Wycaro 339 is the working title for an upcoming, and as-of-yet untitled, science fiction television series created by Vince Gilligan for Apple TV+. The series stars Rhea Seehorn, who previously worked with Gilligan on the AMC series Better Call Saul. Apple ordered two seasons of the series for Apple TV+, with the series expected to premiere sometime in 2025.
The series is set in a present-day Albuquerque, New Mexico that faced an abrupt change away from the world as it is known.[1]
Writing for the first season was interrupted by the 2023 WGA strike, but Gilligan and his writers' room regrouped in October 2023 to finish the last two episodes. The strike also pushed back the plans to begin shooting, possibly into the cold winter in Albuquerque, New Mexico.[1] In March 2024, Karolina Wydra was cast in the series as well.[4]
Filming ultimately began on the series by February 2024,[5] and finished in September 2024 after 7 months of production in Albuquerque, New Mexico under the possible codename Wycaro 339.[6]