The United States of America vs. Otto Ohlendorf, et al.
1947年9月29日 (1947-09-29)
別動隊審判(英語:Einsatzgruppen trial,正式案號為The United States of America vs. Otto Ohlendorf, et al.)是第二次世界大戰結束後在德國紐倫堡舉行的12場纽伦堡后续审判中的第九場,由美國當局主導,被訴者為納粹德國親衛隊別動隊的主要成員。是次審判由美國軍事法庭負責審理,與負責紐倫堡審判的國際軍事法庭無涉;不過兩者的訴訟程序均於紐倫堡司法宮內進行。
本次審判由來自賓夕法尼亞州的麥可·穆斯馬諾法官主審,並由來自阿拉巴馬州的約翰·斯貝特(John J. Speight)法官、來自北卡羅來納州的理查·狄克森法官共同審理(Richard D. Dixon)。檢方的首席法律顧問為美國律師泰爾福特·泰勒;首席檢察官為美國律師班傑明·費倫茨。檢方於1947年7月29日正式提起公訴;審判程序則自同年1947年9月29日開始持續至翌年4月10日止。
[The facts] are so beyond the experience of normal man and the range of man-made phenomena that only the most complete judicial inquiry, and the most exhaustive trial, could verify and confirm them. Although the principal accusation is murder, [...] the charge of purposeful homicide in this case reaches such fantastic proportions and surpasses such credible limits that believability must be bolstered with assurance a hundred times repeated.
...a crime of such unprecedented brutality and of such inconceivable savagery that the mind rebels against its own thought image and the imagination staggers in the contemplation of a human degradation beyond the power of language to adequately portray.
The number of deaths resulting from the activities with which these defendants have been connected and which the prosecution has set at one million is but an abstract number. One cannot grasp the full cumulative terror of murder one million times repeated.
It is only when this grotesque total is broken down into units capable of mental assimilation that one can understand the monstrousness of the things we are in this trial contemplating. One must visualize not one million people but only ten persons — men, women, and children, perhaps all of one family — falling before the executioner's guns. If one million is divided by ten, this scene must happen one hundred thousand times, and as one visualizes the repetitious horror, one begins to understand the meaning of the prosecution's words, 'It is with sorrow and with hope that we here disclose the deliberate slaughter of more than a million innocent and defenseless men, women, and children.'[1]
^"Five death sentences were confirmed: the sentence against Oswald Pohl, as well as those passed against the leaders of the Mobile Killing Units, Paul Blobel, Werner Braune, Erich Neumann, and Otto Ohrlendorf. . . . In the early morning hours of 7 June, the [] Nazi criminals were hanged in the Landesburg prison courtyard." Norbert Frei, Adenauer's Germany and the Nazi Past: The Politics of Amnesty and Integration. Columbia University Press, 2002. p. 165 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) and p. 173 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
Ferencz, Benjamin, “A Prosecutor's Personal Account: From Nuremberg to Rome", Journal of International Affairs, 52: No. 2, Columbia University, Spring 1999
Benjamin Ferencz, Mémoires de Ben, procureur à Nuremberg et avocat de la Paix mondiale, Michalon, Paris, 2012(French).