This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. The specific problem is: The source terms are missing frequently and numerous are falsely attributed to Germanic origin when they are mostly Latin, Greek or Celtic. This page requires serious revision due to unreliable and erroneous content. Please help improve this article if you can.(November 2020) (Learn how and when to remove this message)
Some of these words existed in Latin as loanwords from other languages. Some of these words have alternate etymologies and may also appear on a list of Spanish words from a different language. Some words contain non-Germanic elements (see béisbol in the Middle English section). Any form with an asterisk (*) is unattested and therefore hypothetical.
Alphabetical list
aguantar "to put up with" (< maybe It agguantare, from guanto "gauntlet" < Old Provençal < OFr guant < Frankish *want)
equipar "to equip" : from Proto-Germanic *skipōną (“to ship, sail, embark”); akin to Gothic 𐍃𐌺𐌹𐍀 (skip, “ship”). Compare with Old High German scif, German Schiff, Icelandic skip, Old English scip (“ship”), Old Norse skipja (“to fit out a ship”). See ship.
rancho "ranch" from French ranger, from Old French ranc, from Frankish *hring or some other Germanic source
raza "race (lineage)" from Italian razza "race, lineage" from Langobard raiza "line, race" (trans. from Latin 'linea sanguinis' "bloodline of descent"), akin to OHG reiza "line" [2]
Old Frankish evolved to Old Dutch between 500 and 800 AD. Around 1200 AD Old Dutch evolved to Middle Dutch. Around the 16th century, Modern Dutch evolved out of Middle Dutch.
aguantar= to endure, bear, resist: from Italianagguantare "to retain, take hold of" (originally "to detain with gauntlets"), from a- + guanto "gauntlet", from Frankish (*)want (see guante below) + verbalsuffix-are (suffix changed to -ar in Spanish).
alojar= to lodge, to house, to provide hospitality: from Catalanallotjar, from llotja from Old Frenchloge, see lonja below.
bordar= to embroider: from Frankish (*)bruzdon (source of Old Frenchbrouder, brosder and Frenchbroder), from Germanic (*)bruzd- "point, needle", from the IEroot (*)bhrs-dh-, from (*)bhrs-, from (*)bhar-, "point, nail."
bosquejo= a sketch, outline, rough draft: from Spanish bosquejar "to sketch, to outline", probably from Catalanbosquejar from bosc, see bosque above.
destacar= to detachtroops: from Frenchdétachar (influenced by Spanish atacar), from Old Frenchdestachier "to unattach", from des- "apart, away" + atachier, a variation of estachier, from estaca, from Frankish stakka, see estaca below in Germanic section.
destacar= to stand out, to emphasize: from Italianstaccare "to separate", from Old Frenchdestacher, destachier, see destacar above.
estandarte= a military standard: from Old Frenchestandart, probably from Frankish (*)standhard "standard that marks a meeting place", (implicit sense: "that which stands firmly"), from (*)standan "to stand", (from Germanic (*)standan, from the IEroot (*)sta- "to stand")[3] + (*)hard "hard, firm", see ardid below in Germanic section.
lonja= market, building where merchants and sellers gather: from regional Catalanllonja (Modern Catalan llotja), from Old Frenchlogo "dwelling, shelter", from Frankish (*)laubja "covering, enclosure", from Germanic (*)laubja "shelter" (implicit sense "roof made of bark"), from the IEroot (*)leup- "to peel."
oboe= an oboe: from Frenchhautbois from haut (from Frankish *hauh "high" and Latinaltus "high") + bois "wood", see bosque above.
ranchear, rancho= ranch, From French ranger, from Old French ranc, from Frankish *hring' or some other Germanic source (Old High German hring "circle, ring"), from Proto-Germanic *khrengaz "circle, ring". Shares the root with rank.
amarrar= to moor a boat, to tie, to fasten: from Frenchamarrer, "to moor", from Middle Dutch aanmarren "to fasten", from aan "on" (from Germanic (*)ana, (*)anō, from the IEroot (*)an-)[5] + marren "to fasten, to moor a boat." See Modern Dutch aanmeren.
bulevar: from French boulevard, from Middle Dutch: bolwerc "rampart". See Modern Dutch bolwerk.
maniquí= a mannequin, dummy, puppet: from Frenchmannequin, from (probably via Catalanmaniquí) Dutch, from Middle Dutch mannekijn "little man", from man "a man" (see alemán below in Germanic section) + the diminutive suffix-ken, -kin, -kijn, from West Germanic (*)-kin (cf. Modern German-chen) See Modern Dutch manneken (Belgium).
rumbo= direction, course, route, pomp, ostentation: from Old Spanishrumbo "each of the 32 points on a compass", from Middle Dutchrume "space, place, rhumb line, storeroom of a ship", from Germanic rūmaz "space, place", from the IEroot (*)reu- "space, to open".[6] See Modern Dutch ruim.
babor= port side of a ship: from Frenchbabord "portside", from Dutch bakboord "left side of a ship", literally "back side of a ship" (from the fact that most ships were steered from the starboard side), from bak "back, behind", (from Germanic (*)bakam) + boord "board, side of a ship", see borde below (in Germanic section). Also see estribor' "starboard" below in the Germanic section
berbiquí= carpenter's brace: from regional Frenchveberquin (French vilebrequin), from Dutch wimmelken, from wimmel "auger, drill, carpenter's brace" + -ken, a diminutive suffix, see maniquí below in Middle Dutch section.
oeste= west: from Middle Englishwest, from Old Englishwest, from Germanic (*)west-, from (*)wes-to-, from (*)wes-, from (*)wespero- "evening, dusk".[11]
sud-= south (combining form): from Old Frenchsud "south", from Old Englishsūth, from Germanic (*)sunthaz, from the IEroot (*)sun-, swen-, variants of (*)sāwel- "sun".[12]
bistec= steak, beefsteak: from Englishbeefsteak, from beef (ultimately from Latinbōs, bovis "cow", from the IEroot (*)gwou- "ox, bull, cow")[22] + steak, from Middle Englishsteyke, from Old Norse steik "piece of meat cooked on a spit", from Germanic (*)stik-, see estaca below in the Germanic section.
agasajar= to flatter: from agasajo (see agasajo below) + the verbalsuffix -ar
agasajo= entertainment, kind reception, friendliness, flattery: from a- + Old Spanishgasajo "reception" from Visigothic gasalja "companion, comrade", from ga-with, together (from the IEroot (*)kom)[23] + sal- "room, lodging" (see sala below in the Germanic section).
guardia= guard, bodyguard, protection: from Visigothic wardja "a guard", from Germanic wardaz, from the IEroot (*)wor-to-, see guardar below in Germanic section.
guardián= guardian: from Visigothic wardjanaccusative of wardja, see guardia above.
atacar= to attack: Old Italianattaccare "to fasten, join, unite, attack (implicit sense: to join in a battle)", changed from (*)estacar (by influence of a-, common verbalprefix) "to fasten, join", from Visigothic stakka "a stick, stake", from Germanic (*)stak-, see estaca in Germanic section.
abandonar= to abandon: from Old Frencha bandon, from a + bandon "control" from ban "proclamation, jurisdiction, power", from Germanic (*)banwan, (*)bannan "to proclaim, speak publicly".[24][25]
abordar= to board a ship, to approach, to undertake: from a- + bordo "side of a ship", variation of borde, see borde below
abotonar: to button: from a- + botón "button", see botón below
abrasar= to burn, to parch: from a- + brasa "a coal, ember" (see brasa below) + the verbalsuffix -ar
aguardar= to wait, wait for: from a- + guardar, see guardar below.
arpa= a harp: from French: harpe, from Germanic (*)harpōn-.
arrimar= to approach: possibly from Old Frencharrimer, arimer "to arrange the cargo in the storeroom of a ship", from Germanic (*)rūmaz "room"
atrapar= to trap, to ensnare: from Frenchattraper, from Old Frencha- + trape "trap", from Germanic (*)trep- (seen in the Old Englishtræppe) from the IEroot (*)dreb-, from (*)der- "to run."
bala= a bullet: Italianballa/palla, from Germanic (*)ball-, see béisbol above in Old English section.
balcón== a balcony: from Italianbalcone, from Old Italianbalcone "scaffold", from Germanic (*)balkōn "beam, crossbeam", from the IEroot (*)bhelg- "beam, board, plank."
balón= a large ball: from Italianballone, pallone, balla (see bala above) + -one, an augmentive suffix, related to and possibly the source of Spanish -ón (in balón). see here.
banda= ribbon, band, sash: from Old Frenchbande "knot, fastening", from Germanic '*band-', from the IEroot (*)bhondh-, from (*)bhendh-.[28]
banda= band, troop, musical group: from Germanic '*bandwa-', "standard, signal", also "group" (from the use of a military standard by some groups), from the IEroot (*)bha- "to shine" (implicit sense "signal that shines").
bandera= banner: from Vulgar Latin (*)bandaria "banner", from Late Latinbandum "standard", from Germanic (*)bandwa, see banda= group below
bandido= bandit, gangster: from Italianbandito "bandit", from bandire "to band together", from Germanic '*banwan', see abandonar above
banquete= a banquet: rom Old Frenchbanquet, diminutive of banc "bench, long seat", of Germanic origin, of the same family as the Old High Germanbanc, see banco= bench above in Old High German section.
bohemio= a bohemian, of Bohemia, vagabond, eccentric, Gitano, Gypsy: from bohemio/Bohemia (from the belief that the Gitanos came from Bohemia), from Latinbohemus, from Boihaemum, literally "place of the Boi/Boii (from Celtic, see bohemiohere) + Latin-haemum "home", from Germanic (*)haima "home", from the IEroot (*)koi-mo-, from (*)koi-, variant of (*)kei- "bed, couch; beloved, dear".[30]
bota= a boot: from or simply from the same source as Frenchbotte "boot", from Old Frenchbote "boot", probably from the same source as Modern Frenchpied bot "deformedfoot" in which bot is from Germanic (*)būtaz, from the IEroot (*)bhau- "to strike", see botar below.
botar= to throw, to bounce, to jump: from Old Frenchboter, bouter "to open, to hit, to strike, to perforate", from Romancebottare "to strike, to push, to shove", from Germanic (*) buttan "to hit, to strike" from the IEroot (*)bhau-.[31]
botón= button: from Old Frenchboton, bouton "button", from boter, bouter "to open, perforate", see botar above
boya= a buoy: probably from Old Frenchboie, from Germanic, possibly from Old High Germanbouhhan, from Germanic (*)baukna- "signal", from the IEroot (*)bha- "to shine".[32]
dibujar= to draw, represent with lines: older Spanish meanings include "to represent, to paint, to sculpt, to do wood carving", probably from Old Frenchdeboissier "to sculpt in wood", from de- + bois "wood", from Germanic (*)busk-, see bosque above.
estaca= a stake: from Germanic (*)stak-, from the IEroot (*)steg- "pale, post pointed stick".[34]
estribor= starboard side of a ship: from Old Frenchestribord "starboard", (Modern Frenchtribord), from a Germanic source (confer Old Englishstēorbord). From Germanic (*)stiurjō "to steer", + Germanic (*)'burd-, see borde above
guardar= to guard, watch over, keep, observe (a custom): from Germanic (*)wardōn "to look after, take care of", from the IEroot (*)wor-to-, "to watch", from (*)wor-, (*)wer- "to see, watch, perceive".[35]
sala= a room: from Germanic sal- "room, house", from the IEroot (*)sol- "hamlet, human settlement."
salón= main room of a house (see sala above) + -on, augmentive suffix.
trampa= a trap: possibly from Germanic, from the same derivation as trampolín (see below) and atrapar (see above).
vanguardia= vanguard: from Old Spanishavanguardia, from Catalanavantguarda from avant "before, advance", (from Latinab- + ante "before") + guarda "guard", from Germanic wardaz, see guardia above in Visigothic section.
Américo = Italian Amerigo from Visigothic Amalric from amal "labour, work" + ric "kingdom, rule, domain"
Godino = of Visigothic origin, from Gaut 'Goth' or guþ 'god'.
Rodrigo = from Germanic Hrodric/Hrēðrīc/Rørik/Hrœrekr (Roderick, Rodrick, Roderich; a compound of hrod 'renown' + ric 'power(ful)'), from the Proto-Germanic *Hrōþirīk(i)az; it was borne by the last of the Visigoth kings and is one of the most important Spanish personal names of Germanic origin.[36]
Alonso = Galician-Portuguese variant of Adalfuns.
Álvarez = patronymic form of Álvaro
Allariz = patronimic from Alaric
Bermudez = patronimic from Bermudo from Gothic Bermund
Enríquez = patronymic form of Enrique
Fernández = patronymic form of Fernando
García = patronymic form of Garces
Godínez = patronymic form of Godino
Gómez = patronymic form of Gome
González = patronymic form of Gonzalo
Guerra = From Gothic 'wirr'
Guerrero = occupational name meaning warrior, from Germanic werra, modern German wirr ("confused")
Guitiriz = patronimic form of Witiza
Gutiérrez = patronymic form of Gutierre
Guzmán = guts/man = goodman
Manrique(z)= from the Gothic "Aimanreiks" = Man(male) ric (realm/kingdom/power)
Henríque(z) = from the Gothic "Haimreiks" = Haim(village) ric (realm/kingdom/power)
Hernández = patronymic form of Hernando
Méndez = patronymic form of Mendo
Parra = from Gothic Grapevine
Ramírez = patronymic form of Ramiro
Rodríguez = patronymic form of Rodrigo
Ruiz = patronymic form of Ruy, variant of Rodrigo
Suevos = patronimic form of Suevo
Vélez = patronymic form of Vela, which itself is derived from Vigila (Wigila).
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