
德福雷斯特·凯利英语DeForest Kelley在《上岸假期英语Shore Leave (Star Trek)》(1967年)中饰演的伦纳德·麦科伊医生
饰演德福雷斯特·凯利英语DeForest Kelley

伦纳德·H·麦科伊(英語:Leonard H. McCoy),昵称“老骨头”(英語:Bones),是星际旅行系列中的一个角色。[1]德福雷斯特·凯利英语DeForest Kelley饰演或配音的首位麦科伊出现在《星际旅行》的初代电视剧动画片、前六部电影、《星际旅行:下一代》的试播集以及众多相关的小说、漫画与视频游戏中。[2]在2009年的电影《星际迷航》中,卡尔·厄本出演了这一角色。[3]


凯利曾与《星际旅行》的创始人吉恩·罗登伯里在之前的多部电视剧试播集中合作过,[4]罗登伯里将凯利视为饰演进取号星舰船医的最佳人选。[5]然而,由于试播集《囚笼英语The Cage (Star Trek)》(1964年)未能通过,罗登伯里遂采用了导演英语television directorRobert Butler英语Robert Butler (director)的建议,启用了John Hoyt出演Philip Boyce医生。[6]在第二齣试播集《前人未至之境英语Where No Man Has Gone Before》(1966年)中,罗登伯里接受了导演James Goldstone的建议,让Paul Fix出演Mark Piper医生。[7]尽管罗登伯里希望让凯利来出演船医的角色,但他从未将凯利的姓名提交给NBC;该电视网从未“拒绝”过罗登伯里所推荐的演员。[5]

凯利第一次公开出演伦纳德·麦科伊医生是在《男性陷阱英语The Man Trap》(1966年)中。尽管他的角色非常突出,但凯利的合同却只授予他“主演”(featuring)的名衔;直到第二季时,在制片人Robert Justman的强力主张下,他才成为“领衔主演”(starring)。[8]凯利对《星际旅行》的未来感到担忧,他对罗登伯里说,这个节目“不是上帝造万物以来最大的成功,就是最大的失败”。[9][10]凯利在整部初代《星际旅行》电视剧中都扮演麦科伊,并在后来的动画版《星际旅行》中继续为该角色配音。[1]

凯利年轻时曾希望成为一名医生,[11]他的生活经历在某种程度上帮助他塑造了麦科伊这一角色:一位医生曾经“语气平淡地”[12]将凯利母亲罹患癌症的消息告诉了他,这段经历成为了凯利塑造麦科伊形象的“磨料砂”。[13][14]《星际旅行》编剧D. C. Fontana曾提到,尽管罗登伯里创造了整个系列,但凯利才是麦科伊的实际创造者;这个角色的一举一动都是凯利心血的凝集。[10]对凯利而言,这项工作本身就是一场“折磨”(grueling)。[15]





麦科伊出生于2227年,[2]毕业于密西西比大学[2]是一名离了婚的男子。[27]2266年,麦科伊成为了詹姆斯·T·柯克上校指挥的进取号星舰的总医官。[2]麦科伊和柯克是“兄弟般”(brotherly)的朋友。[10]脾气急躁、不时喜欢吵架的麦科伊经常同柯克的另一位知己——科学官斯波克争吵,[1]他有时会对斯波克的瓦肯传统抱有偏见。[28]麦科伊通常充当着柯克的良心,与斯波克的逻辑思维形成了鲜明的对比。[1]麦科伊对科技怀有疑心,[29]特别是传送器英语Transporter (Star Trek)[2]作为一名医生,他尽可能地不对病人实施侵入式治疗,并且相信人体有着自我痊愈的能力。[1]麦科伊的昵称“Bones”来自于“sawbones”一词,后者是英语中对外科医生的俚称(“saw bones”可直译成“锯骨者”)。[30]

在《星际旅行:无限太空》(1979年)中,柯克将麦科伊召回了星际舰队;[2]满腹忿恨的麦科伊说自己是被人“拖回来”(drafted)的。[31]在《星际旅行II:可汗怒吼》中,斯波克在赴死前将带有其知识与经验的“灵魂”(katra)传给了麦科伊。[2]这为麦科伊带来了极大的精神痛苦,他在《星际旅行III:石破天惊》(1984年)中与众人协力让斯波克的“灵魂”返回到了其复活的身体中。[2]在《星际旅行IV:抢救未来》(1986年)的尾幕中,麦科伊成为了柯克指挥的联邦星舰进取号A的船员。[2]在《星际旅行VI:未来之城》(1991年)里,麦科伊与柯克从克林贡的一处监狱星球中逃了出来,与其他进取号船员们一同阻止了破坏星际联邦与克林贡帝国和谈的阴谋。[2]在《星际旅行:下一代》(1987年)的试播集《远点遭遇战》中,凯利再度出演了这一角色,在这次出演中,他只收取了银幕演员公会英语Screen Actors Guild规定的最低报酬。[32]1999年,德福雷斯特·凯利逝世,他的死让DC漫画在一册故事中记载了麦科伊的死亡。[來源請求]

在《星际旅行》动画片的《幸存者》(The Survivor)一集中,伦纳德·麦科伊提到他有一个女儿。



麦科伊是柯克倾诉的对象,是斯波克衬托者英语foil (literature)[8]饰演柯克助手Janice RandGrace Lee Whitney认为,麦科伊是柯克的“朋友、私人酒保、心腹之交、顾问和牧师”。[34]厄本认为,麦科伊的“急躁脾气是其真情实感的流露,是他为了做对事情的努力”,[35]“柯克得益于斯波克的逻辑思维与麦科伊的道德观念,同时有着三个头脑来为他出谋划策。”[36][37]Jennifer Porter与Darcee McLaren写到,在《星际旅行》中,麦科伊是“无理的成见、固执且一厢情愿的想法、感情用事、否认与压抑以及无法避免的过度焦虑”[38]如何损害“科学的理性”[39]的一个“非故意的”(unintentional[28]案例。[40]




麦科伊通常会用“他死了”(He's dead)、“他死了,吉姆”(He's dead, Jim)或其他类似的语句来宣布某人或某生物的死亡;该短语被认为是麦科伊的“招牌台词”。[45][46][47][48]麦科伊的这句台词已经进入了流行文化的隐喻中,用以比喻各种各样毫无同情心的机器电路;[49]例如为计算机系统添加警告音频的教程,[50]在一齣动作英雄游戏中,这句话被用于提示玩家的对手已被消灭。[51]麻省理工学院文学系助理教授Henry Jenkins亦引用了麦科伊的台词“他死了,吉姆”来作为爱好者们积极参与创造前卫文化的案例:在构建新式神话与新社会群体时,他们通过重复经典台词来获取愉悦感。[52]凯利曾开玩笑说,这句台词将会出现在他的墓碑上。[48]


麦科伊多次使用的“我是医生,不是……”(I'm a doctor, not a(n)...)句式是《星际旅行》的另一句流行语。[53]在许多集中,当麦科伊必须执行与医学技能不相关的任务时,他就会说出这句话;比如在〈黑夜魔鬼英语Devil in the Dark〉(1967年)一集中,当他面对着罕见的基外星人“霍塔”时,就出现了这样的“经典场景”。[54][55]星际旅行:深空九号》中的医生朱利安·巴希尔亚历山大·希迪希)与《星际旅行:航海家号》中的医生罗伯特·皮卡尔多)都曾使用过该句式的变体;此外,还有许多其他的电视剧使用了该句式,例如《神秘博士》、[56]星际之门:亚特兰蒂斯英语Stargate Atlantis[57]以及《机器鸡》。[58]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Asherman, Alan. The Star Trek Compendium. 1993-05-01. ISBN 978-0671796129. 
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 Okuda, Mike and Denise Okuda, with Debbie Mirek. 星际旅行百科全书英语The Star Trek Encyclopedia. 口袋书店. 1999. ISBN 0-671-53609-5. 
  3. ^ And Karl Urban as McCoy!. Viacom. 2007-10-17 [2009-01-26]. (原始内容存档于2010-07-03). 
  4. ^ DeForest Kelley profile at Startrek.com. [2009-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2010-07-08). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Solow, Herbert; Robert Justman. Inside Star Trek The Real Story. Simon & Schuster. 1997年6月: 152. ISBN 0-671-00974-5. 
  6. ^ Solow, Herbert; Robert Justman. Inside Star Trek The Real Story. Simon & Schuster. 1997年6月: 37. ISBN 0-671-00974-5. 
  7. ^ Solow, Herbert; Robert Justman. Inside Star Trek The Real Story. Simon & Schuster. 1997年6月: 75. ISBN 0-671-00974-5. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Solow, Herbert; Robert Justman. Inside Star Trek The Real Story. Simon & Schuster. 1997年6月: 240. ISBN 0-671-00974-5. 
  9. ^ 原文:“going to be the biggest hit or the biggest miss God ever made”.
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Rioux, Terry Lee. From Sawdust to Stardust: The Biography of DeForest Kelley, Star Trek's Dr. McCoy. Simon & Schuster. 2005: 146. ISBN 9780743457620. 
  11. ^ Star Trek's Dr McCoy dies. BBC. 1999-06-11 [2009-01-26]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-06). 
  12. ^ 原文:“matter-of-fact”.
  13. ^ 原文:“abrasive sand”.
  14. ^ Rioux, Terry Lee. From Sawdust to Stardust: The Biography of DeForest Kelley, Star Trek's Dr. McCoy. Simon & Schuster. 2005: 145. ISBN 9780743457620. 
  15. ^ Rioux, Terry Lee. From Sawdust to Stardust: The Biography of DeForest Kelley, Star Trek's Dr. McCoy. Simon & Schuster. 2005: 156. ISBN 9780743457620. 
  16. ^ 原文:“Exquisite chemistry”.
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 Rioux, Terry Lee. From Sawdust to Stardust: The Biography of DeForest Kelley, Star Trek's Dr. McCoy. Simon & Schuster. 2005: 154. ISBN 9780743457620. 
  18. ^ 原文:“sassy gentleman friend”.
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 19.2 Orci & Kurtzman: How Star Trek deals with Kirk, Spock and McCoy. 科幻电报. 2009-03-25 [2009-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2009-04-27). 
  20. ^ 原文:“extreme logic, extreme science”.
  21. ^ 原文:“extreme emotion and intuition”.
  22. ^ 原文:“a very colorful doctor, essentially a very humanistic scientist”.
  23. ^ 原文:“two extremes that often served as the glue that held the trio together.”
  24. ^ 原文:“a little dismissive”.
  25. ^ 原文:“great compassion for humanity and that sense of irascibility”.
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 Karl Urban. IESB.net. 2008-01-17 [2009-01-26]. (原始内容存档于2009-03-17). 
  27. ^ Okuda, Michael; Denise Okuda. Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future. Pocket Books. 1996. ISBN 0-671-53610-9. 
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 Porter, Jennifer E.; Darcee L. McLaren. Star Trek and Sacred Ground. SUNY Press. 1999: 58. ISBN 9780791443347. 
  29. ^ Bruno, Mike. Abrams' 'Trek' Casts Kirk and Bones. 娱乐周刊. 2007-10-18 [2009-01-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-07). 
  30. ^ Schnakenberg, Robert. Sci-Fi Baby Names: 500 Out-of-This-World Baby Names from Anakin to Zardoz. Quirk Books. 2007. ISBN 9781594741616. 
  31. ^ 剧本:Harold Livingston,故事:Alan Dean Foster,导演:Robert Wise. Star Trek: The Motion Picture. 1979. Your revered Admiral Nogura invoked a little-known, seldom-used 'reserve activation clause.' In simpler language, Captain, they drafted me. 
  32. ^ Nemeck, Larry. Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion. 口袋书店. 2003-01-07. ISBN 978-0743457989. 
  33. ^ Burr, Ty. Star Trek. 波士顿环球报: 1. 2009-05-05 [2009-05-06]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-30). 
  34. ^ Whitney, Grace Lee; James D. Denney. The Longest Trek: My Tour of the Galaxy. Quill Driver Books. 1998: 84. ISBN 9781884956034. friend, personal bartender, confidante, counselor and priest 
  35. ^ 原文:“sense of irascibility with real passion for life and doing the right thing”.
  36. ^ 原文:“Spock's logic and McCoy's moral standing gave Kirk the benefit of having three brains instead of just one.”
  37. ^ Urban On Star Trek & McCoy. Sci Fi Pulse. 2008-07-18 [2009-01-26]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-05). 
  38. ^ 原文:“irrational prejudices and fixations, wishful thinking and emotional reasoning, denial and repression, and unresolved neurotic disturbances”.
  39. ^ 原文:“scientific rationality”.
  40. ^ Porter, Jennifer E.; Darcee L. McLaren. Star Trek and Sacred Ground. SUNY Press. 1999: 51. ISBN 9780791443347. 
  41. ^ Shatner, William. Up Till Now: The Autobiography. Macmillan. 2008: 149. ISBN 9780312372651. 
  42. ^ Hoad, Phil. JJ Abrams's Star Trek: we have liftoff. 2009-05-27 [2009-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-20). unqualified success 
  43. ^ Dargis, Manohla. A Franchise Goes Boldly Backward. 纽约时报. 2009-05-08 [2009-05-07]. (原始内容存档于2009-05-11). wild eyed and funny 
  44. ^ Stevens, Dana. Go See Star Trek. Slate.com. 2009-05-06 [2009-05-07]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-15). 
  45. ^ 原文:“trademark line”.
  46. ^ Porter, Jennifer E. Star Trek and Sacred Ground: Explorations of Star Trek, Religion, and American Culture. Darcee L. McLaren. SUNY Press. 1999: p127. ISBN 0791443345. 
  47. ^ Amesly, Cassandra. How to Watch Star Trek. Cultural Studies: Volume 3, Number 3. John Fiske (ed.). Routledge. 1990: 68–69 [2009-04-07]. ISBN 0415037433. (原始内容存档于2015-03-26). Equally part of typical episodes are a series of lines that fans readily recognize: some that are favorites in particular episodes (such as the 'accoutrements' cited in the beginning commentary) and some which are closely identified with characters: Dr McCoy says, 'He's dead, Jim,' and 'I'm a doctor, not a — '; Spock remarks 'Fascinating' to occurrences which appear likely to kill or maim the crew…' 
  48. ^ 48.0 48.1 Kaplan, Anna L. Obituary: DeForest Kelley. Cinefantastique. October 1999, 31 (8): 62 [2009-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-26). Dr. McCoy's signature lines, "He's dead, Jim", and "I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer", will never be forgotten. In fact, Kelley joked that the line, "He's dead, Jim", would be written on his tombstone. 
  49. ^ Miller, Michael. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Home Theater Systems. Alpha Books. 2000: 210. ISBN 0028639391. 
  50. ^ Pogue, David. Mac OS X: The Missing Manual. O'Reilly Press. 2002: 210. ISBN 0596004508. 
  51. ^ Borgenicht, David. The Action Hero's Handbook. Quirk Books. 2002: 42. ISBN 193168605X. 
  52. ^ Jenkins, Henry. Textual Poachers: Television Fans & Participatory Culture. Routledge. 1992: 76. ISBN 0415905729. 
  53. ^ Butt, Miriam; Kyle Wohlmut. The Thousand Faces of Xena: Transculturality Through Multi-Identity. Globalization, Cultural Identities, and Media Representations. Natascha Gentz (ed.), Stefan Kramer (ed.). SUNY Press. 2006: 83 [2009-04-07]. ISBN 0791466833. (原始内容存档于2020-08-05). each character's role is clearly defined by his or her position on the ship, so much so that one of the show's many catchphrases was Dr. McCoy's recurring line, 'I'm a doctor, not a . . .' 
  54. ^ 原文:“classic moment”.
  55. ^ Lass, Martin; Rickie Hilder. The Discovery of Chiron. Musings of a Rogue Comet: Chiron, Planet of Healing 2nd. Galactic Publications. 2002: 212 [2009-04-07]. ISBN 097159242X. (原始内容存档于2020-08-04). 
    引文:“有一处经典场景(《黑夜魔鬼英语Devil in the Dark》一集),当麦科伊要去执行一项挑战性的任务——去治愈一头主要由石块而不是血肉构成的生物时,他大叫到:‘我是医生,不是砖匠!’”
    原文:“In a classic moment (episode: 'The Devil in the Dark'), McCoy, challenged with healing a being that was made more of rock than flesh, spouts out, 'I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer!'”
  56. ^ Van Heerden, Bill. Film and Television In-Jokes. McFarland. July 1998: 227 [2009-04-07]. ISBN 0786404566. (原始内容存档于2015-03-26). The Doctor has often used the "I'm a doctor, not a..." line popularized in the original Star Trek series by Dr. McCoy. 
  57. ^ The Brotherhood. Stargate: Atlantis. 第1季. 第14集. 2005-01-03. Sci Fi Channel. 
  58. ^ The Munnery. Robot Chicken. 第2季. 第12集. 2006-09-24. Cartoon Network. 


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Public comprehensive school in Kogarah, New South Wales, AustraliaKogarah High SchoolAddressGladstone StreetKogarah, New South WalesAustraliaInformationTypePublic comprehensiveMottoLatin: Honor Super Omnia(Honour Above All)Established1891PrincipalJulie RossGrades7–12GenderCo-educational-boys and girlsWebsitekogarah-h.schools.nsw.gov.au Kogarah High School, Regent Street Kogarah High School is a comprehensive co-educational school that’s located in Kogarah, a southern suburb of Sydney, New...

Naval unit of the French Imperial Guard Sailors/Seaman of the Imperial GuardQuartermaster of the Sailors of the Imperial GuardActive29 July 1804–23 April 181429 May 1815–4 September 1815Country First French EmpireBranch French Imperial ArmyTypeArtillery SupportSizeInitially 4 x Companies, later expanded to 8Part ofOld Guard, Imperial GuardEngagements Napoleonic Wars Battle of Austerlitz Dos de Mayo Uprising Battle of Bailen Battle of Beresina Battle of Waterloo Military unit The...


Political party in Gabon Politics of Gabon Constitution Human rights Government President Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema (transitional) Vice President Vacant Prime Minister Raymond Ndong Sima Parliament Senate President: Paulette Missambo National Assembly President: Jean-François Ndongou Administrative divisions Provinces Departments Cantons and communes Elections Recent elections Presidential: 20162023 Parliamentary: 20182023 Political parties Foreign relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mi...


1918 silent film by Raymond B. West BlindfoldedBessie Barriscale, Joseph J. Dowling, and an unknown actorDirected byRaymond B. WestWritten byRichard SchayerProduced byParalta PlaysStarringBessie BarriscaleCinematographyClyde De VinnaDistributed byW. W. Hodkinson CorporationRelease date April 15, 1918 (1918-04-15) Running time5 reelsCountryUnited StatesLanguageSilent (English intertitles) Blindfolded is a 1918 American silent crime drama film directed by Raymond B. West and star...

19th-century nickname for Manchester, England Manchester's Royal Exchange Cottonopolis was a 19th-century nickname for Manchester, as it was a metropolis and the centre of the cotton industry.[1][2] The Manchester warehouse which we lately visited, was a building fit for the Town Hall of any respectable municipality; a stately, spacious, and tasteful edifice; rich and substantial as its respectable proprietors, the well-known firm of Banneret and Co. There are nearly a hundred...


Science fiction by Emily Tesh Some Desperate Glory AuthorEmily TeshLanguageEnglishGenreScience FictionPublisherTordotcomPublication date2023Pages448ISBN978-1-250-83498-0Some Desperate Glory is a science fiction novel by Emily Tesh, with political themes and thrilling action, according to reviewers. It was published in 2023 by Tordotcom. Reception According to Lisa Tuttle, writing for The Guardian: The well-told story combines thrilling action with more thoughtful content, touching on such hot...


American production company Skydance Media, LLCFormerlySkydance Productions (2006–2016)TypePrivateIndustryEntertainmentFoundedApril 4, 2006; 17 years ago (2006-04-04)FounderDavid EllisonHeadquartersSanta Monica, California, U.S.Area servedGlobalKey peopleDavid Ellison (CEO and chairman)Dana Goldberg (CCO)Don Granger (EVP of Feature Productions)Jesse Sisgold (President and COO)Larry Wasserman (CFO)Products Animation Motion pictures Television Video games/Interactive Games B...

Group of islands in the Philippines Camotes IslandsCamotes islandsMap showing location of Camotes islands within the PhilippinesShow map of VisayasCamotes islandsCamotes islands (Philippines)Show map of PhilippinesGeographyLocationCamotes SeaCoordinates10°40′N 124°24′E / 10.67°N 124.4°E / 10.67; 124.4ArchipelagoCamotes IslandsTotal islands4 (habitable)Major islandsPacijanPonsonPoroArea236.36 km2 (91.26 sq mi)Highest elevation3...


1939 film Nancy Drew... ReporterTheatrical release posterDirected byWilliam ClemensWritten byKenneth GametBased onNancy Drewby Mildred BensonProduced byBryan FoyHal B. WallisJack L. WarnerStarringBonita GranvilleJohn LitelFrankie ThomasMary LeeDickie JonesLarry WilliamsCinematographyArthur EdesonEdited byFrank DeWarMusic byHeinz RoemheldProductioncompanyWarner Bros.Distributed byWarner Bros.Release date February 18, 1939 (1939-02-18) Running time68 minutesCountryUnited StatesLa...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!