Hostel Daze is an Indian Hindi-language comedy drama television series created by Saurabh Khanna and written by Abhishek Yadav, Suprith Kundar, Harish Peddinti, Talha Siddhiqui. Directed Raghav Subbu, it stars Adarsh Gourav, Luv Vispute, Shubham Gaur, Nikhil Vijay and Ahsaas Channa in lead roles.[1]Hostel Daze premiered on Amazon Prime Video on 13 December 2019. The series contains four seasons, with a total of 21 episodes of approximately 30 minutes each. Season 2 premiered on 23 July 2021, Season 3 premiered on 16 November 2022 and Season 4 premiered on 27 September 2023.[2]
The series follows four hostel friends in their first year: Jhantoo (Nikhil Vijay), Chirag (Luv), and Jaat (Shubham Gaur) are new students in campus and become roommates.[3]
Nikhil Vijay as Jatin Kishore aka "Jhantoo", who has been in college for a very long time and is currently the General Secretary of Hostel Affairs (G.S.H.A.).
Shubham Gaur as Rupesh Bhati aka "Jaat", who got admission in college by the large donation from his father
Adarsh Gourav (seasons 1-2) and Utsav Sarkar (seasons 3-4) as Ankit Pandey, Akanksha's Boyfriend and "DOPA" of the college.
Luv Vispute as Chirag Bansal, a shy and over-eager kid, who prefers cleanliness in contrast to his roommates.
Ahsaas Channa as Akanksha Pechkas Thakur, Ankit's girlfriend
Jessica Xalxo, writing for RollingStone India observed: "Instead of confronting the very real issues that students are faced with, Hostel Daze trivializes them to the point of tradition, normalization and acceptance. And in its portrayal of the truth lies an endorsement that feels both endemic and dangerous, beyond the trappings of the genre."[5]
Viral Fever remade the series in Tamil as Engga Hostel in January 2023 and in Telugu as Hostel Days in July 2023 which are also available on Amazon Prime Video.[6]