Short title | Citation | Royal assent |
Long title |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 1 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 2 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 3 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 4 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 5 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 6 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 7 | 9 February 1598 |
An Acte for the more speedye payment of the Quenes Majestues Debts and for the better explanacion of the Acte made in the thirteenth yeare of the Quenes Majesty, intituled "An Acte to make the Landes, Tenementes, Goodes and Chattells of Tellors Receavors &c. lyable to the payment of theire Debtes. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 125)) |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 8 | 9 February 1598 |
An Acte concerninge the confirmacion & establishment of the Deprivacion of diverse Bishopps and Deanes in the begynning of her Majestyes Reigne. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 125)) |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 9 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 10 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 11 | 9 February 1598 |
An Acte for the better execucion of the Statute made in the xxiijth yere of the Quenes Majestyes Reigne [c] for the abolishing of Logwood als Blockwood in the dyenge of Clothe Woole or Yearne. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 125)) |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 12 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 13 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 14 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 15 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 16 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 17 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 18 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 19 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 20 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 21 | 9 February 1598 |
An Acte for the further contynewaunce and explanacion of an Acte for the necessary relyef of Souldiours & Maryners made in the xxxvth yere of the Quenes Majestyes Reigne that nowe is. [f](Repealed by Disabled Soldiers Act 1601 (43 Eliz. 1. c. 3)) |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 22 | 9 February 1598 |
An Acte for the establishinge of the Bishopricke of Norwich and the Possession of the same againste a certen pretended concealed Title made thereunto. |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 23 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 24 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 25 | 9 February 1598 |
An Acte for the enlarging of the Statute made for followinge Hue and Cry in the xxvijth yeare of her Majesties Raigne, [g] in some sort to releive the Inhabitantes of the small Hundred of Beynershe als Benherst in cases where they are in noe voluntarye default and yet are or shalbe charged by the same statute and by the two auncient statutes, the one made in the xiijth yeare of Kinge Edwward the Fyrste, [h] thother in the xxviijth yeare of Kinge Edward the Thirde [i] for repressing of Robberies. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1948 (11 & 12 Geo. 6. c. 62)) |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 26 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 27 | 9 February 1598 |
| 39 Eliz. 1. c. 28 | 9 February 1598 |