"Essay on the History and Genius of the Grecian Race"
"Essay on Geology"
"Aristomenes the Messenian"
The Knickerbocker, 1843年、「アクアリウス」名義
"Thoughts on Niagara"
The Knickerbocker, 1843年、「アクアリウス」名義
"Mind or instinct, an inquiry concerning the manifestation of mind by the lower orders of animals"
The Knickerbocker, 1843年、「アクアリウス」名義
"Vision of Kar-is-ta-gi-a, a sachem of Cayuga"
The Knickerbocker, 1844年、「アクアリウス」名義
"An Essay on the Constitutional Government of the Six Nations of Indians"
未刊行、 the New York Historical Society所蔵
The League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee or Iroquois
Sage and Brothers, Rochester.
Report to the Regents of the University upon the articles furnished to the Indian collection
the Third Annual Report of the Regents of the University of the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History and the Historical and Antiquarian Collection Annexed Thereto.
"Diffusion against centralization"
Read to the Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics' Association and published by D.M. Dewey.
"The Laws of Descent of the Iroquois"
Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Volume XI. Read before the society.
"The Indian Method of Bestowing and Changing Names"
Proceedings of American Association for the Advancement of Science, Volume XIII.
The American Beaver and his Works
J.B. Lippincott and Company, Philadelphia.
"A Conjectural Solution of the Origin of the Classificatory System of Relationship"
Proceedings American Academy of Arts & Sciences, February, Volume VII.
"The Stone and Bone Implements of the Arickarees"
In the 21st Annual Report on the State Cabinet, Albany.
Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family
the Smithsonian Institute.
"Australian Kinship"
Proceedings American Academy of Arts and Sciences, March, Volume VIII.
"Montezuma's Dinner"
North American Review, 4月号
"Houses of the Mound Builders"
North American Review, 7月号
Ancient Society
Henry Holt and Company, New York.
"On the Ruins of a Stone Pueblo on the Animas River in New Mexico, with a ground plan"
the 12th Annual Report, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge, MA.
"Objects of an Expedition to New Mexico and Central America"
Paper given to the Archaeological Institute of America, Boston, in March.
"A Study of the Houses of the American Aborigines, with a scheme of exploration of the Ruins in New Mexico and elsewhere"
the 1st Annual Report of the Archaeological Institute of America.
Houses and House-life of the American Aborigines
In Contributions to North American Ethnology, Volume IV, published by the United States Geological Survey.
^『The White Man’s Indian: Images of the American Indian from Columbus to the Present』Robert F. Berkhofer, Jr., (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978)
^『‘SOMETHING MORE THAN AN INDIAN’: Carlos Montezuma And Wassaja,the Dual Identity of an Assimilationist and Indian Rights Activist』(Olympia Sosangelis,Simmons College Boston, MA, 2008)
^ 『Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto』,Jr. Vine Deloria
^『The Vanishing American: White Attitudes and the U.S. Indian Policy』(Brian W. Dippie, Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1991)
^『A Final Promise: The Campaign to Assimilate the Indians』(Frederick E. Hoxie, ,1880-1920, Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1984)- 原典はパウエルが1880年3月23日にヘンリー・テイラー上院議員に書き送った書簡(Manuscript No. 3751, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.)による
^Knight, C. 2008. Early Human Kinship Was Matrilineal. In N. J. Allen, H. Callan, R. Dunbar and W. James (eds.), Early Human Kinship. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 61 - 82.
『‘SOMETHING MORE THAN AN INDIAN’: Carlos Montezuma And Wassaja,the Dual Identity of an Assimilationist and Indian Rights Activist』Olympia Sosangelis,Simmons College Boston, MA、2008年
Robert F. Berkhofer Jr.『The White Man’s Indian: Images of the American Indian from Columbus to the Present』New York: Alfred A. Knopf、1978年