Армянское царство в эпоху Ервандидов, IV—II вв. до н. э.
Армения, Месопотамия, Вавилон и Ассирия с прилегающими регионами. Карл фон Шпрунер, опубликована в 1865 году.
Великая Армения в I—IV веках, по карте-вкладышу ко II тому «Всемирной истории» (М., 1956) (Заштрихованы земли Великой Армении, отошедшие от неё к соседним государствам после раздела в 387 году). В центре Марзпанская Армения V—VIII века
Провинции Великой Армении. George Whiston, опубликована в 1736 году
↑Большая советская энциклопедия.Армяне (неопр.). Дата обращения: 23 апреля 2020. Архивировано 19 января 2021 года.
↑Армяне. Серия «Народы и культуры». / отв. ред. Л. М. Варданян, Г. Г. Саркисян, А. Е. Тер-Саркисянц; Ин-т этнологии и антропологии им. Н. Н. Миклухо-Маклая РАН; Ин-т археологии и этнографии HAH РА. — М. : Наука, 2012., 48-51.
↑Гамкрелидзе Т.В., Иванов Вяч.Вс. Индоевропейский язык и индоевропейцы. Реконструкция и историко-типологический анализ праязыка и протокультуры.. — Тбилиси: Издательство Тбилисского университета, 1984. — С. 912—913. — 1328 с.
↑Christian Settipani. Continuité des élites à Byzance durant les siècles obscurs. Les princes caucasiens et l'Empire du vie au ixe siècle. — Paris, de Boccard, 2006. — 634 с. — ISBN 978-2-7018-0226-8.
↑Vahan M. Kurkjian.A History of Armenia (неопр.). — «For two hundred years after the fall of the Arshakuni dynasty of Armenia in 428, the country was governed by Marzbans (Governors-general of the boundaries), nominated by the Persian King.»
↑ 1234Armenia — статья из энциклопедии Британника"The Byzantine conquest was short-lived: in 1048 Toghrïl Beg led the first Seljuq raid into Armenia, in 1064 Ani and Kars fell to Toghrïl’s nephew and heir Alp-Arslan, and after the Battle of Manzikert (1071) most of the country was in Turkish hands. In 1072 the Kurdish Shāddādids received Ani as a fief. A few native Armenian rulers survived for a time in the Kiurikian kingdom of Lori, the Siuniqian kingdom of Baghq or Kapan, and the principates of Khachen (Artzakh) and Sasun. ... In mountainous Karabakh a group of five Armenian maliks (princes) succeeded in conserving their autonomy and maintained a short period of independence (1722-30) during the struggle between Persia and Turkey at the beginning of the 18th century; despite the heroic resistance of the Armenian leader David Beg, the Turks occupied the region but were driven out by the Persians under the general Nādr Qolī Beg (from 1736-47, Nādir Shah) in 1735."
↑Armenia and Georgia // The Cambridge Medieval History. — Cambridge, 1966. — Т. IV: The Byzantine Empire, part I chapter XIV. — С. 593—637.:
"Later, in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the Armenian house of the Zachariads (Mkhargrdzeli) ruled in northern Armenia at Ani, Lor’i, Kars, and Dvin under the Georgian aegis."
↑James Stuart Olson. An Ethnohistorical dictionary of the Russian and Soviet empires. — Greenwood Publishing Group, 1994. — С. 44."The acceptance of Islam by the Mongols around 1300, the resurgence of the Turks under the Ottomans, and the European abandonment of the Levant sounded the death knell of the last Armenian kingdom, which fell to the Mamluks (or Mamelukes) in 1375. Only pockets such as Karabagh (Karabakh) and Zangezour in eastern Armenia and Sasun and Zeitun in western Armenia remained autonomous."
A few native Armenian rulers survived for a time in the Kiurikian kingdom of Lori, the Siuniqian kingdom of Baghq or Kapan, and the principates of Khachen (Artzakh) and Sasun
↑Encyclopaedia of Islam. — Leiden: BRILL, 1986. — Т. 1. — С. 639-640 "Numismatic Society). were still to be fought on Armenian soil, and part of the Armenians of Adharbaydjan were later deported as a military security measure to Isfahan and elsewhere. Semi-autonomous seigniories survived, with varying fortunes, in the mountains of Karabagh, to the north of Adharbaydjan, but came to an end in the 18th century."
↑Cyril Toumanoff. Armenia and Georgia // The Cambridge Medieval History. — Cambridge, 1966. — Т. IV: The Byzantine Empire, part I chapter XIV. — С. 593—637 "The title of King of Armenia was inherited by the Lusgnans of Cyprus and, from them, by the House of Savoy. Only in Old Armenia could some vestiges of the once imposing structure of the Armenian polity be found in the houses of dynasts (meliks) in Qarabagh"
↑Армянская Советская Социалистическая Республика — статья из Большой советской энциклопедии (3 издание) "В 1639, после мира, заключённого между Турцией и Ираном, А. была окончательно разделена: Западная А., составляющая большую часть страны, отошла к Турции, Восточная А. — к Ирану. Последними остатками армянской государственности являлись 5 меликств Нагорного Карабаха, просуществовавших до конца 18 в."
↑Malkasian, Mark. Gha-ra-bagh!: The Emergence of the National Democratic Movement in Armenia.. — Wayne State University Press. — 1996. — С. 19. — ISBN 0814326056."Following the disastrous fall of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia to the Mamluk Sultanate of Cairo in 1375 and the invasion and pillage of Armenia proper by Tamerlane in 1400, only four territories - the highlands of Artsakh (Karabakh), Syunik (Zangezur), few isolated towns around Lake Sevan and the villages of the highlands of Mush and Sasun near Lake Van remained where Armenians retained some degree of autonomy and self-rule. The most important, long lasting and well-developed of these were the various principalities of Syunik and Artsakh ruled by several princely houses that had the title of melik bestowed upon them."
↑Карагезян А. К локализации гавара Кашатаг // Вестн. обществ. наук АН АрмССР. 1987. № 1. С. 44—45. .
↑Кристине Костикян «Քաշաթաղի 17-րդ դարի պատմությանը վերաբերող մի փաստաթուղթ» (Документ относящийся к истории Кашатага в 17 веке) из «Страны и народы Ближнего Среднего Востока. Том XX», стр. 168—171. Институт востоковедения Национальной Академии наук Армении; Ереван, 2001. .
↑Encyclopaedia of Islam. — Leiden: BRILL, 1986. — Т. 1. — С. 639-640.
↑ARTAK GHULYAN.CASTLES (PALACES) OF MELIKS OF ARTSAKH AND SIUNIK (неопр.). — «It refers to Melik-Haykaz the First (1450 - 1520), the founder of melikal principality of Kashatagh and is dated the end of the 15th cent.» Дата обращения: 30 января 2016. Архивировано из оригинала 29 сентября 2020 года.
↑Michael P. Croissant, The Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict: causes and implications, p.11:
Importantly, disunion amongst the five princes allowed the establishment of a foothold in mountainous Karabakh by a Turkic tribe around 1750. This event marked the first time that Turks were able to penetrate the eastern Armenian highlands…
Christopher J. Walker.The Armenian presence in mountainous Karabakh // Transcaucasian Boundaries / John Wright, Richard Schofield, Suzanne Goldenberg. — Psychology Press, 2004. — 248 p. — ISBN 9780203214473.
Arminiya // The encyclopedia of Islam / H. A. R. Gibb, J. H. Kramers, E. Levi-Provençal, J. Schacht, B. Lewis, Ch. Pellat. Assisted by S. M. Stern (pp. 1—330), C. Dumont and R. M. Savory (pp. 321—1359). — Leiden, Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 1986. — Vol. I. A-B. — P. 634—650. — 1359 p. — ISBN 90-04-08114-3.