that he cheated on Sara, and they say that they love each other, as the "sky opens up" and they are swallowed presumably. (NOTE: The calls take place on December 30th)
A man named Mark finds out his wife, Rose is having an kid without his knowledge. Stressed, he leaves his house and begins to drive, where Rose tells him to come back several times, but Mark refuses. Later, he gets a call from his friend that he has been gone for days, and then he receives a call from Rose saying that he's been gone for 6 months. Not believing what is happening, Mark calls his mom, where he finds out that he's been gone for 12 years, and his mom is now very sick. Finally, Mark receives a call from a 20-year old, where he finds it out that it is his son, who cries and tells him that he wants to meet for a beer. Mark realizes that it's only the calls that are strange, as in his point of view, his reality is still normal, and he goes back home for Rose. (The calls for him take place on Feb 9th near Phoenix, Arizona.)
A phone call from a neighbor changes the lives of Patrick and his wife Alexis, as they get caught up in a robbery, affair and betrayal. But who can really be trusted? (The phone calls take place on March 2nd in Pasadena.)
A divorcing couple, and the wife's sister, call back and forth. Each sister demands the attention of someone else, until ultimately painful truths are revealed. (The calls take place on March 29th, San Francisco.)
A call to 911 to confess a murder, gets crossed with a call from the recent past. Can the killer change the timeline and his own fate? (The calls take place on June 5th, Huntsville.)
Two grieving siblings have heard about mysterious phone calls that can cross time, and want to try and reach their mother in the past. But they didn't pay attention to how those Internet stories warned about the dangers of changing the past. (The calls take place on November 9th, between Ribbonwood and San Diego)
The passengers on Flight 908 are horrified by a news report that their plane was struck by lightning and crashed near Phoenix. (The calls take place December 30th over US Airspace.)
After the fate of Flight 908, a pair of physicists are trying desperately to figure out how and why phone calls are crossing the dimensional barrier. And it may involve an abandoned project from 1978. (The calls take place on December 30th, Azusa, Ithaca.)
The review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes reports that 95% of 20 reviews are positive for the series, with an average rating of 8.4/10. The critics consensus states, "Recalling the immersive serials of radio's heyday, Calls weaves a spooky mystery with terrific vocal performances and unsettling ambience — letting the visual storytelling play out in viewers' horrified imaginations."[7]