Ерменците зборуваат на ерменски јазик. Постојат два главни дијалекти на јазикот: источноерменски, главно зборуван во Ерменија, Иран и во поранешните советски републики, и западноерменски, зборуван во дијаспората.
Тие се христијанизирани во раниот 4 век. Аршакунска Ерменија била првата христијанска нација во светот. Христијанството помеѓу Ерменците почнало да се шири веднаш по смрта на Исус Христос. Двајцата свети Апостоли Тадеј и Бартоломеј започнуваат да го шират христијанството меѓу Ерменците[21][22] кои се припадници на Ерменската Апостолска Црква, која е монофизитска црква.
↑ 2,02,1Miniature Empires: A Historical Dictionary of the Newly Independent States - Page 3 by James B Minahan
↑2005 estimate. The Nationmaster.com page on Armenia gives 93% ethnic Armenians in an estimated national population of 3,326,448 (20 јули,03 estimate), which would yield 3,093,000. It also notes that the population of Azeris in Armenia has been rapidly dropping in recent years. The National Geographic Atlas of the World, Seventh Edition (1999) puts the population of Armenia at 3,800,000. 93% would yield a total around 3,500,000. However, Countrywatch gives a total national population of only 2,935,400 (2004). The CIA gives a similarly low 2,982,904 (20 јули,05 estimate)Архивирано на 19 јули 2010 г.. We have gone approximately with the latter estimates as more recent and at least comparably authoritative.
↑ 6,06,12000 American CensusАрхивирано на 12 февруари 2020 г. presents official data from the 2000 U.S. Census (including state-by-state data), which states that there are 385,488 people of Armenian ancestry currently living in the United States. The 2001 Canadian CensusАрхивирано на 9 април 2013 г. determined that there are 40,505 persons of Armenian ancestry currently living in Canada. However, these are liable to be low numbers, since people of mixed ancestry, very common in North America tend to be under-counted: the 1990 census U.S. indicates 149,694 people who speak Armenian at home. The Armenian Embassy in CanadaАрхивирано на 26 август 2006 г. estimates 1 million ethnic Armenians in the U.S. and 100,000 in Canada. The Armenian Church of America makes a similar estimateАрхивирано на 4 март 2016 г.. By all accounts, over half of the Armenians in the United States live in California.
↑Georgia: The State Department for Statistics of Georgia: 248,900 represents 5.7 % ethnic Armenians in an estimated national population of 4,371,500 (The Official data of 2002). The World Factbook: 267,000 represents 5.7 % ethnic Armenians in an estimated national population of 4,693,892 (20 јули,04 est.). Nationmaster.com: Georgia: 400,000 represents 8.1% ethnic Armenians in an estimated national population of 4,934,413 (The Official data of 1989).
↑The Encyclopedia of the Orient states that 160,000 Apostolic Armenians and 30,000 Catholic Armenians live in Syria. That number together makes up 190,000.
↑The Encyclopedia of the OrientАрхивирано на 29 септември 2018 г. states that 120,000 Apostolic Armenians and 20,000 Catholic Armenians live in Lebanon. That number together makes up 140,000.
↑Nationmaster.com:Azerbaijan: 156,000 represents 2% ethnic Armenians in an estimated national population of 7,830,764 (20 јули,03 est.) combined with the note "almost all Armenians live in the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh region".
Some of the information about the history of the Armenians comes from the multi-volume History of the Armenian People, Yerevan, Armenia, 1971.
Напредна литература
George A. Bournoutian, A History of the Armenian People, 2 vol. (1994)
George A. Bournoutian, A Concise History of the Armenian People (Mazda, 2003, 2004).
I. M. Diakonoff, The Pre-History of the Armenian People (revised, trans. Lori Jennings), Caravan Books, New York (1984), ISBN 0-88206-039-2.
Russell D. Gray and Quentin D. Atkinson, "Language-tree divergence times support the Anatolian theory of Indo-European origin", Nature, 426, 435-439 (2003)