Short title, or popular name | Citation | Royal assent |
Long title |
| | 27 November 1469 |
| | 27 November 1469 |
Of schireffis and uthir Jugis ordinaris quhilkis wil nocht minister Justice to the pure pepil. Of sheriffs and other Judges ordinary who do not administer Justice to the poor people.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 27 November 1469 |
Tuiching the new Inventionis of selling of landis be chartir and sesing and takin again of reversions. Touching the new inventions of selling lands by charter and sasine, and taking them back by reversions. |
| | 27 November 1469 |
Anent the prescriptioun of obligationis nocht folowit within the space of fourty yeris. About the prescription of obligations not followed within the space of forty years.(Repealed by Prescription and Limitation (Scotland) Act 1973 (c. 52)) |
| | 27 November 1469 |
| | 27 November 1469 |
| | 27 November 1469 |
| | 27 November 1469 |
| | 27 November 1469 |
Of the takin of feis be constablis of castellis schireffis and bailyeis of burowis at faris parliament tymes and generale counsalis. Of the taking of fees by constables of castles, sheriffs and bailies of burghs at fairs, parliament times, and general councils.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 27 November 1469 |
Anent the punding for malis and incasting and owtcasting of tennandis at witsunday or martymes. Of the poinding for mails and taking in and casting out of tenants at Whitsunday or Martinmas.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 27 November 1469 |
Of slachteris of forethocht felony and of sudante and of the immunite of haly kirk and girth. Of murder of forethought and suddenly, and of the immunity of the holy church and girth.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 27 November 1469 |
Anent the distrenying of tenandis for the lordis dettis. About enforcing against tenants for their lord's debts. |
| | 27 November 1469 |
| | 27 November 1469 |
| | 27 November 1469 |
| | 27 November 1469 |
| | 27 November 1469 |
| | 27 November 1469 |
| | 27 November 1469 |
| | 27 November 1469 |
The personis to quhom the thre estatis hes committit ful power to auise commone and refer again to the next parliament of certane materis viz the inbringing of bullion—the reductione of the kingis lawis—the reformatione of mane sworne athis—and uthir articlis. The persons to whom the three estates have committed full power to advise, debate and refer again to the next parliament on certain matters, which are the importation of bullion; the reduction of the king's laws; the reformation of sworn oaths; and other articles.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 27 November 1469 |
Ratification of an Indult and previlege grantit by the pape to the bischopis of Sanctandrois to conferme the persouns chosin be abbotis or priouris within the diocy of Sanct Androis. Ratification of an Indult and privilege granted by the pope to the bishops of St Andrews to confirm the persons chosen by abbots or priors within the diocese of St Andrews. |