Short title, or popular name | Citation | Royal assent |
Long title |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
The remeid for distructioune of housis places woddis forestis orchartis yardis and hanyngis of landis fallin in ward. The remedy for destruction of houses, places, woods, forests, orchards, yards and enclosures of land fallen in ward. |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
That na man by Inglis hors or bartour for thame and that all man havand stude places gar plenys the samyn. That no man buy English horses or barter for them, and that all men having stud places to plenish the same.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 12 June 1535 |
That na man sell nolt schepe &c. to Inglismen nor send vittalis fische or salt in Ingland. That no man sell nolt, sheep to Englishmen nor send victuals, fish or salt into England.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
| | 12 June 1535 |
Off chesing of officiaris in burgh and bringing of thare comptis of thare commoun gudis yerelie to the chekker Of choosing burgh officers and bringing their accounts of their common goods yearly to the exchequer.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 12 June 1535 |
That na man truble or molest the provest ballies aldermen officiaris and utheris induellaris in the burgh. That no man trouble or molest the provost, bailies, aldermen, officers and other indwellers in the burgh.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 12 June 1535 |
That my lord chancellar within ane certane of lordis quham plesis the kingis grace to depute with him sitt wolkly ane day to trete on materis concernyng the commoun wele. That my lord chancellor, with a certain number of lords who it pleases the king's grace to deputise with him, sit one day weekly to treat on matters concerning the common good.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 17 June 1535 |
Interpretatioun of the lawis tuiching the rychtis of superiouris to the males and dewiteis of the landiş of thaim that hes bene yeir and day at the horne. Interpretation of the laws touching the rights of superiors to the mails and duties of the lands of those that have been a year and a day at the horn.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| 1535 c. 39 [a]1535 cc. 33-35 [c] | 17 June 1535 |
That Justice aris and proces be peremptoure at the secund court and how crown aris sall mak thair arrestment and that gret crymes be callit at perticuler diettis with the panis of thame that complenis wranguislie. That justice ayres and processes be peremptorily at the second court, and how crownars shall make their arrests, and that great crimes be called at particular diets with the pains of those who complain wrongfully.(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 17 June 1535 |
| | 17 June 1535 |
| | 17 June 1535 |
| | 17 June 1535 |