Jungle is a British hip hop drama television series created by Junior Okoli and Chas Appeti. It premiered on Amazon Prime Video on 30 September 2022.
The series follows the interconnected lives and struggles of strangers in a near-future, dystopian version of inner-city London, including a father trying to escape gang culture and a young mother going to great lengths to protect her children. It is a music-centric drama, told through a mixture of dialogue and rap, grime, and drill music.[1][2][3]
On 28 August 2020, Amazon Studios announced Jungle, a grime and drill hip hop drama series. The series was created and is executive produced by Junior Okoli and Chas Appeti, under their production company Nothing Lost.[5] Appeti previously directed music videos for UK hip hop artists, such as Tinchy Stryder, Chip, and Giggs, and Okoli was a music manager.[2] The two made a self-funded pilot episode, and began shopping it around to production companies, with Amazon Studios coming onboard.[3]