Short title, or popular name | Citation | Royal assent |
Long title |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act anent the dishereising and inhabilitie of the brether and posteritie of the erle of Gowrie. [c]Act regarding the disinheriting and inability of the brother and posterity of the Earl of Gowrie.[c] |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act aboleissing the surname of Ruthven. Act abolishing the surname of Ruthven. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
The fyft day of August appointit yeirlie for solempne thankis geving in all tyme cummyng. The Fifth day of August appointed yearly for solemn thanksgiving in all time coming.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act of annexatioun of the foirfaltit landis and utheris to the Crowne. Act of annexation of the forfeited lands and others to the Crown. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act in favouris of Sir Thomas Erskene. [e]Act in favour of Sir Thomas Erskine.[e] |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act in favouris of the said Sir Thomas Erskene [e] of ane yeirlie pensioun of tuelf chalderis victuall. Act in favour of the said Sir Thomas Erskine of a yearly pension of twelve chalders of victual. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act in favouris of Sir Hew Heres anent his pensioun of tuentie chalderis victuall. Act in favour of Sir Hugh Herries regarding his pension of twenty chalders of victual. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act in favouris of Sir Johne Ramsay anent ane infeftment to be maid to him of the landis of Eist Barnis. Act in favour of Sir John Ramsay regarding an infeftment to be made to him of the lands of East Barns. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act in favouris of Sir Hew Heres anent ane infeftment to be maid to him of the landis of Cowsland and tuentie chalderis victuall furth of Scone. Act in favour of Sir Hugh Herries regarding an infeftment to be made to him of the lands of Cousland, and twenty chalders of victual out of Scone. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act in favouris of the vassellis of the erldome of Gowrie. Act in favour of the vassals of the earldom of Gowrie. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act in favouris of James Lundy. Act in favour of James Lundie. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Anent dissolutioun of the coilhewchis of the propirtie and landis quhair demolessit strenthis and castellis wer biggit of auld. Regarding dissolution of the coal pits of the property and lands where demolished strengths and castles were built of old.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Anent the posteritie of Francis [f] sumtyme erle Bothuell. Regarding the posterity of Francis,[f] sometime earl of Bothwell. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
The negligence of the kingis officiaris may be supplyit be thair successouris. The negligence of the king's officers may be supplied by their successors. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Ratificatioun of the act anent Jesuittis preistis excommunicat and traffiquing papistis. Ratification of the act regarding Jesuits, priests excommunicate and trafficking papists.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Registeris of the schirefclerkis to be markit be the Clerk of Register and his deputtis and thair extractis to be markit be thame selffis. Registers of the sheriff clerks to be marked by the clerk register and his deputes, and their extracts to be marked by themselves.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1964 (c. 80)) |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
All charges of hornyng aganis persones duelland benorth Die to be direct upoun fyftene dayes at the leist. All charges of horning against persons dwelling to the north of Dee to be directed upon fifteen days at the least.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act aganis persones quha persewis utheris within ane myle of the Kingis Majesteis residence. Act against persons who pursue others within a mile of the king's majesty's residence.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act in favouris of Sir Patrick Murray anent the abbacie of Ferne. Act in favour of Sir Patrick Murray regarding the abbacy of Fearn. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act in favouris of Johne marques of Hammyltoun [g] and lord James Hammyltoun [h] his sone. Act in favour of John, marquis of Hamilton,[g] and Lord James Hamilton,[h] his son. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Ratificatioun in favouris of the countes of Mar of hir infeftment of the hanyng. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Ratificatioun in favouris of the countes of Mar anent the discharge of hir duetie in bringing up of the prince. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act in favouris of the constable of Dundie anent the bering of our soverane lordis banner. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act in favouris of my lord Home anent the thriddis of Coldinghame. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Ratificatioun in favouris of Mr Petir Young. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act in favouris of the laird of Bogie and Maister Johne Moncreif. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act in favouris of the duik of Lennox anent the thriddis of Sanctandrois. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Ratificatioun of Sir George Home of the burgh of Greinlaw. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Ratificatioun in favouris of Patrik Leslie. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Anent the courte place of the schirefdome of Mernis. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
| | 15 November 1600 |
The decisioun of the richt of the monkis portionis of Abirbrothok betuix the marques of Hamyltoun [g] and laird of Auldbar [i] Remittit to the nixt Parliament. The decision of the right of the monks' portions of Arbroath between the marquis of Hamilton[g] and the laird of Auldbar[i] remitted to the next parliament. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Ratificatioun of the infeftment of Lewis. Ratification of the infeftment of Lewis. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Act in favouris of the fewaris of the landis lyand within the erldome of Fyff. Act in favour of the feuars of the lands lying within the earldom of Fife. |
| | 15 November 1600 |
Ratificatioun of the bischop of Glasgowis [j] restitutioun. Ratification of the bishop of Glasgow's[j] restitution. |