List of Esperanto organizations
Organizations promoting the dissemination of Esperanto as an international auxiliary language have historically played a prominent role in assisting individuals affected by war and conflict. During the First World War, the Universal Esperanto Association helped members of the general public stranded in foreign countries, with volunteers delivering private correspondence, tracing missing persons, sending food and medicine, repatriating children, and assisting prisoners of war.[ 1] During the Second World War, international Esperanto organizations performed a similar function, delivering correspondence, assisting refugees, and reuniting families.[ 1]
The following is a list of Esperanto organizations affiliated with the Universal Esperanto Association or the World Anational Association , as well as other independent Esperanto-related groups.
Universal Esperanto Association
National associations linked to the UEA
(Not recognized by UEA, owing to the island's disputed political status.)
Central and Eastern Europe
Western and Northern Europe
Middle East
World Anational Association
Free Esperanto Associations linked to SAT
Fractions of the SAT
Other associations
Esperantist Cat Lovers (Esperantista Kat-amikaro )
European Club (Eŭropa Klubo )
Association for a European Identity (Asocio por Eŭropa Konscio AEK)
Centre PEN Esperanto (Esperanta PEN-Centro )
EUROKKA (EUROKKA ou Esperanto-Rok-Asocio )
Klavar Association of the Netherlands (Klavar-unuiĝo Nederlanda, KuN)
Friendly Circle of Esperanto-items Collectors (Amika Rondo de Esperantaĵ-Kolektantoj, AREK)
International League of Esperantist Radio Amateurs (Internacia Ligo de Esperantistaj Radioamatoroj, ILERA)
Internet solidarity (Solidareca Reto )
Syndicalism: Syndical Action (Sindikata Agado )
Tourism: World Tourism (Monda Turismo, MT)
Translation: (Internacia Traduk-Reto pere de Esperanto, ITRE)
Universalism: Universal Alliance (Alianco Universala )
Vegetarianism: World Vegetarian Esperanto Association (Tutmonda Esperantista Vegetarana Asocio, TEVA)
Visual impairment: International League of Blind Esperantists (Ligo Internacia de Blindaj Esperantistoj, LIBE)
Youth: World Esperanto Youth Organization (Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo, TEJO)
Institute Martinus (Martinus-lnstituto )
International Esperanto Centre of Citizens of the World (Esperantista Internacia Centro de la Civitanoj de la Mondo )
Circle of Friends of Bruno Gröning (Amikaro Bruno Gröning )
Esperanto Veterans Club (Veterana Esperantista Klubo, VEK)
Movement Without a Name (Movado sen Nomo, MsN)
Spirit of Hope (Espermenso )
Chain of Esperanto Motorcyclists (Esperantista Motorciklanta Ĉeno, EMĈ)
(Internacia Forstista Rondo Esperantlingva, IFRE)
(Hejmoj de Internacia Kulturo, HIK)
(Organiza Societo de Internaciaj Esperanto-Konferencoj, OSIEK)
(Esperanto-Fako de la Naturamika Internacio, TANEF)
(CEUFO - regiona Esperanta centro pri nifologio )
(Asocio de Sociallaboristoj Esperantistaj, ASLE)
Assemblée sociale mondiale (Monda Asembleo Socia, MAS)
Esperanto Work Federation (FET)
Pacifist Movement (Tutmonde ou Pacifista Movado )
Bahá'í: Bahá'í Esperanto-League (Bahaa Esperanto-Ligo , BEL)
Buddhism: Buddhist Esperanto League (Budhana Ligo Esperantista, BLE)
Catholicism: International Union of Catholic Esperantists (Internacia Katolika Unuiĝo Esperantista, IKUE)
Bible study: International Association of Biblists and Orientalists (Internacia Asocio de Bibliistoj kaj Orientalistoj, IABO)
Christadelphian : Christadelphian Internacia Biblio-Misio
Hillelism: Hillelist Esperanto Circle (Hilelista Esperanto-Rondo )
Islam: Universal Islam Esperanto Association (Universala Islama Esperanto-Asocio, UIEA)
Mormonism: Mormons for Esperanto (Por-Esperanta Mormonaro, PEM)
Ecumenism: World Ecumenical League (Tutmonda Ekumena Ligo, TEL)
Oomoto: Esperanto Propaganda Association of Oomoto (Esperanto-Propaganda Asocio de Oomoto, EPA)
Orthodox Christianity: World Orthodox Esperanto League (Tutmonda Ortodoksa Ligo Esperantista, TOLE)
Protestantism: International League of Christian Esperantists (Kristana Esperantista Ligo Internacia, KELI)
Quaker: Quaker Esperanto Society (eo ) (Kvakera Esperanto-Societo, KES)
Spiritism: Society of Spiritism F.V. Lorenz (Spirita Eldona Societo F.V. Lorenz )
Theology: International Association of the Study of Spiritual and Theological Precepts (Asocio de Studado Internacia pri Spiritaj kaj Teologiaj Instruoj ASISTI)
Unitarian Universalist: Unitarian Universalist Esperanto Network ("Unitara-universalista Esperanto Retaro" UUER)
Won Buddhism: Won Buddhist Esperanto Association (Esperantista Asocio de Ŭonbulismo EAŬ)
Association for the Introduction of a New Nomenclature in Biology (Asocio por la Enkonduko de Nova Biologia Nomenklaturo, NBN)
(Internacia Naturkuraca Asocio, INA)
World Yumeiho Society (Monda Yumeiho-Societo )