The Village is an Indian Tamil-language horrorthriller television series created and directed by Milind Rau, for Amazon Prime Video. It was produced by B. S. Radhakrishnan, under Studio Shakthi Productions.
The story was initially based on Asvin Srivatsangam and Shamik Dasgupta's graphic horror novel of the same name, initially published by Yali Dream Creations. The principal characters of the series include Arya, Divya Pillai, Baby Aazhiya, Aadukalam Naren, George Maryan, Vettai Muthukumar, John Kokken, and Pooja Ramachandran. It premiered on 24 November 2023 and consisted of six episodes.[1][2]
Dr. Gautham Subramanian, his wife Neha, and their daughter Maya are on a road trip when their car breaks down near the isolated village of Kattiyal. Stranded and desperate for help, Gautham enters the village, only to stumble into a nightmare. The once-peaceful community seems to be overrun by bloodthirsty mutants who stalk the night. Determined to protect his family from the escalating horror, Gautham knows they must escape Kattiyal. But the village holds a dark secret, and as Gautham searches for answers, he uncovers a conspiracy that goes far beyond terrifying creatures. He soon realizes the mutants are connected to the village's troubled past, and a powerful corporation may be behind the sinister events unfolding. In a race against time, Gautham must not only find a way to save his family from the clutches of the mutants, but also unravel the horrifying truth that lies at the heart of Kattiyal, before it's too late.
The series was announced by Amazon Prime Video on 28 April 2022.[3] Actor Arya will next be seen in a Horror series titled The Village, which is based on Asvin Srivatsangam, Vivek Rangachari, and Shamik Dasgupta's graphic horror novel of the same name.[4]
The series is produced by BS Radhakrishnan under the Studio Shakthi Productions. Milind Rau of Netrikann (2021) fame, has directed and written the series.[citation needed]
Actor Arya play the a young doctor Gautham Subramanian. This is his debut role in a limited series.[5]Divya Pillai was cast as Gautham's wife Neha, Baby Aazhiya was cast as Neha and Gautham's daughter Maya.[citation needed]
The first poster was released in April 2022 featuring, The poster shows lead actors Arya. The first teaser was released on 9 November 2023.[6] The first trailer was released on 17 November 2023 and revealing the release date.[7][8]