This is a list of islands of England (excluding the mainland which is itself a part of the island of Great Britain), as well as a table of the largest English islands by area and by population.
Islands by type and name
Offshore and inshore islands
To group islands by geographical region, sort the table by "Island Group/Location" (click the icon by the column heading).
There are numerous islands within freshwater lakes and rivers in England. They are most numerous in the Lake District but other concentrations occur within the Norfolk Broads, some major reservoirs and principal rivers.
In the Lake District
To group islands by lake, sort the table by "Lake" (click the icon by the column heading).
Places called "island" or "isle" that are not islands
Some places in the British Isles are called islands or isles, but are not. Some of these were formerly islands surrounded by marshland. Others are peninsulas or just coastal settlements. They include: