
运营方歐洲太空總署 · 俄羅斯航太
任務時長≥ 7個月[1]
制造方Astrium · 空中巴士
功率1,200 W 光伏陣列/1142 W·h 鋰離子電池[2]

羅莎琳·富蘭克林號(Rosalind Franklin)[4],原名火星地外生物探測車(ExoMars rover),是一輛計劃中的火星車,它是歐洲太空總署俄羅斯航太合作的火星地外生物探索專案的組成部分[5][6]。羅莎琳·富蘭克林號原定於2020年7月發射[7],但後來被推遲到2022年[8]







羅莎琳·富蘭克林號將搭載一台可鑽地2米的樣本採集鑽孔機以及分析實驗室抽屜(英語:Analytical Laboratory Drawer、ALD),支援「巴斯德酬載」科學儀器。它將尋找過去生命的生物分子生物標記[10][1][11][12][13]


羅莎琳·富蘭克林號的主要製造方空中巴士國防航天英國分部從2014年3月開始就積極地獲取關鍵的零部件[14]。2014年12月探測車的經費獲得歐洲太空總署成員國的批准[15],但因為資金不足原定的發射時間被推遲到2020年[16]。探測車的輪子和懸吊系統由加拿大MDA公司製造,費用則由加拿大太空總署支付[14]。每個輪子的直徑為25 cm(9.8英寸)[17]











為了協助探測車自動導航系統的研發和測試,位於英國斯蒂夫尼奇空中巴士國防航天分部的一座「火星場」於2014年3月27日對外開放。火星場長寬分別為30米(98英尺)和13米(43英尺) ,一共容納了300公噸(330短噸;300長噸)的砂石,以便模擬火星上的地質環境[28][29]







PanCam全景相機可為探測車繪製數字地形圖並且搜尋過去的生物標記[32]。在一些諸如撞擊坑或岩壁等不易抵達的地點,PanCam全景相機也能拍下高分辨率的照片,從而為其他科學儀器提供支持。此外PanCam全景相機還包括了一個校準目標(PCT),框標英语Fiducial marker(FidMs)以及探測車檢測鏡(RIM)。





火星有機分子分析儀(MOMA)是羅莎琳·富蘭克林號搭載的最大的科學儀器,安裝在分析實驗室抽屜(ALD)之中。它將在收集到的樣本中對有機分子進行高敏感度的全面搜尋。火星有機分子分析儀採用兩種不同的方法提取有機物:軟激光解吸英语Soft laser desorption和熱揮發。MOMA的研發工作由馬克斯·普朗克太陽系研究所帶領,國際合作夥伴包括NASA[40]質譜儀戈達德太空飛行中心提供,氣相色譜儀則由法國機構LISA和LATMOS提供。紫外線激光器由漢諾威激光器中心(德語:Laser Zentrum Hannover)研發[41]


CLUPI近距離圖像傳感器可以在近距離(50 cm/20英寸)內從岩石樣本獲取高分辨率圖像。CLUPI配備了兩面鏡子和一個校準目標。


這是在岩芯鑽英语Core drill內部的紅外光譜儀[42]。它透過觀測鑽孔側壁來研究地表下地層,以便了解水關聯礦物質的狀況和分布情況,以及火星的行星物理環境的特徵。為了能夠在科學上精確闡述火星岩石形成的原始條件,Ma_MISS的分析結果和數據將起到關鍵性的作用[5][43]






羅莎琳·富蘭克林號最大的優勢在於它能從火星地表下獲取並分析幾乎不受宇宙線影響的樣本。ExoMars岩芯鑽是意大利生產的,繼承了早前的DeeDri系統,而且包含了火星地表下研究多光譜圖像傳感器(Ma_MISS)[48]。它被設計為可在最深為2米(6英尺7英寸)的各種類型的土壤中獲取土壤樣本。岩芯鑽將提取直徑為1 cm(0.4英寸),長度為3 cm(1.2英寸)的岩芯樣本,然後把樣本放入分析實驗室抽屜(ALD)的岩芯樣本運輸機制(英語:Core Sample Transport Mechanism、CSTM)的樣本容器中。它將會完成兩次2米垂直探測實驗循環,其中每一次循環獲取四份樣本。這意味著岩芯鑽將獲取不少於17份樣本以進行下一輪的分析[49][50]





在原計劃中,X射線晶體儀(Mars-XRD)可應用X射線粉末衍射英语Powder diffraction來檢測晶體礦物質的成份[51][52]。此外該儀器的X射線熒光技術還可以提供關於原子組成的有用信息[53]。假如能夠檢測出碳酸根硫化物或其他水溶液礦物質的存在就意味著火星有能力保留生命的跡象。換句話說,X射線晶體儀可以探測火星過去的環境狀況,尤其是辨識生命存在的條件[33]

尤里仪原計劃是打算用於搜尋火星岩石及土壤中的有機化合物。運用昇華流程及毛細管電泳辨別氨基酸是有可能的,檢測方式可以用由激光激發的熒光,這是一種非常敏感的技術。這種檢測手段比起維京號登陸器生物實驗英语Viking lander biological experiments還要敏感一千倍以上[33][54][55]。尤里儀器以美國化學家哈羅德·尤里命名。






生命標記芯片(英語:Life Marker Chip、LMC)曾經是酬載計劃的一部分。這台儀器使用表面活性劑溶液提取火星岩石和土壤樣本中的有機物質,然後運用抗體化驗英语Assay來檢測某種特定的有機化合物是否存在[57][58][59]






  活跃探测车   不活跃   活跃着陆器   不活跃  未来
绿谷 (火星)



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Australian court case between Burger King and Hungry Jack's Burger King Corporation v Hungry Jack'sCourtNew South Wales Court of AppealFull case nameBurger King Corporation v Hungry Jack's Pty Ltd Decided21 June 2001Citation(s)[2001] NSWCA 187, (2001) 69 NSWLR 558Case historySubsequent action(s)Application for special leave to appeal to the High Court:[2002] HCATrans 180; appeal dismissed by consent: [2002] HCATrans 578Court membershipJudge(s) sittingShe...

هذه مقالة غير مراجعة. ينبغي أن يزال هذا القالب بعد أن يراجعها محرر مغاير للذي أنشأها؛ إذا لزم الأمر فيجب أن توسم المقالة بقوالب الصيانة المناسبة. يمكن أيضاً تقديم طلب لمراجعة المقالة في الصفحة المخصصة لذلك. (نوفمبر 2020) هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. ف...


هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (أكتوبر 2022) سيف زناتي سيف أبو عبد الله محمد الثاني عشر الزناتي النوع سيف بيد واحدة بلد الأصل المغرب الكبير، االأندلس تاريخ الاستخدام فترة الاستخدام القرون الوسطى المس...


List of events ← 1989 1988 1987 1990 in the Soviet Union → 1991 1992 1993 Decades: 1970s 1980s 1990s See also: History of the Soviet Union List of years in the Soviet Union List of events ← 1989 1988 1987 1990 in Russia → 1991 1992 1993 Decades: 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s See also: History of Russia Timeline of Russian history List of years in Russia The following lists events that happened during 1990 in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Incumbents President...

Artikel ini sudah memiliki referensi, tetapi tidak disertai kutipan yang cukup. Anda dapat membantu mengembangkan artikel ini dengan menambahkan lebih banyak kutipan pada teks artikel. (Pelajari cara dan kapan saatnya untuk menghapus pesan templat ini) Bagian dari seri mengenai Sejarah Indonesia Prasejarah Manusia Jawa 1.000.000 BP Manusia Flores 94.000–12.000 BP Bencana alam Toba 75.000 BP Kebudayaan Buni 400 SM Kerajaan Hindu-Buddha Kerajaan Kutai 400–1635 Kerajaan Tarumanagara 450&...


American politician Francis GriffithMember of the U.S. House of Representativesfrom Indiana's 4th districtIn officeDecember 6, 1897 – March 3, 1905Preceded byWilliam S. HolmanSucceeded byLincoln Dixon Personal detailsBorn(1849-08-21)August 21, 1849Moorefield, Indiana, U.S.DiedFebruary 8, 1927(1927-02-08) (aged 77)Vevay, Indiana, U.SPolitical partyDemocraticEducationFranklin College Francis Marion Griffith (August 21, 1849 – February 8, 1927) was an American educa...


1989年至1999年各國能源消耗量。 各國能源生產及消耗列表列出各國的能量總生產量及消耗量。 1 千兆BTU = 293 T千瓦·時 = 1.055 E焦耳 1 千兆 BTU/年 = 1.055 EJ/年 = 293 TW·h/年 國家 國家 能源生產量 (2014)(千兆BTU)[1] 能源消耗量 (2014)(千兆BTU)[1]  阿富汗 0.045 0.311  阿尔巴尼亚 0.093 0.114  阿尔及利亚 6.561 2.393  美属萨摩亚 0 0.005  安哥拉 3.802 0.326  安地卡及...

2003 American miniseries This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Julius Caesar miniseries – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (February 2020) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Julius CaesarWritten byPeter PruceCraig WarnerDirected byUli EdelStarringJeremy SistoRichar...


Domingo Pérez de Granada    Município   Símbolos Bandeira Brasão de armas Gentílico pereño, -ña Localização Domingo Pérez de GranadaLocalização de Domingo Pérez de Granada na Espanha Coordenadas 37° 29' 50 N 3° 30' 30 O País Espanha Província Granada Características geográficas Área total 18,37 km² População total (2021) [1] 862 hab. Densidade 46,9 hab./km² Código postal 18567 Código do INE 18915 Website ayuntam...


Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara Ke-27Tuan rumahNaypyidaw MyanmarMotoGreen, Clean, and FriendshipJumlah negara11Jumlah atlet4.730Jumlah disiplin460 dalam 37 cabang olahragaUpacara pembukaan11 Desember 2013Upacara penutupan22 Desember 2013Dibuka olehNyan TunWakil Presiden MyanmarDitutup olehNyan TunWakil Presiden MyanmarLokasi seremonialStadion Wunna TheikdiSitus webwww.27seagames2013.com← Jakarta Palembang 2011 Singapura 2015 → Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara XXVII (bahasa Burma:...

British video game developer Not to be confused with Team Ninja. Ninja Theory LimitedFormerlyJust Add Monsters Limited (2000–2004)TypeSubsidiaryIndustryVideo gamesFoundedMarch 2000; 23 years ago (2000-03)FoundersTameem AntoniadesNina KristensenMike BallHeadquartersCambridge, EnglandKey peopleDom Matthews(studio head)Jez San(non-executive director)Mike Ball(chief technology director)Nina Kristensen(chief development director)Tameem Antoniades(chief design director)Numb...


American politician John Dawson Jr.16th Mayor of CharlestonIn office1806–1808Preceded byCharles CochranSucceeded byBenjamin Boyd Personal detailsBorn(1765-07-08)July 8, 1765Charleston, South Carolina, British AmericaDiedJune 3, 1823(1823-06-03) (aged 57)Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.Spouse Mary Shubrick Huger ​(m. 1789)​Children3ProfessionMerchant, planter While serving as intendant of Charleston, Dawson lived at 84 Bull Street, Charleston, South Carolina...


For other uses, see Flag of India. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Flags of India. This is a list of flags used in India by various organizations. National flag Flag Date Use Description 1947–present National flag of India A horizontal tricolour of saffron at the top, white in the middle, and green at the bottom. In the centre is a navy blue wheel with twenty-four spokes, known as the Ashoka Chakra. Governmental flag Flag Date Use Description 1950–1971[1] Presidential Stand...

Fictional superhero This article is about the character known as Darna and Narda. For other characters given this name, as well as other uses, see Darna (disambiguation). Comics character DarnaPublication informationPublisherAce Publications[1]First appearancePilipino Komiks, #77 (May 13, 1950)Created byMars RaveloNestor RedondoIn-story informationAlter egoNardaSpeciesTransformed human / Marte-an (extra-terrestrial) meldPlace of originNarda: Earth (Philippines) Darna: Marte (Planet)Te...


1955 American filmRock'n Roll RevueLobby cardDirected byJoseph KohnProduced byBen FryeDistributed byStudio Films, Inc.Release date1955Running time69 min.CountryUnited StatesLanguageEnglish Big Joe Turner Rock'n Roll Revue is a 1955 American film directed by Joseph Kohn. The film was compiled for theatrical exhibition from the made-for-television short films produced by Snader and Studio Telescriptions, with newly filmed host segments by Willie Bryant.[1] The film is also known as Harl...


1949 filmMouse WreckersTitle cardDirected byCharles M. JonesStory byMichael MalteseProduced byEdward Selzer (uncredited)StarringMel BlancMusic byCarl StallingAnimation byLloyd VaughanKen HarrisPhil MonroeBen WashamLayouts byRobert GribbroekBackgrounds byPeter AlvaradoColor processTechnicolorProductioncompanyWarner Bros. CartoonsDistributed byWarner Bros. PicturesThe Vitaphone CorporationRelease date April 23, 1949 (1949-04-23) Running time6:55LanguageEnglish Mouse Wreckers is a...

Human settlement in EnglandGaytonThe village signGaytonLocation within NorfolkArea22.84 km2 (8.82 sq mi)Population1,432 2011• Density63/km2 (160/sq mi)OS grid referenceTF720190• London109 miles (175 km)Civil parishGaytonDistrictKings Lynn and West NorfolkShire countyNorfolkRegionEastCountryEnglandSovereign stateUnited KingdomPost townKING'S LYNNPostcode districtPE32Dialling code01553PoliceNorfolkFireNorfolkAmbulanceEast...


Alleged reforms of the Roman military in 107 BC Gaius Marius, depicted as a triumphator in a coin minted by Gaius Fundanius in 101 BC. He triumphed due to his victory in the Cimbric War.[1] Part of a series on theMilitary of ancient Rome 753 BC – AD 476 Structural history Army Unit types and ranks Decorations and punishments Legions Auxilia Generals Navy Fleets Admirals Campaign history Wars and battles Technological history Military engineering Castra Siege engines Triumphal a...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!