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Mordor Macula, a dark region on Charon's north pole. The region is stained a dark brown by deposits of tholins

Tholins (after the Greek θολός (tholós) "hazy" or "muddy";[1] from the ancient Greek word meaning "sepia ink") are a wide variety of organic compounds formed by solar ultraviolet or cosmic ray irradiation of simple carbon-containing compounds such as carbon dioxide (CO
), methane (CH
) or ethane (C
), often in combination with nitrogen (N
) or water (H
).[2][3] Tholins are disordered polymer-like materials made of repeating chains of linked subunits and complex combinations of functional groups, typically nitriles and hydrocarbons, and their degraded forms such as amines and phenyls. Tholins do not form naturally on modern-day Earth, but they are found in great abundance on the surfaces of icy bodies in the outer Solar System, and as reddish aerosols in the atmospheres of outer Solar System planets and moons.

In the presence of water, tholins could be raw materials for prebiotic chemistry (i.e., the non-living chemistry that forms the basic chemicals of which life is made). Their existence has implications for the origins of life on Earth and possibly on other planets. As particles in an atmosphere, tholins scatter light, and can affect habitability.

Tholins may be produced in a laboratory, and are usually studied as a heterogeneous mixture of many chemicals with many different structures and properties. Using techniques like thermogravimetric analysis, astrochemists analyze the composition of these tholin mixtures, and the exact character of the individual chemicals within them.[4]


Polyacrylonitrile, one hypothesized polymeric component of tholins, mostly in chemically degraded form as polymers containing nitrile and amino groups. It is used experimentally to create tholin mixtures.[4]

The term "tholin" was coined by astronomer Carl Sagan and his colleague Bishun Khare to describe the difficult-to-characterize substances they obtained in his Miller–Urey-type experiments on the methane-containing gas mixtures such as those found in Titan's atmosphere.[1] Their paper proposing the name "tholin" said:

For the past decade we have been producing in our laboratory a variety of complex organic solids from mixtures of the cosmically abundant gases CH
, C
, NH
, H
, HCHO, and H
. The product, synthesized by ultraviolet (UV) light or spark discharge, is a brown, sometimes sticky, residue, which has been called, because of its resistance to conventional analytical chemistry, "intractable polymer". [...] We propose, as a model-free descriptive term, 'tholins' (Greek Θολός, muddy; but also Θόλος, vault or dome), although we were tempted by the phrase 'star-tar'.[3][1]

Tholins are not one specific compound but rather are descriptive of a spectrum of molecules, including heteropolymers,[5][6] that give a reddish, organic surface covering on certain planetary surfaces. Tholins are disordered polymer-like materials made of repeating chains of linked subunits and complex combinations of functional groups.[7] Sagan and Khare note "The properties of tholins will depend on the energy source used and the initial abundances of precursors, but a general physical and chemical similarity among the various tholins is evident."[1]

Some researchers in the field prefer a narrowed definition of tholins, for example S. Hörst wrote: "Personally, I try to use the word 'tholins' only when describing the laboratory-produced samples, in part because we do not really know yet how similar the material we produce in the lab is to the material found on places like Titan or Triton (or Pluto!)."[3] French researchers also use the term tholins only when describing the laboratory-produced samples as analogues.[8] NASA scientists also prefer the word 'tholin' for the products of laboratory simulations, and use the term 'refractory residues' for actual observations on astronomical bodies.[7]


The formation of tholins in the atmosphere of Titan


The key elements of tholins are carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen. Laboratory infrared spectroscopy analysis of experimentally synthesized tholins has confirmed earlier identifications of chemical groups present, including primary amines, nitriles, and alkyl portions such as CH
forming complex disordered macromolecular solids. Laboratory tests generated complex solids formed from exposure of N
gaseous mixtures to electrical discharge in cold plasma conditions, reminiscent of the famous Miller–Urey experiment conducted in 1952.[9]


As illustrated to the right, tholins are thought to form in nature through a chain of chemical reactions known as pyrolysis and radiolysis. This begins with the dissociation and ionization of molecular nitrogen (N
) and methane (CH
) by energetic particles and solar radiation. This is followed by the formation of ethylene, ethane, acetylene, hydrogen cyanide, and other small simple molecules and small positive ions. Further reactions form benzene and other organic molecules, and their polymerization leads to the formation of an aerosol of heavier molecules, which then condense and precipitate on the planetary surface below.[10]

Tholins formed at low pressure tend to contain nitrogen atoms in the interior of their molecules, while tholins formed at high pressure are more likely to have nitrogen atoms located in terminal positions.[11][12]

Tholins may be a major constituent of the interstellar medium.[1] On Titan, their chemistry is initiated at high altitudes and participates in the formation of solid organic particles.[8]

These atmospherically-derived substances are distinct from ice tholin II, which are formed instead by irradiation (radiolysis) of clathrates of water and organic compounds such as methane (CH
) or ethane (C
).[2][13] The radiation-induced synthesis on ice are non-dependant on temperature.[2]

Models show that even when far from UV radiation of a star, cosmic ray doses may be fully sufficient to convert carbon-containing ice grains entirely to complex organics in less than the lifetime of the typical interstellar cloud.[2]

Biological significance

Some researchers have speculated that Earth may have been seeded by organic compounds early in its development by tholin-rich comets, providing the raw material necessary for life to develop[1][2] (see Miller–Urey experiment for discussion related to this). Tholins do not exist naturally on present-day Earth due to the oxidizing properties of the free oxygen component of its atmosphere ever since the Great Oxygenation Event around 2.4 billion years ago.[14]

Laboratory experiments[15] suggest that tholins near large pools of liquid water that might persist for thousands of years could facilitate the formation of prebiotic chemistry to take place,[16][3] and has implications on the origins of life on Earth and possibly other planets.[3][14] Also, as particles in the atmosphere of an exoplanet, tholins affect the light scatter and act as a screen for protecting planetary surfaces from ultraviolet radiation, affecting habitability.[3][17] Laboratory simulations found derived residues related to amino acids as well as urea, with important astrobiological implications.[14][15][18]

On Earth, a wide variety of soil bacteria are able to use laboratory-produced tholins as their sole source of carbon. Tholins could have been the first microbial food for heterotrophic microorganisms before autotrophy evolved.[19][20]


The surface of Titan as viewed from the Huygens lander. Tholins are suspected to be the source of the reddish color of both the surface and the atmospheric haze.

Sagan and Khare note the presence of tholins through multiple locations: "as a constituent of the Earth's primitive oceans and therefore relevant to the origin of life; as a component of red aerosols in the atmospheres of the outer planets and Titan; present in comets, carbonaceous chondrites asteroids, and pre-planetary solar nebulae; and as a major constituent of the interstellar medium."[1] The surfaces of comets, centaurs, and many icy moons and Kuiper-belt objects in the outer Solar System are rich in deposits of tholins.[21]



Titan tholins are nitrogen-rich[22][23] organic substances produced by the irradiation of the gaseous mixtures of nitrogen and methane found in the atmosphere and surface of Titan. Titan's atmosphere is about 97% nitrogen, 2.7±0.1% methane and the remaining trace amounts of other gases.[24] In the case of Titan, the haze and orange-red color of its atmosphere are both thought to be caused by the presence of tholins.[10][25]


Linear fractures on Europa's surface, likely colored by tholins.

Colored regions on Jupiter's satellite Europa are thought to be tholins.[16][26][27][28] The morphology of Europa's impact craters and ridges is suggestive of fluidized material welling up from the fractures where pyrolysis and radiolysis take place. In order to generate colored tholins on Europa there must be a source of materials (carbon, nitrogen, and water), and a source of energy to drive the reactions. Impurities in the water ice crust of Europa are presumed both to emerge from the interior as cryovolcanic events that resurface the body, and to accumulate from space as interplanetary dust.[16]


The trailing hemisphere of Saturn's moon Rhea is covered with tholins.
Close-up view of Sputnik Planitia on Pluto as viewed by the New Horizons spacecraft, showing nitrogen ice glaciers and reddish-colored tholins.

The extensive dark areas on the trailing hemisphere of Saturn's moon Rhea are thought to be deposited tholins.[13]


Neptune's moon Triton is observed to have the reddish color characteristic of tholins.[22] Triton's atmosphere is mostly nitrogen, with trace amounts of methane and carbon monoxide.[29][30]

Dwarf planets


Tholins occur on the dwarf planet Pluto[31] and are responsible for red colors[32] as well as the blue tint of the atmosphere of Pluto.[33] The reddish-brown cap of the north pole of Charon,[3] the largest of five moons of Pluto, is thought to be composed of tholins, produced from methane, nitrogen and related gases released from the atmosphere of Pluto and transferred over about 19,000 km (12,000 mi) distance to the orbiting moon.[34][35][36]


Tholins were detected on the dwarf planet Ceres by the Dawn mission.[37][38] Most of the planet's surface is extremely rich in carbon, with approximately 20% carbon by mass in its near surface.[39][40] The carbon content is more than five times higher than in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites analyzed on Earth.[40]


Makemake exhibits methane, large amounts of ethane and tholins, as well as smaller amounts of ethylene, acetylene and high-mass alkanes may be present, most likely created by photolysis of methane by solar radiation.[41][42][43]

Kuiper belt objects and Centaurs

The reddish color typical of tholins is characteristic of many Trans-Neptunian objects, including plutinos in the outer Solar System such as 28978 Ixion.[44] Spectral reflectances of Centaurs also suggest the presence of tholins on their surfaces.[45][46][47] The New Horizons exploration of the classical Kuiper belt object 486958 Arrokoth revealed reddish color at its surface, suggestive of tholins.[7][48]

Comets and asteroids

Tholins were detected in situ by the Rosetta mission to comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko.[49][50] Tholins are not typically characteristic of main-belt asteroids, but have been detected on the asteroid 24 Themis.[51][52]

Tholins beyond the Solar System

Tholins might have also been detected in the stellar system of the young star HR 4796A using the Near-Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope.[53] The HR 4796 system is approximately 220 light years from Earth.[54]

See also

  • Abiogenesis – Life arising from non-living matter
  • Asphaltene – Heavy organic molecular substances that are found in crude oil
  • Hemolithin – Protein claimed to be of extraterrestrial origin
  • Kerogen – Solid organic matter in sedimentary rocks
  • PAH world hypothesis – Hypothesis about the origin of life
  • Pseudo-panspermia – Supported hypothesis for the origin of life


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Sagan, Carl; Khare, Bishun (11 January 1979). "Tholins: organic chemistry of interstellar grains and gas". Nature. 277 (5692): 102–107. Bibcode:1979Natur.277..102S. doi:10.1038/277102a0. S2CID 4261076.
  2. ^ a b c d e McDonald, G.D.; Whited, L.J.; DeRuiter, C.; Khare, B.N.; Patnaik, A.; Sagan, C. (1996). "Production and chemical analysis of cometary ice tholins". Icarus. 122 (1): 107–117. Bibcode:1996Icar..122..107M. doi:10.1006/icar.1996.0112.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Sarah Hörst "What in the world(s) are tholins?", Planetary Society, July 23, 2015. Retrieved 30 Nov 2016.
  4. ^ a b Nna-Mvondo, Delphine; de la Fuente, José L.; Ruiz-Bermejo, Marta; Khare, Bishun; McKay, Christopher P. (September 2013). "Thermal characterization of Titan's tholins by simultaneous TG–MS, DTA, DSC analysis". Planetary and Space Science. 85: 279–288. Bibcode:2013P&SS...85..279N. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2013.06.025.
  5. ^ A Bit of Titan on Earth Helps in the Search for Life's Origins. Lori Stiles, University of Arizona. 19 October 2004.
  6. ^ Cleaves, H. James; Neish, Catherine; Callahan, Michael P.; Parker, Eric; Fernández, Facundo M.; Dworkin, Jason P. (2014). "Amino acids generated from hydrated Titan tholins: Comparison with Miller–Urey electric discharge products". Icarus. 237: 182–189. Bibcode:2014Icar..237..182C. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2014.04.042.
  7. ^ a b c Cruikshank, D.; et al. (New Horizons Composition Team) (January 2019). THE COLORS OF 486958 2014 MU69 ("ULTIMA THULE"): THE ROLE OF SYNTHETIC ORGANIC SOLIDS (THOLINS) (PDF). 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2132).
  8. ^ a b Dubois, David; Carrasco, Nathalie; Petrucciani, Marie; Vettier, Ludovic; Tigrine, Sarah; Pernot, Pascal (2019). "In situ investigation of neutrals involved in the formation of Titan tholins". Icarus. 317: 182–196. arXiv:1807.04569. Bibcode:2019Icar..317..182D. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2018.07.006. S2CID 119446074.
  9. ^ Eric Quirico; Gilles Montagnac; Victoria Lees; Paul F. McMillan; Cyril Szopa; Guy Cernogora; Jean-Noël Rouzaud; Patrick Simon; Jean-Michel Bernard; Patrice Coll; Nicolas Fray; Robert D. Minardi; François Raulin; Bruno Reynard; Bernard Schmitt (November 2008). "New experimental constraints on the composition and structure of tholins". Icarus. 198 (1): 218–231. Bibcode:2008Icar..198..218Q. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2008.07.012.
  10. ^ a b Waite, J.H.; Young, D.T.; Cravens, T.E.; Coates, A.J.; Crary, F.J.; Magee, B.; Westlake, J. (2007). "The process of tholin formation in Titan's upper atmosphere". Science. 316 (5826): 870–5. Bibcode:2007Sci...316..870W. doi:10.1126/science.1139727. PMID 17495166. S2CID 25984655.
  11. ^ McGuigan, M.; Sacks, R.D. (9 March 2004). "Comprehensive Two Dimensional Gas Chromatography Study of Tholin Samples Using Pyrolysis Inlet and TOF-MS Detection". Pittcon Conference & Expo.
  12. ^ McGuigan, M.A.; Waite, J.H.; Imanaka, H.; Sacks, R.D. (2006). "Analysis of Titan tholin pyrolysis products by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry". Journal of Chromatography A. 1132 (1–2): 280–288. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2006.07.069. PMID 16934276.
  13. ^ a b Cruikshank, D.; et al. (2005). "A spectroscopic study of the surfaces of Saturn's large satellites: HO ice, tholins, and minor constituents" (PDF). Icarus. 175 (1): 268–283. Bibcode:2005Icar..175..268C. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2004.09.003.
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  18. ^ Ruiz-Bermejo, M.; Rivas, L. A.; Palacín, A.; Menor-Salván, C.; Osuna-Esteban, S. (2011). "Prebiotic synthesis of protobiopolymers under alkaline ocean conditions". Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere. 41 (4): 331–45. Bibcode:2011OLEB...41..331R. doi:10.1007/s11084-010-9232-z. PMID 21161385. S2CID 19283373.
  19. ^ Stoker, C.R.; Boston, P.J.; Mancinelli, R.L.; Segal, W.; Khare, B.N.; Sagan, C. (1990). "Microbial metabolism of tholin". Icarus. 85 (1): 241–256. Bibcode:1990Icar...85..241S. doi:10.1016/0019-1035(90)90114-O. PMID 11538367.
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  21. ^ Poch, Olivier; Pommerol, Antoine; Jost, Bernhard; Carrasco, Nathalie; Szopa, Cyril; Thomas, Nicolas (2016). "Sublimation of water ice mixed with silicates and tholins: Evolution of surface texture and reflectance spectra, with implications for comets". Icarus. 267: 154–173. Bibcode:2016Icar..267..154P. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.12.017. S2CID 56028928.
  22. ^ a b McDonald, Gene D.; Thompson, W.Reid; Heinrich, Michael; Khare, Bishun N.; Sagan, Carl (1994). "Chemical Investigation of Titan and Triton Tholins". Icarus. 108 (1): 137–145. Bibcode:1994Icar..108..137M. doi:10.1006/icar.1994.1046. PMID 11539478.
  23. ^ Derenne, S.; Coelho, C.; Anquetil, C.; Szopa, C.; Rahman, A.S.; McMillan, P.F.; Corà, F.; Pickard, C.J.; Quirico, E.; Bonhomme, C. (2012). "New insights into the structure and chemistry of Titan's tholins via 13C and 15N solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" (PDF). Icarus. 221 (2): 844–853. Bibcode:2012Icar..221..844D. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2012.03.003.
  24. ^ Coustenis, Athena; Taylor, Frederic W. (2008). Titan: Exploring an Earthlike World. World Scientific. pp. 154–155. ISBN 978-981-270-501-3.
  25. ^ "Task 3.4 Tholin Chemical Analysis". NASA Astrobiology Institute. August 2010.
  26. ^ Whalen, Kelly; Lunine, Jonathan I.; Blaney, Diana L. (2017). "MISE: A Search for Organics on Europa". American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts. 229: 138.04. Bibcode:2017AAS...22913804W.
  27. ^ "Europa Mission to Probe Magnetic Field and Chemistry". Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 27 May 2015. Retrieved 2017-10-23.
  28. ^ Khare, B. N.; Nna Mvondo, D.; Borucki, J. G.; Cruikshank, D. P.; Belisle, W. A.; Wilhite, P.; McKay, C. P. (2005). "Impact Driven Chemistry on Europa's Surface". Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. 37: 753. Bibcode:2005DPS....37.5810K.
  29. ^ Neptune's Moon Triton. Matt Williams, Universe Today. 16 October 2016.
  30. ^ "Triton". NASA Science. Retrieved 14 November 2023.
  31. ^ "Pluto: The 'Other' Red Planet". NASA. 3 July 2015. Retrieved 2015-07-06. Experts have long thought that reddish substances are generated as a particular color of ultraviolet light from the sun, called Lyman-alpha, strikes molecules of the gas methane (CH
    ) in Pluto's atmosphere, powering chemical reactions that create complex compounds called tholins.
  32. ^ "NASA released an incredibly detailed photo of snow - and something else - on Pluto", Business Insider Australia, Mar. 6, 2016 (accessed 28 Feb. 2018).
  33. ^ Amos, Jonathan (8 October 2015). "New Horizons: Probe captures Pluto's blue hazes". BBC News.
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هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (نوفمبر 2018) بابلو اسبينوزا معلومات شخصية الميلاد 10 مارس 1992 (31 سنة)  فايلاجويوسا/لا فايلا جوايوسا  مواطنة إسبانيا  الحياة العملية المهنة ممثل،  ومغني،  وممثل

Планківська чорна діра[джерело?], мікро чорна діра (також чорна діра квантової механіки чи міні чорна діра) — гіпотетична мала чорна діра, для якої ефекти квантової механіки відіграють важливу роль.[1] Концепція, що можуть існувати чорні діри, менші зоряної маси, була …

Australian international rugby league footballer Greg InglisPersonal informationFull nameGregory Paul InglisBorn (1987-01-15) 15 January 1987 (age 36)[1]Kempsey, New South Wales, AustraliaHeight195 cm (6 ft 5 in)Weight105 kg (16 st 7 lb)Playing informationPositionCentre, Fullback, Five-eighth Club Years Team Pld T G FG P 2005–10 Melbourne Storm 118 78 9 3 333 2011–19 South Sydney 146 71 0 1 289 2021 Warrington Wolves 3 2 0 0 8 Total 267…

Canadian politician Thomas Dunn (1729 – 15 April 1818) was the Lieutenant-Governor of Lower Canada from 1805 to 1807. He was born in Durham, England, and came to the town of Quebec shortly after its surrender in 1760. With his partner, John Gray, he obtained the trading lease to the king's posts, which gave them a monopoly in the fur trade and fishing on the north coast of the Saint Lawrence River. Dunn also purchased the seigneury of Mille-Vaches. Dunn was also the owner of the Cape Diamo…

1919 film by Victor Schertzinger For other uses, see Jinx (disambiguation). JinxStill with Mabel NormandDirected byVictor SchertzingerWritten byGerald C. Duffy (scenario)Story byShannon FifeProduced bySamuel GoldwynStarringMabel NormandCinematographyGeorge WebberDistributed byGoldwyn PicturesRelease date December 13, 1919 (1919-12-13) Running time50 minutesCountryUnited StatesLanguageSilent (English intertitles) Jinx is a 1919 American silent comedy film starring Mabel Normand and…

此條目没有列出任何参考或来源。 (2020年2月4日)維基百科所有的內容都應該可供查證。请协助補充可靠来源以改善这篇条目。无法查证的內容可能會因為異議提出而被移除。 MOUSE MOUSE MOUSE 假名 マウス 罗马字 Mausu 類型 動作、後宮型作品 正式譯名 鼠輩怪盜 神偷盜鼠 漫画 原作 赤堀悟 作畫 板場廣志 出版社 白泉社 長鴻出版社 天下出版社 連載雜誌 Young Animal 連載期間 1999年No.23…

Vista detallada de una bomba hidráulica. Una máquina hidráulica es una variedad de máquina de fluidos que para su funcionamiento se vale de las propiedades de un fluido incompresible o que se comporta como tal, debido a que su densidad en el interior del sistema no sufre variaciones importantes. Convencionalmente se especifica para los gases un límite de 100 mbar para el cambio de presión; de modo que si este es inferior, la máquina puede considerarse hidráulica. Dentro de las máquinas …

Ця стаття потребує істотної переробки. Можливо, її необхідно доповнити, переписати або вікіфікувати. Пояснення причин та обговорення — на сторінці Вікіпедія: Статті, що необхідно поліпшити. Тому, хто додав шаблон: зважте на те, щоб повідомити основних авторів статті про…

هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (يوليو 2019) ستانلي دروكير (بالإنجليزية: Stanley Drucker)‏  معلومات شخصية الميلاد 4 فبراير 1929[1]  بروكلين[1]  الوفاة 19 ديسمبر 2022 (93 سنة) [2]  فيستا، سان ديغو، كال…

For other people named Waylon, see Waylon. WaylonWaylon pada 2014Informasi latar belakangNama lahirWillem BijkerkLahir20 April 1980 (umur 43)Apeldoorn, BelandaGenre Country pop rock soul PekerjaanPenyanyiInstrumenVokal, drum, gitar, pianoTahun aktif1997–sekarangArtis terkaitThe Common Linnets, Santa Rosa, MillstreetSitus Willem Bijkerk (pengucapan bahasa Belanda: [ˈʋɪləm ˈbɛikɛrk]; lahir 20 April 1980), yang lebih dikenal sebagai Waylon, adalah seorang penyanyi Be…

Woman soldier in American Revolutionary War Mary Hays McCauleyMary Hays at the Battle of Monmouth, lithographBirth nameMary LudwigBorn(1754-10-13)October 13, 1754Trenton, New Jersey, British AmericaDiedJanuary 22, 1832(1832-01-22) (aged 87)Carlisle, Pennsylvania, U.S.Buried 40°11′51″N 77°11′17″W / 40.19744°N 77.18797°W / 40.19744; -77.18797Allegiance United States of AmericaUnitFire team 1Battles/warsAmerican Revolutionary War Battle of Monmouth Spou…

For the district, see Dera Ghazi Khan District. For other uses, see Dera Ghazi Khan (disambiguation). City in Punjab, PakistanDera Ghazi Khan ڈیرہ غازی خانCityClockwise from top: Universal University Dera, Shrine of Ghazi Khan, for whom the city is named, Dera Ghazi Khan International AirportDera Ghazi KhanShow map of Punjab, PakistanDera Ghazi KhanShow map of PakistanCoordinates: 30°1′59″N 70°38′24″E / 30.03306°N 70.64000°E / 30.03306; 70.64000Coun…

Musée de l'automobile de LorraineInformations généralesOuverture 1970Surface 1800 m²Site web www.musee-auto-lorraine.frCollectionsCollections 100 véhiculesGenre AutomobileLocalisationPays  FranceCommune Velaine-en-HayeAdresse 222 allée des Merisiers Parc de loisirs de la forêt de HayeCoordonnées 48° 41′ 53″ N, 6° 03′ 41″ ELocalisation sur la carte de FranceLocalisation sur la carte de Grand EstLocalisation sur la carte de Meurthe-et-Mosellemod…

American college football season 1938 Pittsburgh Panthers footballConferenceIndependentRankingAPNo. 8Record8–2Head coachJock Sutherland (15th season)Offensive schemeSingle-wingHome stadiumPitt Stadium(capacity: 69,400)Seasons← 19371939 → 1938 Eastern college football independents records vte Conf Overall Team W   L   T W   L   T Worcester Tech   –   6 – 0 – 0 No. 18 Villanova   –   8 ̵…

Japanese manga series This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Remote manga – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (September 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) RemoteThe cover of the first volume of Remoteリモート(Rimōto) MangaWritten bySeimaru AmagiIllustrated byTetsuya…

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