罗姆苏丹凯霍斯鲁一世带着阿莱克修斯三世一起行军,计划围攻门德雷斯河畔安条克(英语:Antioch on the Maeander),苏丹希望以此为据点,进攻门德雷斯河谷的其他地区。塞尔柱突厥军队的具体数字不得而知,一位圣徒传记作家佩拉戈尼亚的乔治(George of Pelagonia)称塞尔柱军有6万之众,这显然是过度的夸张,尼基弗鲁斯·格雷戈拉斯(英语:Nicephorus Gregoras)称有2万,似乎也有些夸大了,不过可确定的是,这支部队比狄奥多尔临时拼凑的部队规模更大。乔治·阿克罗波利特斯与尼基弗鲁斯·格雷戈拉斯都记载尼西亚军共2千人,佩拉戈尼亚的乔治则称有3千人,其中800人为所谓“拉丁人”[註 1],剩下的是拜占庭人[13][14]。狄奥多尔一世带着尼西亚军从尼西亚出发,越过密细亚奥林帕斯山(今乌鲁达山),行军十一天后,到达菲拉德尔菲亚(今阿拉谢希尔)。塞尔柱方面的记载称战斗发生在菲拉德尔菲亚,而非门德雷斯河畔安条克[15]。而据拜占庭记载,狄奥多尔得知门德雷斯河畔安条克即将沦陷,于是命令向该城强行军,只携带了几天的口粮[13][16]。
^Korobeinikov, Dimitri. Byzantium and the Turks in the Thirteenth Century. Oxford University Press. 2014: 149. ISBN 978-0191017940. Theodore I had no choice but to fight. In the battle at Antioch at the Maeander the Nicaean army was almost defeated, but Laskaris met the sultan in person and after a short duel killed him. The battle took place after 15 June 1211, probably on 17 June.(狄奥多尔一世别无选择只能迎战,战斗中,尼西亚军队几乎落败,但狄奥多尔一世在一对一决斗中击杀了苏丹。这场战斗发生于1211年6月15日以后,可能是在6月17日)
^Battle of Antioch on the Meander (1211), Adam Ali, Conflict and Conquest in the Islamic World: A Historical Encyclopedia, Vol. 1, ed. Alexander Mikaberidze, (ABC-CLIO, 2011), 118-119.
^Redford 1991,第70頁: "The importance to the Seljuks of burial in the tomb tower in Konya is well known, and is graphically illustrated by the care taken to reinter the body of Giyaseddin Keyhusrev in Konya after he was killed by the troops of Theodore Lascaris after the battle of Alaşehir."(对塞尔柱人来说,埋葬在科尼亚的墓塔中是非常重要,在阿拉谢希尔之战中被狄奥多尔一世杀死的苏丹吉亚斯丁·凯霍斯鲁的尸体被小心地带回科尼亚,正是对这种观点的生动证明。)