由此,一场演变从至少三个方面展开了。彼特拉克关于光明与黑暗的隐喻在此时被及时地,至少是含蓄地推广了。尽管早期的人文主义者不再认为他们自己所在的年代是个“黑暗”的年代,但是对于18世纪的一些作家来说仍然不够“光明”,他们认为自己生活的才是真正的启蒙时代(Age of Enlightenment)。不过那个时期也饱受那些人的指责,主要集中在我们现在所称为的近代。而彼特拉克关于黑暗的比喻,也就是对一个他所见到的缺乏长期艺术文化成就的时期感到悲哀,在这个时候更加明确了它的反宗教的意图,是对所谓正统的天主教神职人员一个严峻的挑战。
尽管如此,一般来讲,名词“中世纪”,则是在18世纪以前,由比昂多以及其他彼得拉特之后的早期人道主义者提出,用来表示文艺复兴时期之前的时期的。最早使用英语单词“medieval”的纪录是在1827年。黑暗时代的概念仍然在使用,但是18世纪以后,它被限制来代表在中世纪的早期。牛津英语词典中最早的“黑暗时代(Dark Ages)”条目是一篇1857年亨利·T·巴克尔编的《英格兰文化历史(History of civilisation in England)》的参考书目[1]。而其开始和结束时间,各说不一:有人认为黑暗时代始于410年,而另一部分人认为[谁?]则是476年——西罗马帝国灭亡之时;并认为其结束于查理曼统治下的卡洛林文艺复兴,即大约800年左右,但也有人扩展了这个时期直到1000年。
^"Dark ages"[失效連結]. The Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved December 5, 2008. "Dark Ages: a term sometimes applied to the period of the Middle Ages to mark the intellectual darkness characteristic of the time; often restricted to the early period of the Middle Ages, between the time of the fall of Rome and the appearance of vernacular written documents."
^William Chester Jordon. Dictionary of the Middle Ages(英语:Dictionary of the Middle Ages), Supplement 1, 2004. Kathleen Verdun, "Medievalism" pp. 389–397. Sections 'Victorian Medievalism', 'Nineteenth-Century Europe', 'Medievalism in America 1500–1900', 'The 20th Century'. Same volume, Paul Freedman, "Medieval Studies", pp. 383–389.
^Philip Daileader. The High Middle Ages. The Teaching Company. ISBN 1-56585-827-1. "Catholics living during the Protestant Reformation were not going to take this assault lying down. They, too, turned to the study of the Middle Ages, going back to prove that, far from being a period of religious corruption, the Middle Ages were superior to the era of the Protestant Reformation, because the Middle Ages were free of the religious schisms and religious wars that were plaguing the 16th and 17th centuries."
^Robert Bartlett(英语:Robert Bartlett (historian)). "Introduction: Perspectives on the Medieval World", in Medieval Panorama. 2001. ISBN 0-89236-642-7. "Disdain about the medieval past was especially forthright amongst the critical and rationalist thinkers of the Enlightenment. For them the Middle Ages epitomized the barbaric, priest-ridden world they were attempting to transform."