II. Dünya Savaşı'nda Almanya'nın as pilotları
II. Dünya Savaşı'nda Almanya'nın As Pilotların listesidir. Diğer ülkeler için bakınız: w:en:List of World War II aces by country
Luftwaffe onaylama kuralları
Luftwaffe'de hava zaferinin onaylanması için çok ayrıntılı kanıtlama süreci mevcuttur.[1]
- Tanık olmadan, bir Luftwaffe avcı pilotunun kendi zafer iddiasını onaylatma şansı yoktu. Öyle iddialar eğer dosyalandırıldıysa bile, grubun zaferinin ötesine geçemezdi.[1]
- Düşman uçağının nihai imha ya da havada patlaması ya da pilotun uçaktan çıkması, top-kamera ya da en az bir tanık tarafından görülmesi gerekirdi. Tanık, pilotun birlikte uçtuğu sağ ya da soldaki uçağın Alman havacıları, yerdeki gözlemci olabilirdi. RAF ve USAAF'in havacıları tanık olamazdı.[1]
Total Wartime Victories
Sophus Baagoe* |
Hauptmann |
14 |
ZG 76 |
Şövalye demir haçı KIA 14 Mayıs 1941
Werner Baake |
Hauptmann |
41 |
NJG 1 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Emil Babenz |
Oberfeldwebel |
24 |
JG 26 |
Herbert Bachnick* |
Leutnant |
80 |
JG 52 |
Şövalye demir haçı KIA 7 Ağustos 1944
Johann Badum* |
Leutnant |
54 |
JG 77 |
Şövalye demir haçı KIA 12 Ocak 1943
Jens Bahnsen* |
Feldwebel |
18 |
JG 27, JG 53 |
Günther Bahr |
Oberfeldwebel |
37 |
NJG 6 |
Şövayle demir haçı
Hans-Joachim Bahr |
7 |
JG 5 |
Wilhelm Balthasar* |
Major |
47(+7 in Spain) |
JG 27, JG 3, JG 2, JG 1 |
Meşe yaprağı ilaveli Şövalye demir haçı KIA 3 Temmuz 1941
"Pritzel" Heinrich Bär |
Oberst |
221 |
JG 51, JG 77, JG 1, JG 3, EJG 2, JV 44 |
Meşe yaprağı ve kılıç ilaveli Şövalye demir haçı
Herbert Bareuther* |
Leutnant |
55 |
JG 51, JG 3 |
German Cross in Gold KIA 30 Nisan 1945
"Gerd" Gerhard Barkhorn |
Major |
301 |
JG 2, JG 52, JG 6, JV 44 |
Meşe yaprağı ve kılıç ilaveli Şövalye demir haçı
Heinrich Bartels* |
Oberfeldwebel |
99 |
JG 5, JG 27 |
Şövalye demir haçı KIA 23 Aralık 1944
Franz Barten* |
Hauptmann |
52 |
JG 51, JG 53 |
Şövalye demir haçı KIA 4 Ağustos 1944
Erich Bartz |
Unteroffizier |
30 |
JG 51 |
"Willi" Wilhelm Batz |
Major |
237 |
JG 52 |
Meşe yaprağı ve kılıç ilaveli Şövalye demir haçı
Helmut Baudach* |
Oberfeldwebel |
20 |
JG 2 EKdo 262 Kdo Nowotny JG 7 |
KIA 22 Şubat 1945
Konrad Bauer |
Oberleutnant |
57 |
JG 51, JG 3, JG 300 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Viktor Bauer |
Oberst |
106 |
JG 3 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Karl-Heinz Becker |
Feldwebel |
7 |
NJG 11 |
Ludwig Becker |
Hauptmann |
46 |
Meşe yaprağı ilaveli Şövalye demir haçı
Martin Becker |
Hauptmann |
58 |
NJG 4, NJG 6 |
Meşe yaprağı ilaveli Şövalye demir haçı
Paul Becker |
Leutnant |
20 |
JG 27 |
Friedrich Beckh* |
Oberstleutnant |
48 |
JG 51, JG 52 |
Şövalye demir haçı KIA 21 Haziran 1942
Franz-Josef Beerenbrock |
Leutnant |
117 |
JG 51 |
Meşe yaprağı ilaveli Şövalye demir haçı
Artur Beese |
Oberleutnant |
22 |
JG 26 |
Heinrich Beirwirth |
Hans Beißwenger* |
Oberleutnant |
152 |
JG 54 |
Meşe yaprağı ilaveli Şövalye demir haçı KIA 7 Ağustos 1944
Ludwig Bellof |
25 |
Helmut Belser* |
Hauptmann |
36 |
JG 53 |
Karl-Heinz Bendert |
Oberleutnant |
54 |
JG 27 |
Helmut Bennemann |
Oberstleutnant |
93 |
JG 52, JG 53 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Anton Benning |
Leutnant |
28 |
JG 106, JG 301 |
Sigfried Benz |
Leutnant |
6 |
JG 26 |
Helmut Bergmann |
Hauptmann |
36 |
NJG 4, NJG 1 |
Heinz-Edgar Berres* |
Hauptmann |
53 |
JG 53 |
Hans Berschwinger |
Oberfeldwebel |
20 |
NJG 1, NJG 2 |
Günther Bertram |
Oberleutnant |
35 |
KG 4, NJG 100 |
Otto Bertram |
Major |
22(9 in Spain) |
J/88, JG 2, JG 101, JG 6 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Arthur Beth |
16 |
JG 5 |
Erich Beulich |
10 |
JG 5 |
Gerhard Beutin* |
Oberfeldwebel |
60 |
JG 54 |
Franz Beyer* |
Major |
81 |
JG 3 |
Georg Beyer |
Hauptmann |
8 |
JG 26 |
Heinz Beyer |
Oberfeldwebel |
33 |
JG 5 |
Heinz Birk |
14 |
JG 5 |
Hans-Joachim Birkner* |
Leutnant |
117 |
JG 52 |
Şövalye demir haçı KIFA 14 Aralık 1944
Emil Bitsch* |
Hauptmann |
108 |
JG 3 |
Şövalye demir haçı KIA 15 Mart 1944
Franz Blazytko |
Oberfeldwebel |
30 |
JG 27 |
Joachim Blechschmidt |
Oberstleutnant |
17 |
ZG 1 |
MIA 13 Temmuz 1943
Karl Bleckmann |
27 |
SG 1, SG 2 |
Günther Blömertz |
Leutnant |
10 |
JG 26 |
Walter Blume |
Major |
14 |
JG 26, JG 27 |
Hans-Ekkehard Bob |
Major |
60 |
JG 54, JG 3, JG 51, EJG 2, JV 44 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Karl Böhm-Tettelbach |
Oberstleutnant |
10 |
ZG 26 |
Oscar Bösch |
18 |
JG 3 |
Wolfgang Böwing-Treuding |
Oberleutnant |
46 |
JG 51 |
Paul Bohm |
6 |
NJG 2 |
Kurt Bohn |
Feldwebel |
5 |
JG 26 |
Helmut-Felix Bolz |
Major |
20 (+3 in Spain) |
JG 2 |
Eckart-Wilhelm von Bonin |
Major |
39 |
NJG 1 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Hubertus von Bonin* |
Oberstleutnant |
77(+4 in Spain) |
JG 26, JG 52, JG 54 |
Şövalye demir haçı KIA 15 Aralık 1943
Adolf Borchers |
Major |
132 |
JG 51, JG 52 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Walter Borchers* |
Oberstleutnant |
59 |
ZG 76, NJG 3, NJG 5 |
KIA 6 Mart 1945
Ebberhard von Boremski |
Hauptmann |
104 |
JG 3, EJG 1 |
Karl Borris |
Major |
43 |
JG 26 |
Ernst Börngen |
38 |
JG 27 |
Hans-Joachim Borreck |
Unteroffizier |
5 |
JG 26 |
Franz Bozicek |
5 |
JG 5 |
Felix-Maria Brandis* |
Oberleutnant |
18 |
JG 5 |
Kurt Brändle* |
Major |
180 |
JG 53, JG 3 |
Meşe yaprağı ilaveli Şövalye demir haçı KIA 3 Kasım 1943
Walter Brandt |
Oberleutnant |
57 |
LG 2, JG 77, JG 3 |
Paul Brandt |
Leutnant |
34 |
JG 54 |
Peter Bremer |
Oberfeldwebel |
40 |
JG 54 |
Joachim Brendel |
Hauptmann |
189 |
JG 51 |
Meşe yaprağı ilaveli Şövalye demir haçı
Heinz Bretnütz |
Hauptmann |
37 |
JG 53 |
Adolf Breves |
Hauptmann |
17 |
NJG 1 |
Hugo Broch |
Leutnant |
81 |
JG 54 |
Jürgen Brocke |
Leutnant |
42 |
JG 77 |
Herbert Brönnle* |
Leutnant |
57 |
JG 54 |
Wendelin Breukel |
Leutnant |
14 |
NJG 2, NJG 4 |
Albert Brunner* |
Oberfeldwebel |
53 |
JG 5 |
Hermann Buchner |
Leutnant |
58 |
SG 2, JG 7 |
Max Bucholz |
Major |
30 |
JG 3, JG 5, JG 101 |
Hilmer von Bülow-Bothkamp |
Oberst |
18 (+6 in WW I) |
JG 77, JG 2, NJG 101, NJG 105 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Adolf Buhl* |
Oberleutnant |
7 |
LG 2 |
KIA 27 Eylül 1940
"Bu-Mann" Kurt Bühlingen |
Oberstleutnant |
112 |
JG 2 |
Meşe yaprağı ve kılıç ilaveli Şövalye demir haçı
Johannes Bunzek* |
Leutnant |
75 |
JG 52 |
Lutz-Wilhelm Burckhardt |
Hauptmann |
61 |
JG 77, JG 1 |
Alfred Burk |
Oberleutnant |
28 |
JG 52, JG 27 |
Josef Bürschgens |
Hauptmann |
10 |
JG 26 |
Erwin Busch |
Oberleutnant |
8 |
JG 26 |
Rudolf Busch |
40 |
JG 51 |
Heinz Busse |
Oberleutnant |
22 |
JG 51 |
Erich Büttner* |
Oberfeldwebel |
8 |
EKdo 262, Kdo Nowotny, JG 7 |
KIA 20 Mart 1945
Johannes Büttner |
16 |
JG 51 |
Bruno Buzzi |
9 |
JG 5 |
Total Wartime Victories
Paul-Heinrich Dähne* |
Hauptmann |
98 |
JG 52, JG 1 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Walther Dahl |
Oberst |
128 |
JG 3, JG 300 |
Meşe yaprağı ilaveli Şövalye demir haçı
Hugo Dahmer |
Hauptmann |
57 |
JG 26, JG 5, JG 2 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Helmut Dahms |
Oberfeldwebel |
24 |
NJG 100 |
Friedrich Dahn |
26 |
JG 5 |
Hans Dammers* |
Leutnant |
113 |
JG 52 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Emil Darjes |
82 |
JG 54 |
Rudolf Dassow |
Leutnant |
22 |
ZG 76, ZG 6 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Karl-Emil Demuth |
16 |
JG 1 |
Gustav Denk* |
Oberleutnant |
67 |
JG 52 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Adolf Dickfeld |
Oberst |
136 |
JG 52, JG 2, JG 11 |
Meşe yaprağı ilaveli Şövalye demir haçı
Ulrich Diesing |
Generalmajor |
15 |
ZG 1 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Gottfried Ditze |
Leutnant |
5 |
JG 26 |
Fritz Dinger* |
Oberleutnant |
67 |
JG 53 |
Hans Dipple |
Hauptmann |
19 |
JG 26 |
Hans Dirksen |
Feldwebel |
5 |
JG 26 |
Heinrich Dittlmann |
Oberfeldwebel |
57 |
JG 51 |
Anton Döbele* |
Leutnant |
94 |
JG 54 |
Hans Döbrich |
Feldwebel |
65 |
JG 5 |
Arnold Döring |
Leutnant |
23 |
KG 53, NJG 300, JG 3, JG 5 |
Franz Dörr |
Hauptmann |
128 |
JG 5 |
Edgar Dörre |
Feldwebel |
9 |
JG 26 |
Kurt Dombacher |
68 |
JG 5, JG 51 |
Hans Dortenmann |
Oberleutnant |
38 |
JG 26, JG 54 |
Survived the war
Heinrich Dreisbach |
16 |
JG 5 |
Martin Drewes |
Major |
52 |
ZG 76, NJG 1 |
Ernst Drünkler |
47 |
ZG 2, NJG 1, NJG 5 |
Rudi Düding |
18 |
NJG 100 |
Ernst Düllberg |
Major |
45 |
JG 3, JG 27, JG 76, JG 7 |
Alfred Druschel* |
Oberst |
7 |
LG 2, SG 1, SG 4 |
Peter Düttmann |
Oberleutnant |
152 |
JG 52 |
Total Wartime Victories
Karl Ebbighausen |
Hauptmann |
7 |
JG 26 |
Heinz Ebeling |
Oberleutnant |
18 |
JG 26 |
Kurt Ebener |
Oberleutnant |
57 |
JG 3, JG 11 |
Kurt Ebersberger [1][ölü/kırık bağlantı] |
Hauptmann |
27 |
JG 26 |
Helmut Eberspächer |
Hauptmann |
7 |
SKG 10 |
Manfred Eberwein |
Oberleutnant |
56 |
JG 54 |
Reinhold Eckardt |
Oberleutnant |
22 |
NJG 1, NJG 3 |
Franz Eckerle |
Hauptmann |
59 |
JG 54 |
Georg-Peter Eder |
Major |
78 |
JG 51, JG 26, JG 1, JG 2 |
Johannes Edmann |
Oberfeldwebel |
5 |
JG 26 |
Karl-Heinz Ehlen |
Leutnant |
7 |
JG 26 |
Hans Ehlers* |
Major |
54 |
JG 3, JG 1 |
KIA 27 Aralık 1944
Rudolf Ehrenberger |
Oberfeldwebel |
49 |
JG 53 |
Heinrich Ehrler* |
Major |
208 |
JG 5, JG 7 |
KIA 4 Nisan 1945
Diethelm von Eichel-Streiber |
Major |
96 |
JG 1, JG 26, JG 51, JG 27, JV 44 |
Günther Eichhorn |
7 |
JG 5 |
Heinrich Eickhoff |
Oberleutnant |
6 |
JG 27 |
Heinrich Graf von Einsiedel |
Oberleutnant |
35 |
JG 3 |
Franz Eisenach |
Major |
129 |
JG 54 |
Xaver Ellenrieder |
Leutnant |
12 |
JG 26 |
Franz Elles |
Feldwebel |
5 |
JG 27 |
Walter Engel |
Hauptmann |
9 |
NJG 1, NJG 5 |
Siegfried Engfer |
Oberleutnant |
58 |
JG 3, JG 1 |
Albert Espenlaub* |
Oberfeldwebel |
14 |
JG 27 |
Wolf-Udo Ettel* |
Oberleutnant |
124 |
JG 3, JG 27 |
Heinz Ewald |
84 |
JG 52 |
Wolfgang Ewald |
Major |
78 (+1 in Spain) |
JG 52, JG 3 |
Total Wartime Victories
Pepi Gabl |
Oberfeldwebel |
38 |
JG 51 |
Otto Gaiser |
Leutnant |
74 |
JG 51 |
"Dolfo" Adolf Galland |
Generalleutnant |
104 |
JG 27, JG 26, JV 44 |
Paul Galland* |
Leutnant |
17 |
JG 26 |
Wilhelm-Ferdinand (Wutz) Galland* |
Major |
55 |
JG 26 |
Bernd Gallowitsch |
Major |
64 |
JG 51, JG 7 |
Josef Gärtner |
Oberfeldwebel |
6 |
JG 26 |
Wilhelm Gäth |
Major |
14 |
JG 26 |
Werner Gayko |
13 |
JG 5 |
Friedrich Geisshardt* |
Hauptmann |
102 |
LG 2, JG 77, JG 26, JG 27 |
Hannes Gentzen |
Major |
18 |
JG 102 |
Dieter Gerhard |
Oberleutnant |
8 |
JG 1 |
Günther Gerhards |
18 |
JG 52 |
Werner Gerhardt |
13 |
JG 2, JG 1, JG 26 |
Erich Gerlitz* |
Major |
18 |
JG 51, JG 27, JG 53, JG 5 |
Werner Gerth* |
Hauptmann |
30 |
JG 3, JG 300, JG 400 |
Gerhard Gleuwitz |
13 |
JG 52 |
Rudolf Glockner |
Oberleutnant |
32 |
JG 5, JG 7 |
recip. of German Cross in Gold
Adolf Glunz |
Oberleutnant |
71 |
JG 26, JG 7 |
Franz Götz |
Major |
63 |
JG 53, JG 26 |
Hans Götz* |
Hauptmann |
82 |
JG 54 |
Heinz Golinski* |
Feldwebel |
47 |
JG 53 |
Gordon Gollob |
Oberst |
150 |
JG 3, JG 77 |
Kurt Goltzsch* |
Oberleutnant |
43 |
JG 2 |
Heinz Gomann |
12 |
JG 26, JG 7 |
Heinz Gossow |
13 |
KG 33, JG 300, JG 301, JG 7 |
Heinz Gottlob |
6 |
JG 26 |
Hermann Grabmann |
13 (+7 in Spain) |
LG 1, ZG 76, JG 26 |
Hermann Graf |
Oberst |
212 |
JG 52, JG 11 |
Berthold Graßmuck* |
Oberfeldwebel |
65 |
JG 52 |
Karl Gratz |
Leutnant |
138 |
JG 52, JG 2 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Alfred Grislawski |
Hauptmann |
133 |
JG 52, JG 1 |
Helmuth Grollmus* |
Leutnant |
75 |
JG 54 |
Fritz Gromotka |
Leutnant |
29 |
JG 27 |
Alfred Gross |
Leutnant |
52 |
JG 54, JG 26 |
Erich Groth |
13 |
ZG 2, ZG 76 |
Viktor Gruber |
Feldwebel |
10 |
JG 27 |
Hans Grünberg |
Oberleutnant |
82 |
JG 3, JG 52, JG 7 JV 44 |
Walter Grünlinger |
7 |
JG 26 |
Josef Grimm |
Unteroffizier |
5 |
JG 27 |
Gerhard Grzymalla |
7 |
JG 26 |
Joachim Günther |
11 |
JG 26 |
Hermann Guhl |
15 |
LG 2, JG 26 |
Gerhard Guttmann |
10 |
JG 26 |
Total Wartime Victories
Friedrich Haas |
Leutnant |
74 |
JG 52 |
Horst Haase |
Major |
56 |
JG 51, JG 3 |
Wilhelm Hachfeld |
Hauptmann |
12 |
LG 2, JG 51, ZG 2 |
August Hachtel |
Oberleutnant |
5 |
JG 400 |
Joachim Hacker |
Leutnant |
32 |
JG 51 |
Anton Hackl |
Major |
192 |
JG 77, JG 11, JG 26, JG 300 |
Heinrich Hackler |
Leutnant |
56 |
JG 77 |
Anton "Toni" Hafner* |
Oberleutnant |
204 |
JG 51 |
KIA 17 Ekim 1944
Ludwig Häfner |
Leutnant |
52 |
JG 3 |
Hans "Assi" Hahn |
Major |
108 |
JG 2, JG 54 |
Hans Hahn |
Leutnant |
13 |
NJG 2 |
Josef Haiböck |
Hauptmann |
77 |
JG 26, JG 52, JG 3 |
Heinz Halstrick |
13 |
JG 5 |
Joachim Hamer |
Leutnant |
35 |
JG 51 |
Alfred Hammer |
26 |
JG 53 |
Karl Hammerl |
Leutnant |
67 |
JG 52 |
Gotthard Handrick |
Oberst |
10 (+5 in Spain) |
JG 26, JG 77 |
1936 Yaz Olimpiyatlarında Altın madalya
Heinz Hanke |
9 |
JG 1 |
Günther Hannack |
Hauptmann |
47 |
LG 2, JG 77, JG 27 |
Horst Hannig |
Oberleutnant |
98 |
JG 54, JG 2 |
Jürgen Harder |
Major |
64 |
JG 53, JG 11 |
Harro Harder |
Hauptmann |
22 (+11 in Spain) |
JG 53 |
Hans Hartigs |
Oberleutnant |
7 |
JG 26 |
Andreas Hartl |
Feldwebel |
11 |
JG 302 |
"Bubi" Erich Hartmann |
Major |
352 |
JG 52 |
Ludwig Hartmann |
10 |
JG 2 |
Hans-Dieter Hartwein |
16 |
JG 5 |
Horst Hasse |
82 |
JG 51, JG 3 |
Helmuth Haugk |
Hauptmann |
18 |
ZG 76, ZG 26 |
Werner Haugk |
Leutnant |
9 |
ZG 77, ZG 76 |
Wilhelm Hauswirth |
Feldwebel |
54 |
JG 52 |
Alfred Heckmann |
Oberleutnant |
71 |
JG 3, JG 26, JV 44 |
Günther Heckmann |
Leutnant |
20 |
JG 51, JG 1, JG 7 |
Hubert Heckmann |
5 |
JG 1, JG 7 |
Guenther Heeger |
Alfred Heidel |
9 |
JG 27 |
Joseph Heim* |
Gefreiter |
5 |
JG 7 |
KIA 10 Nisan 1945
Friedrich Heimann |
Oberfeldwebel |
30 |
JG 51 |
Kurt Hein |
Feldwebel |
8 |
JG 26 |
Hans-Joachim Heinecke |
Hauptmann |
28 |
JG 27 |
Engelbert Heiner |
Oberfeldwebel |
11 |
NJ-Schwarm Luftfl. 4 |
Richard Heller |
Leutnant |
22 |
ZG 26, ZG 10 |
Bodo Helms |
6 |
JG 5 |
Horst Hennig |
Hauptmann |
5 |
KG 77, NJG 3 |
Eberhard Henrici |
Oberleutnant |
7 |
JG 26 |
Hajo Herrmann |
Oberst |
9 |
KG 4, KG 30, JG 300 |
Kurt Hermann |
9 |
NJG 2 |
Rolf Hermichen |
Major |
64 |
JG 26, JG 11, JG 104 |
Isken Herrmann |
Heinrich Heuser |
Feldwebel |
5 |
JG 26 |
Hans-Joachim Heyer |
Leutnant |
53 |
JG 54 |
Otto-Heinrich Hilleke |
Leutnant |
6 |
JG 26 |
Ernst-Erich Hirschfeld |
Oberleutnant |
24 |
JG 300, JG 54 |
Heinz-Horst Hissbach |
34 |
NJG 2 |
Walter Höckner* |
Major |
68 |
JG 77, JG 26, JG 1, JG 4 |
Heinrich Höfemeier* |
Oberleutnant |
96 |
JG 51 |
KIA 7 Ağustos 1943
Georg Höhn |
6 |
JG 5 |
Jürgen Hörschelmann |
Oberleutnant |
44 |
JG 3 |
Anton Horwick |
27 |
NJG 2, NJG 7 |
Friedrich Hoffmann* |
Leutnant |
11 |
JG 27 |
Gerhard Hoffmann |
Leutnant |
130 |
JG 52 |
Reinhold Hoffmann |
Leutnant |
66 |
JG 54 |
Karl Hoffmann |
70 |
JG 52 |
Heinrich Hoffmann |
63 |
JG 51 |
Hermann Hoffmann |
8 |
JG 26 |
Wilhelm Hofmann |
Oberleutnant |
44 |
JG 26 |
Erich Hohagen |
Major |
56 |
JG 51, JG 2, JG 27, JG 7, JV 44 |
Walter Holl |
7 |
JG 26 |
Kurt Holler |
18 |
NJG 2, NJG 3, NJG 4 |
Helmuth Holtz |
56 |
JG 51 |
Gerhard Homuth* |
Major |
63 |
JG 27, JG 54 |
MIA 2 Ağustos 1943
Helmuth Hoppe |
24 |
JG 26 |
Walter Horten |
7 |
JG 26 |
Dietrich Hrabak |
125 |
JG 76, JG 54, JG 52 |
Franz Hrdlicka |
96 |
JG 77, JG 2 |
Wilhelm Hübner |
62 |
JG 51 |
Eckhard Hübner |
47 |
JG 3 |
Rudolf Hübl |
20 |
JG 1 |
Werner Hübner |
7 |
JG 51 |
Karl Hülshoff |
11 |
NJG 2 |
Herbert Huppertz |
68 |
JG 51, JG 5, JG 2 |
Werner Husemann |
34 |
NJG 1, NJG 3 |
Wolf-Dietrich Huy |
40 |
JG 77 |
Total Wartime Victories
Erbo Graf von Kageneck* |
Hauptmann |
67 |
JG 27 |
DOW 12 Ocak 1942
Emil Kaiser |
8 |
JG 1 |
Herbert Kaiser |
Leutnant |
68 |
JG 77, JG 1, JV 44 |
Peter Kalden |
Oberleutnant |
84 |
JG 51 |
Rolf Kaldrack |
Hauptmann |
21 |
ZG 76 |
Adolf Kalkum |
Feldwebel |
57 |
JG 53 |
Herbert Kaminski |
Major |
7 |
ZG 76, JG 53 |
Fritz Karch |
Hauptmann |
47 |
JG 2 |
Eberhard Kaross |
Leutnant |
10 |
NJG 100 |
August Kayser |
25 |
Dietrich Kehl |
Oberleutnant |
6 |
JG 26 |
Georg Keil |
Leutnant |
36 |
JG 2 |
Günther Kelch |
Hauptmann |
13 |
JG 26 |
Hannes Keller |
Unteroffizier |
24 |
JG 51 |
Lothar Keller |
Hauptmann |
20 |
JG 3 |
Kurt Kelter |
60 |
JG 54 |
Heinz Kemethmüller |
Leutnant |
89 |
JG 3, JG 26 |
Karl-Heinz Kempf |
65 |
JG 54, JG 26 |
Karl Kennel |
34 |
ZG 26, ZG 2, SG 1, SG 2 |
Gerhard Keppler |
12 |
JG 27 |
Georg Kiefner |
12 |
JG 26, JV 44 |
Johannes Kiel |
25 |
ZG 26, ZG 76 |
"Willy" Wilhelm Kientsch |
53 |
JG 27 |
Rüdiger von KirchMayısr |
29 |
JG 1, JG 11, JV 44 |
Joachim Kirschner* |
Hauptmann |
188 |
JG 3, JG 27 |
Otto Kittel* |
Oberleutnant |
267 |
JG 54 |
Ernst Klager |
22 |
JG 53 |
Hans Klein |
10 |
JG 52 |
Alfons Klein |
40 (+1 in Spain) |
JG 52, JG 11 |
Erich Klein |
5 |
JG 5 |
Rudolf Klemm |
42 |
JG 54, JG 26 |
Heinrich Klöpper |
Oberleutnant |
94 |
JG 51, JG 1 |
Reinhold Knacke |
44 |
ZG 1, NJG 1 |
Kurt Knappe |
56 |
JG 51, JG 2 |
Hans Knauth |
26 |
JG 51 |
Emil Knittel |
50 |
JG 54 |
Heinz Knoke |
Hauptmann |
31 {Confirmed} |
JG 1 & JG 11 |
1/2 victory {Not awarded}+12 unconfirmed
Gerhard Koall |
38 |
JG 3, JG 54 |
Hans-Günther Koch |
15 |
JG 51 |
Harry Koch |
30 |
JG 26, JG 2 |
Armin Köhler |
69 |
JG 27, JG 77 |
Hans-Heinrich König |
28 |
ZG 76, NJG 3, JG 11 |
Gerhard Köppen |
86 |
JG 52 |
Friedrich Körner |
36 |
JG 27 |
Franz Köster |
Unteroffizier |
7 |
Hans Kolbow |
Berthold Korts |
113 |
JG 52 |
Eduard Koslowski |
13 |
JG 53, JG 26 |
Wolfgang Kosse |
46 |
JG 26, JG 5, JG 1, JG 3 |
Willi Kothmann |
13 |
JG 27 |
Herbert Kowalski |
5 |
JG 27 |
Heinrich Krafft |
78 |
JG 51, JG 3 |
Georg "Schorsch" Kraft |
15 |
NJG 1 |
Karl-Heinz Krahl |
24 |
JG 2, JG 3 |
Erich Krainik |
13 |
JG 27 |
Herbert Krenz |
12 |
JG 27 |
Herbert Kroh |
Hans-Joachim Kroschinski |
76 |
JG 54 |
Heinz Krug |
9 |
JG 26 |
"the Count" Walter Krupinski |
Hauptmann |
197 |
JG 52, JG 11, JG 26, JV 44 |
Elias Kühlein |
Leutnant |
36 |
JG 51 |
Wilhelm Küken |
Oberfeldwebel |
45 |
JG 51, JGr. Ost |
Franz Kunz |
12 |
JG 53, JG 26 |
Josef Kunz |
16 |
JG 5 |
Herbert Kutscha |
Hauptmann |
47 |
JG 3, JG 27, JG 11 |
Total Wartime Victories
August Lambert* |
Oberleutnant |
116 |
SG 2, JG 77 |
Şövalye demir haçı KIA 17 Nisan 1945
Günther Landt |
23 |
JG 53 |
Emil "Bully" Lang* |
Hauptmann |
173 |
JG 54, JG 26 |
18 in one day
Friedrich Lange |
Leutnant |
8 |
JG 26 |
Gerhard Lange |
Hauptmann |
5 |
JG 6 |
Heinz Lange |
Major |
70 |
JG 21, JG 54, JG 51 |
Karl-Heinz Langer |
Major |
30 |
JG 3 |
Hans-Joachim Langer |
10 |
JG 51, JG 7 |
Erwin Laskowski |
Oberfeldwebel |
46 |
JG 51, JG 11 |
Kurt Lasse |
Oberleutnant |
39 |
JG 77 |
Karl Laub |
Oberfeldwebel |
7 |
JG 26 |
Bernhard Lausch |
Oberfeldwebel |
39 |
JG 51 |
Heinz Leber |
Leutnant |
54 |
JG 51 |
Alois Lechner |
Major |
45 |
NJG 100, NJG 2 |
Karl-Heinz Leesmann |
Major |
37 |
JG 52, JG 1 |
Erwin Leibold |
Oberfeldwebel |
11 |
JG 26 |
Erich Leie* |
Major |
118 |
JG 2, JG 51, JG 77 |
Şövalye demir haçı
Hermann Leiste |
Leutnant |
29 |
JG 54 |
Siegfried Lemke |
Hauptmann |
96 |
JG 2 |
Wilhelm Lemke |
Hauptmann |
131 |
JG 3 |
Helmut Lennartz |
Feldwebel |
13 |
JG 11, JG 7, EKdo 262, Kdo Nowotny |
Helmut Lent* |
Oberst |
110 |
NJG 1, NJG 2, NJG 3 |
Meşe yaprağı, kılıç ve elmas ilaveli Şövalye demir haçı
Richard Leppla |
Major |
68 |
JG 51, JG 105, JG 6 |
Heinrich Lesch |
8 |
JG 5 |
Franz Leuders |
Rudolf Leuschel |
Hauptmann |
9 |
JG 26 |
Erwin Leykauf |
Oberleutnant |
33 |
JG 54 |
Fritz Liebelt |
Leutnant |
25 |
JG 51 |
Carl von Lieres |
Oberleutnant |
31 |
JG 27 |
Arnold Lignitz |
Hauptmann |
25 |
JG 51, JG 54 |
Friedrich Lindelaub |
Oberfeldwebel |
5 |
JG 26 |
Theodor Lindemann |
Oberleutnant |
7 |
JG 26 |
Anton Lindner |
Oberleutnant |
73 |
JG 51 |
Anton Lindner |
73 |
JG 51 |
Walter Lindner |
64 |
JG 52 |
Rudolf Linz |
Leutnant |
70 |
JG 5 |
Helmut Lipfert |
Hauptmann |
203 |
JG 52, JG 53 |
Wolfgang Lippert* |
Hauptmann |
29 (+4 in Spain) |
JG 53, JG 27 |
Frank Liesendahl |
Hauptmann |
JG 53, JG 2 |
Stefan Litjens |
Oberfeldwebel |
38 |
JG 53 |
Gerhard Loos |
Oberleutnant |
92 |
JG 54 |
Walter Loos |
Oberfeldwebel |
38 |
JG 301, JG 3 |
Fritz Losigkeit |
Major |
68 |
JG 26, JG 1, JG 51, JG 77 |
Werner Lucas* |
Hauptmann |
106 |
JG 3 |
August Lübking |
38 |
JG 5, JG 7 |
Max-Hermann Lücke |
Oberleutnant |
81 |
JG 51 |
Fritz Lüddecke* |
Oberfeldwebel |
51 |
JG 51 |
Rudolf Lüder |
6 |
JG 5 |
Johannes Lutter |
12 |
ZG 1, ZG 76, ZG 2, SKG 210, SKG 10, SG 4 |
Richard Lutzka |
5 |
JG 5 |
Günther Lützow* |
Oberst |
108 (5 in Spain) |
JG 3, JV 44 |
August Luy |
35 |
JG 5 |
Total Wartime Victories
Ernst Maack |
8 |
JG 27, JG 11 |
Werner Machold |
Hauptmann |
32 |
JG 2 |
Anton Mader |
Oberstleutnant |
86 |
JG 2, JG 77, JG 54 |
Heinz Mahlkuch |
16 |
JG 77 |
Lothar Mai |
Leutnant |
45 |
JG 51 |
Wilhelm Mackenstedt |
6 |
JG 26 |
Wilhelm Makrocki |
9 |
ZG 76, JG 26 |
Günther Freiherr von Maltzahn |
Oberst |
68 |
JG 53
Heinz Marquardt |
Oberfeldwebel |
121 |
JG 51 |
Hans-Joachim Marseille* |
Hauptmann |
158 |
JG 52, JG 27 |
KIFA 30 Eylül 1942
Karl-Heinrich Matern |
Hauptmann |
12 |
ZG 1, ZG 76 |
Walter Matoni |
Major |
44 |
JG 27, JG 26, JG 2 |
Kurt Matzak |
Leutnant |
18 |
NJG 1 |
Lothar Mayıs |
45 |
JG 51 |
Egon Mayıser* |
Oberstleutnant |
102 |
JG 2 |
KIA 2 Mart 1944
Otto Mayıser |
22 |
JG 27 |
Hans-Karl Mayıser |
39 (+8 in Spain) |
JG 53, JG 26 |
Wilhelm Mayıser |
27 |
JG 26 |
Maximilian Mayıserl |
76 |
JG 51, EJG 1 |
Erhardt Mecke |
12 |
JG 5 |
Johann-Hermann Meier |
77 |
JG 26, JG 52 |
Julius Meimberg |
Major |
53 |
JG 2, JG 53 |
Ludwig Meister |
Hauptmann |
39 |
NJG 1, NJG 4
Karl-Heinz Meltzer |
Leutnant |
74 |
JG 52 |
Arthur Mendl |
9 |
JG 5 |
Robert Menge |
20 (4 in Spain) |
JG 26 |
Karl Mentnich |
7 |
JG 27 |
Hans-Jörg Merkel |
30 |
JG 52 |
Helmut Mertens |
97 |
JG 3 |
Werner Methfessel |
8 |
LG 1 |
Manfred Meurer |
Hauptmann |
65 |
NJG 1, NJG 5 |
Conny Meyer |
16 |
JG 26 |
Eduard Meyer |
22 |
ZG 26 |
Walter Meyer |
18 |
JG 54, JG 26 |
Gerhard Michalski |
Oberstleutnant |
73 |
JG 53, JG 4 |
Rudolf Miethig* |
Hauptmann |
101 |
JG 52 |
KIA KIA 10 Haziran 1943
Klaus Mietusch* |
76 |
JG 26 |
KIA 17 Eylül 1944
Wilhelm Mink |
72 |
JG 51, EJG 1 |
Bruno Mischkot |
7 |
JG 26, JG 3, JG 2, EJG 2 |
Helmut Missner |
Oberfeldwebel |
82 |
JG 54 |
Erich Mix |
13 (+3 in WW I) |
JG 1, JG 2, JG 53 |
Ernst-Wilhelm Modrow |
Hauptmann |
34 |
NJG 1 |
"Vati" Werner Mölders* |
Oberst |
115 (15 in Spain) |
KIFA 22 Kasım 1941
Wilhelm Moritz |
Major |
44 |
JG 51, JG 3 |
August Mors* |
Leutnant |
60 |
JG 5 |
KIA 6 Ağustos 1944
Friedrich-Karl "Tutti" Müller |
Oberstleutnant |
140 |
JG 53, JG 3 |
Friedrich-Karl "Nasen" Müller |
Major |
30 |
NJG 11, JG 300 |
Fritz Müller |
Leutnant |
22 |
JG 7 |
Kurt Müller |
Oberleutnant |
5 |
JG 26 |
Rudolf Müller |
Oberfeldwebel |
94 |
JG 5 |
Wilhelm Müller |
Oberfeldwebel |
10 |
JG 26 |
Gerhard Müller-Dühne |
Leutnant |
5 |
JG 26 |
Joachim Müncheberg* |
Major |
135 |
JG 26, JG 51, JG 77 |
KIA 23 Mart 1943
Leopold Münster |
Oberleutnant |
95 |
JG 3 |
Hubert Mütherich |
Oberleutnant |
43 |
JG 51, JG 54 |
Georg Munderloh |
Oberfeldwebel |
20 |
JG 54 |
Karl "Fox" Munz |
Leutnant |
60 |
JG 52, JG 7 |
Total Wartime Victories
Horst Oberlander |
Friedrich Obleser |
Oberleutnant |
120 |
JG 52 |
Walter Oesau* |
Oberst |
127 (9 in Spain) |
JG 1, JG 2, JG 51, J/88 |
Walter Ohlrogge |
Leutnant |
83 |
JG 3, JG 7 |
Robert Olejnik |
Major |
41 |
JG 2, JG 3, JG 1, JG 400 |
Emil Omert |
Hauptmann |
70 |
JG 3, JG 2, JG 77 |
Theo Osterkamp |
Generalleutnant |
6 (+32 in WW I) |
JG 51 |
Max-Hellmuth Ostermann* |
Oberleutnant |
102 |
ZG 1, JG 54 |
Total Wartime Victories
Rudolf Rademacher |
Oberleutnant |
126 |
JG 54, JG 7 |
Waldemar Radener |
Oberleutnant |
36 |
JG 26, JG 300 |
Günther Radusch |
Oberst |
64 (1 in Spain) |
NJG 1, NJG 2, NJG 3
Günther Rall |
Major |
275 |
JG 52, JG 11 |
Karl Rammelt |
Major |
46 |
JG 51 |
Alfred Rauch |
Leutnant |
60 |
JG 51 |
Karl-Wolfgang Redlich (1914-1944) |
Major |
43 (2 in Spain) |
JG 27 |
Hans Reiff |
Oberfeldwebel |
48 |
JG 3 |
Ernst-Wilhelm Reinert |
Oberleutnant |
174 |
JG 77, JG 27 |
Hans-Günther Reinhard |
Oberfeldwebel |
44 |
JG 54 |
Peter Reischer |
Oberleutnant |
19 |
JG 26 |
Hans Remmer |
Hauptmann |
26 |
JG 27 |
Anton Resch |
Oberleutnant |
91 |
JG 52 |
Adolf Resch |
Major |
94 (1 in Spain) |
JG 52, JG 51 |
Willi Reschke |
Oberfeldwebel |
26 |
JG 300, JG 301 |
Ralph von Rettberg |
Oberst |
8 |
ZG 26, JG 2 |
Horst Reuter |
Ernst Richter |
Oberfeldwebel |
20 |
JG 54 |
Hans Richter |
Leutnant |
22 |
JG 27 |
Eckhard Roch |
Leutnant |
5 |
JG 26 |
Gustav Rödel |
Oberst |
98 |
JG 27 |
Hans Röhrig* |
Hauptmann |
75 |
JG 53 |
Detlev Rohwer |
Hauptmann |
38 |
JG 3, JG 1 |
Heinz Rökker |
Hauptmann |
64 |
NJG 2 |
Herbert Rollwage |
Oberleutnant |
102 |
JG 53 |
Oskar Romm |
Oberleutnant |
92 |
JG 51, JG 3 |
Heinrich Rosenberg |
Theodore Rossiwall |
Oberstleutnant |
21 |
ZG 76, NJG 4 |
Edmund Roßmann |
Leutnant |
93 |
JG 52 |
Wolfgang Rost |
Willi Roth |
Leutnant |
20 |
JG 26 |
Günther Rübell |
Hauptmann |
47 |
JG 51, JG 104 |
Hans-Ulrich Rudel |
Oberst |
9 |
SG 2 |
Erich Rudorffer |
Major |
222 |
JG 2, JG 54, JG 7 |
13 in one mission
Helmut Rüffler |
Oberfeldwebel |
98 |
JG 3 |
Franz Ruhl |
Oberleutnant |
36 |
JG 3 |
Friedrich Rupp |
Leutnant |
52 |
JG 54 |
Otto Russ |
Martin Rysavy |
Oberleutnant |
8 |
JG 26 |
Total Wartime Victories
Heinz Sachsenberg |
Leutnant |
104 |
JG 52 |
Florian Salwender |
25 |
JG 77, JG 5 |
Karl Sattig |
Hauptmann |
53 |
JG 54 |
Erwin Sawallisch |
Oberfeldwebel |
36 |
JG 27 |
Günther Schack |
Hauptmann |
174 |
JG 51, JG 3 |
Emil Schact |
25 |
Johannes Schalk |
Oberst |
21 |
ZG 26 |
Franz Schall* |
Hauptmann |
133 |
JG 52, Kdo Nowotny, JG 7 |
KIFA 10 Nisan 1945
Ludwig Scharf |
18 |
JG 5 |
Gerhard Schaschke |
Hauptmann |
22 |
ZG 76 |
Paul Schauder |
Hauptmann |
20 |
JG 26 |
Günther Scheel* |
Leutnant |
71 |
JG 54 |
MIA 16 Temmuz 1943 only 70 combat missions
Klaus Scheer |
Leutnant |
24 |
NJG 100 |
Rudolf Scheffel |
Hauptmann |
7 |
ZG 1, ZG 26 |
Franz Schieß* |
Hauptmann |
67 |
JG 53 |
KIA 2 Eylül 1943
Wolfgang Schellmann* |
Oberstleutnant |
26 (+12 in Spain) |
JG 2, JG 27 |
KIA 22 Haziran 1941
Wolfgang Schenck |
18 |
SG 2, ZG 1, SKG 210, KG 51 |
Georg Schentke |
90 |
JG 3 |
Ernst Scheufele |
18 |
JG 5, JG 4 |
Karl-Heinz Scherfling |
Oberfeldwebel |
33 |
NJG 1 |
Erich Scheyda |
20 |
JG 26 |
Wilhelm Schilling |
63 |
JG 54, EJG 1 |
Hans Schleef* |
Oberleutnant |
99 |
JG 3, JG 5, JG 4 |
KIA 31 Aralık 1944
Hermann Schleinghege |
97 |
JG 3, JG 54 |
Joachim Schlichting |
8 (+5 in Spain) |
JG 27 |
Karl-Friedrich Schlosstein |
8 |
JG 77, JG 5 |
Dietrich Schmidt |
Hauptmann |
43 |
NJG 1 |
Johannes Schmidt |
12 |
JG 26 |
Rudolf Schmidt |
42 |
JG 77 |
Dietrich Schmidt |
40 |
NJG 1 |
Erich Schmidt |
47 |
JG 53 |
Gottfried Schmidt |
8 |
JG 26 |
Heinz Schmidt* |
Hauptmann |
173 |
JG 52 |
MIA 5 Eylül 1943
Winfried Schmidt |
19 |
JG 3 |
Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer |
Major |
121 |
NJG 1, NJG 4 |
August Schneider |
11 |
JG 5 |
Hugo Schneider |
9 |
JG 27 |
Walter Schneider |
20 |
JG 26 |
Gerhard Schneider |
41 |
JG 51, JG Ost |
Karl-Heinz Schnell |
72 |
JG 51, JG 53, JV 44 |
"Wumm" Siegfried Schnell |
Major |
93 |
JG 54, JG 2 |
KIA 25 Şubat 1944
Karl "Quax" Schnörrer |
46 |
JG 54, JG 7, Kdo Nowotny |
Herbert Schob |
28 (+6 in Spain) |
LG 1, ZG 76, ZG 26 |
Erich Schöfbock |
14 |
JG 27 |
Rudolf Schönert |
Major |
64 |
NJG 1, NJG 2, NJG 3, NJG 100, NJG 10, NJG 5 |
Helmuth Schönfelder |
56 |
JG 51 |
Gerhard Schöpfel |
Major |
45 |
JG 26, JG 4, JG 6 |
Günther Scholz |
34 (+1 in Spain) |
JG 54, JG 5 |
Herbert Schramm |
42 |
JG 53, JG 27 |
Alfred Schreiber* |
Leutnant |
7 |
ZG 26, EKdo 262, Kdo Nowotny, JG 7 |
KIFA 26 Kasım 1944
Werner Schröer |
114 |
JG 3, JG 27, JG 54 |
Fritz Schröter |
11 |
JG 2, SKG 10, SG 5, SG 4 |
Hans Schubert |
8 |
JG 1 |
Walter Schuck |
Oberleutnant |
206 |
JG 5, JG 7 |
Franz Schulte |
46 |
JG 77 |
Otto Schultz |
73 |
JG 51 |
Gerhard Schulwitz |
9 |
JG 26 |
Otto Schulz* |
Oberleutnant |
51 |
JG 27 |
KIA 17 Haziran 1942
Leo Schumacher |
23 |
ZG 76, JG 1, JV 44 |
Werner Schumacher |
30 |
JG 5 |
Heinz Schumann |
21 |
JG 51, JG 2 SKG 10 |
Franz Schwaiger |
58 |
JG 3 |
Günther Schwanecke |
10 |
JG 77, JG 5 |
Gerhard Schwartz |
20 |
JG 51 |
Günther Schwarz |
40 |
JG 51 |
Georg Seckel |
40 |
JG 77, JG 200, JG 4 |
Hermann Segatz |
40 |
JG 26, JG 51, JG 5, JG 1 |
Günther Seeger |
56 |
JG 53, JG 2 |
Georg Seelmann |
39 |
JG 51, JG 103 |
Hermann Segatz |
40 |
JG 26, JG 51, JG 5, JG 1 |
Alfred Seidl |
31 |
JG 53, JG 3, JG 7 |
Georg Seidel |
47 |
JG 51 |
Johannes Seifert |
57 |
JG 26 |
Peter Seigler |
Reinhard Seiler |
109 (+9 in Spain) |
JG 54, JG 104 |
Erich von Selle |
7 |
JG 26 |
Waldemar Semelka |
75 |
JG 52 |
Paul Semrau |
Major |
46 |
NJG 2 |
Fritz Sengschmitt |
15 |
ZG 76, ZG 26 |
Heinrich Setz |
138 |
JG 27, JG 77 |
Friedrich Simon |
22 |
JG 51 |
Siegfried Simsch |
54 |
JG 52, JG 1, JG 11 |
Rudolf Sinner |
39 |
JG 27 |
Kurt Sochatzky |
39 |
JG 3 |
Waldemar Söffing |
35 |
JG 26 |
Gerhard Sommer |
20 |
JG 11, JG 1 |
Hermann Sommer |
19 |
NJG 2, NJG 102 |
Wolfgang Späte |
Major |
99 |
JG 54, JG 400, JG 7 |
Günther Specht* |
Oberstleutnant |
34 |
ZG 26, JG 11 |
MIA 1 Ocak 1945
Wilhelm Spiess |
20 |
ZG 26 |
Robert Spreckles |
12 |
JG 11, JG 1 |
Gustav Sprick |
Oberleutnant |
31 |
JG 26 |
Karl Stadek |
29 |
JG 51 |
Hans-Arnold Stahlschmidt |
Oberleutnant |
59 |
JG 27 |
Hermann Staiger |
63 |
JG 51, JG 26, JG 1, JG 7 |
Friedrich-Wilhelm Stakejahn |
9 |
JG 5, SG 4 |
Otto Stammberger |
Oberleutnant |
7 |
JG 26 |
Hans Stechmann |
Günther Stedtfeld |
Karl Steffen |
Hans-Joachim Steffens |
Leutnant |
22 |
JG 51 |
Leopold "Bazi" Steinbatz* |
Leutnant |
99 |
JG 52 |
KIA 23 Haziran 1942
Günter Steinhausen |
Feldwebel |
40 |
JG 27 |
Ulrich Steinhilper |
"Macky" Johannes Steinhoff |
Oberst |
176 |
JG 26, JG 52, JG 77 |
Wilhelm Steinmann |
Major |
44 |
JG 27, JG 4, JV 44 |
Heinrich Steis |
Leutnant |
21 |
JG 27 |
Fritz Stendel |
Walter Stengel |
Horst Sternberg |
"Bazi" Heinrich Sterr |
Franz Stigler |
Hans Stolinberger |
Paul Stolte |
Paul-August Stolte |
"Max" Maximilian Stotz |
Hauptmann |
189 |
JG 54 |
Hubert Strassl |
Werner Streib |
Oberst |
66 |
NJG 1 |
Hans Strelow |
Leutnant |
68 |
JG 51 |
Fritz Stritzel |
Stabsfeldwebel |
19 |
JG 2 |
Karl Strohecker |
Oberfeldwebel |
24 |
NJG 100 |
Heinz Strüning |
Hauptmann |
56 |
ZG 26, KG 30, NJG 2, NJG 1 |
Franz Stuckler |
Werner Stumpf |
Oberfeldwebel |
47 |
JG 53 |
Gustav Sturm |
Oberleutnant |
22 |
JG 27, JG 3, JG 51, EJG 2, JG 7 |
Heinrich Sturm* |
Hauptmann |
158 |
JG 52 |
KIA 25 Aralık 1944
Alfred Surau |
Oberfeldwebel |
46 |
JG 3 |
Ernst Suss |
Paul Szameitat |
Hauptmann |
29 |
NJG 3 |
Willi Szuggar |
Oberfeldwebel |
9 (+5 in Spain) |
JG 52, JG 26 |
Total Wartime Victories
Freidrich Wachowiak |
Leutnant |
86 |
JG 52, JG 3 |
Edmund Wagner |
Oberfeldwebel |
57 |
JG 51 |
Rudolf Wagner |
Leutnant |
81 |
JG 51 |
Hans Waldmann* |
Oberleutnant |
134 |
JG 52, JG 3, JG 7 |
KIFA 18 Mart 1945
Horst Walther |
Oberleutnant |
35 |
JG 51 |
Siegfried Wandam |
Oberleutnant |
10 |
NJG 1 |
Joachim Wandel |
75 |
JG 54 |
Karl-Heinz Weber |
Hauptmann |
136 |
JG 51, JG 1 |
Heinrich Wefers |
52 |
JG 52, JG 54 |
Günther Wegmann |
Oberleutnant |
21 |
ZG 26, EKdo 262, JG 7 |
Alfred Wehmeyer |
Oberleutnant |
18 |
ZG 26 |
Herbert Wehnelt |
Gerhard Weigand |
Hans-Dieter Weihs |
Leutnant |
8 |
JG 7 |
Hans Weik |
Hauptmann |
36 |
JG 3, Erg.Gr.Ost, EJG 2 |
Franz Weinhausen |
Dietrich Weinitschke |
Feldwebel |
18 |
JG 5 |
Robert "Bazi" Weiss* |
Hauptmann |
121 |
JG 54 |
KIA 29 Aralık 1944
Theodor "Theo" Weissenberger |
Major |
208 |
JG 5, JG 7 |
Ernst Weismann |
Oberleutnant |
69 |
JG 51 |
Kurt Welter |
Oberleutnant |
63 |
Hans-Gerd Wennekers |
24 |
Karl Wenschelmeyer |
Peter Werfft, Dr. |
Major |
26 |
JG 27 |
"Pipi" Heinz Wernicke |
Leutnant |
117 |
JG 54 |
Ulrich Wernitz |
Franz von Werra* |
Hauptmann |
21 |
JG 3, JG 53 |
KIA 25 Ekim 1941
Otto Wessling |
Hans-Juergen Westphal |
Helmut Wettstein |
Walther Wever* |
Oberleutnant |
44 |
KIA 10 Nisan 1945
Helmut Wick* |
Major |
56 |
JG 2 |
MIA 28 Kasım 1940
Heinfried Wiegand |
Johannes Wiese |
Major |
133 |
JG 52, JG 77 |
12 in one mission
Wolf-Dietrich Wilcke* |
Oberst |
162 |
JG 53, JG 3, 1 |
KIA 23 Mart 1944
Karl Willius |
Oberleutnant |
50 |
JG 26 |
Maximilian Winkler |
Alexander von Winterfelt |
Oberstleutnant |
9 |
JG 2, JG 77 |
Hermann Wischniewski |
Hans Witzel |
Ulrich Wöhnert |
Leutnant |
86 |
JG 54 |
Heinrich Wohlers |
Franz Woidich |
Oberleutnant |
110 |
JG 27, JG 52, JG 400 |
Albin Wolf* |
Oberleutnant |
144 |
JG 54 |
KIA 22 Nisan 1944
Hermann Wolf |
Leutnant |
57 |
JG 52, JG 11, JG 7 |
Robert Wolf |
Leutnant |
21 |
NJG 5 |
Walter Wolfrum |
Oberleutnant |
137 |
JG 52 |
David Wollmann |
Helmut Woltersdorf* |
Oberleutnant |
19 |
NJG 1 |
KIA 2 Haziran 1942
Waldemar Wübke |
Hauptmann |
16 |
JG 54, JG 101 |
Karl Wünsch |
Leutnant |
25 |
JG 27 |
Otto Würfel |
Leutnant |
79 |
JG 51 |
Josef "Sepp" Wurmheller* |
Major |
102 |
JG 53, JG 2 |
KIA 22 Haziran 1944
- ^ a b c Brown, Russell (2000). Desert Warriors: Australian P-40 Pilots at War in the Middle East and North Africa, 1941-1943. Maryborough, Queensland, Australia: Banner Books. ISBN 1-875593-22-5, pp. 281–282.
- Brown, Russell (2000). Desert Warriors: Australian P-40 Pilots at War in the Middle East and North Africa, 1941-1943. Maryborough, Queensland, Australia: Banner Books. ISBN 1-875593-22-5.
- Spick, Mike (1996). Luftwaffe Fighter Aces. New York: Ivy Books. ISBN 0-8041-1696-2.
- Sims, Edward H (1982). Jagdflieger Die großen Gegner von einst (in German). Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag. ISBN 3-87943-115-9.
- Toliver, Raymond F. & Constable, Trevor J. (1998), Das waren die Deutschen Jagdflieger-Asse 1939-1945. Motorbuch Verlag. ISBN 3-87943-193-0
300+ | |
250-299 | |
200-249 | |
150-199 | |
100-149 | |