由於古典資本主義創立人亞當·斯密教授經常被錯誤地認為是市場原教旨主義的奉信者[41],因此他經常被當作自由放任資本主義的稻草人並受到批評[42],一些批評者聲稱亞當·斯密認為看不見的手(Unseeable Hand)而非封建主義國家及造物主 才應該為社會財富的增長負上責任,並且聲稱看不見的手這個概念已經成為了西方經濟學理論的核心[43],但其實這是對亞當·斯密所持有的觀點的誤解,事實上亞當·斯密並沒有把看不見的手這個概念置於其所創立的經濟學理論的核心,也沒有使用這個概念來試圖解釋所有經濟現象[44],而且作為自然神論者的亞當·斯密所提及的神之無形的手(Invisible Hand of God)可能暗指上帝所定立的法則 而非某種神秘的市場規律,此外, 亞當·斯密不但沒有主張完全對經濟發展放任不管[45],反而主張在某些情況下對貿易實施一些限制措施以保障國家安全[46],例如亞當·斯密曾經在其著作《國富論》中建議英國實施保護主義政策以保障該國國內的船業發展[47]。儘管亞當·斯密強烈反對重商主義和提倡自由貿易,不過他仍然支持國家提供公共教育和向藝術家提供補貼等等[48]。
一些反新自由主義者聲稱亞當·斯密支持貿易保護主義,藉此諷刺十分尊崇他的某些新自由主義者[53]。宣揚市場自由主義的智庫美國經濟研究所(英语:American Institute for Economic Research)的副高級研究員唐納德·J·布德羅(Donald J. Boudreaux)教授承認亞當·斯密曾經聲稱在少數的例外情況下 國家應該徵收關税,但布德羅特別指出亞當·斯密提到他認為實施這些措施這一舉動只是為了防止更嚴重的問題出現,而且實施這些措施這個舉動本身不會為經濟發展帶來好處,故此布德羅聲稱亞當·斯密仍然應該被視為堅定地提倡單邊自由貿易的經濟自由主義者[54]。
^Fred, Block. Market Fundamentalism. Longview Institute. [2023-01-20]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-15) (英语). Market Fundamentalism is the exaggerated faith that when markets are left to operate on their own, they can solve all economic and social problems.
^Glossary of Terms: Fu. Marxist Internet Archive. [2024-09-10] –通过Encyclopedia of Marxism (英语). Market fundamentalism is the dogmatic re-assertion of long-discredited theories of Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand, which no capitalist government or central bank would entertain in a fit. This kind of fundamentalism is found especially amongst small businessmen and middle managers of large to medium firms, who feel frustrated by the complexity of modern life, by the constant need to make compromises, take care of legalities, adhere to affirmative action policies, etc., etc..
^market fundamentalism. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. 2015-10-06 [2024-09-12](英语). Market fundamentalism (also known as free market fundamentalism) is a pejorative term applied to a strong belief in the ability of laissez-faire or free market policies to solve most economic and social problems.
^Quiggin, John. Rationalism and Rationality in Economics, 1999, On Line Opinion,www.onlineopinion.com.au
^Kozul-Wright, Richard and Rayment, Paul. The Resistible Rise of Market Fundamentalism: Rethinking Development Policy in an Unbalanced World. London: Zed Books Ltd., 2007 p. 14 and Chapter 6
^Egharevba, M.E.; Imphonopi, D.; Iruonagbe, C.T. Neoliberal Reforms, Healthcare and other Human Development Challenges in Nigeria(PDF). Global Journal of HUMAN-SOCIAL SCIENCE: F Political Science (Global Journals Inc. (USA)). 2015, 15 (2): 1-10. ISSN 2249-460X. The supposed goal of the neoliberal policy was to bring new prosperity by enhancing economic growth and reduction of poverty, but instead it brought about a drop in income and living standards of many poor people in developing countries through pushing for conservative economic policies that gave primacy to market fundamentalism such as free trade, unfettered flow of speculative capital, privatization of social security and the failure to strike a balance between the role of government and the market. Underlying the neoliberal approach was its conservative appeal to Adam Smith’s invisible hand which had the notion that markets and the pursuit of self interest would lead, as if by an invisible hand, to economic efficiency while ignoring the issue of inequitable distribution of income, non-economic values such as social justice, the environment, cultural diversity, universal access to healthcare and consumer protection (King, 1987). … Liberalism stems from the work of Adam Smith who, in the mid 1770s, advocated for a minimal role of government in economic matters so that trade can flourish. The mindset of liberal economics held sway for almost 200 years and was temporarily replaced in the 1930s by Keynesian economics which saw a place for government intervention.
^Gladstone, Brooke. The History of Free Market Fundamentalism in the US. WNYC Studios. Who Profits?. [2024-09-13] –通过On the Media (英语). Neoliberalism had been born in Austria. It was developed by a group of economists, two of whom were Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Farhat. … Now, in fairness to Von Hayak, he's not nearly as extreme as his later followers make him out to be. Von Hayak actually says, no, no, there is an appropriate role for government. For example, there is a role for government to stop pollution and deforestation. But in the hands of his followers, it becomes a much more black and white argument.
^Joseph E. Stiglitz: Moving beyond market fundamentalism to a more balanced economy. In: Annals of public and cooperative economics Bd. 80, H. 3, 2009, S. 345–360, ISSN0770-8548
^Martinez, Elizabeth; Garica, Arnoldo. What is Neoliberalism?. Corpwatch. (原始内容存档于2018-03-24) –通过National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (英语).
^Hickel, Jason. The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions. Windmill Books. 2018: 218. ISBN 978-1786090034. People commonly think of neoliberalism as an ideology that promotes totally free markets, where the state retreats from the scene and abandons all interventionist policies. But if we step back a bit, it becomes clear that the extension of neoliberalism has entailed powerful new forms of state intervention. The creation of a global 'free market' required not only violent coups and dictatorships backed by Western governments, but also the invention of a totalizing global bureaucracy – the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO and bilateral free-trade agreements – with reams of new laws, backed up by the military power of the United States.
^Ekanade, Olumide. The Dynamics of Forced Neoliberalism in Nigeria Since the 1980s. Journal of Retracing Africa (JORA). 2014-02-17, 1 (1) [2024-04-16]. ISSN 2168-0531. (原始内容存档于2023-10-31). More importantly, the proponents of neoliberal policies have confessed that they did not consider the African or Asian economic scenes when they propounded their economic manifesto, believing same to be valid for all places and at all times. The proponents also admit that liberalization does not necessarily imply a swing to market fundamentalism and a minimalist role for government. For instance, the sponsors of the Brett on Woods institutions ensure that neoliberalism coexists with strong protectionism and a desire to heavily subsidize some markets in the United States.
^Glossary of Terms: In. Marxist Internet Archive. [2024-09-10] –通过Encyclopedia of Marxism (英语). It is frequently said that Adam Smith used the invisible hand metaphor in reference to how the market price was determined, but this is a later interpretation of the concept which does not reflect Adam Smith’s view of market price. For Adam Smith the natural price was determined external to the market in the labour process, and the market superimposed fluctuations as a result of imbalances in supply and demand: '... market price will be liable to great fluctuations, will sometimes fall a good deal below, and sometimes rise a good deal above their natural price. In the other species of industry, the produce of equal quantities of labour being always the same, or very nearly the same, it can be more exactly suited to the effectual demand. While that demand continues the same, therefore, the market price of the commodities is likely to do so too, and to be either altogether, or as nearly as can be judged of, the same with the natural price. ... '
^Rothbard, Murray. An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought 1. Auburn, Alabama: Ludwig von Mises Institute. 2006: 435. ISBN 0-945466-48-X.已忽略未知参数|orig-date= (帮助)
^Rothbard, Murray. An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought 1. Auburn, Alabama: Ludwig von Mises Institute. 2006: 453. ISBN 0-945466-48-X.已忽略未知参数|orig-date= (帮助)