The narrative revolves around Noredin (Fares Fares), an enigmatic and rugged detective renowned for his chain-smoking habit. Tasked with an investigation, he delves into the unsettling murder case of Lalena, a pop star entwined in the world of politics as Hatem Shafiq's (based on Hisham Talaat Moustafa) mistress.[5] The grim discovery of Lalena's lifeless body, her throat brutally slit, occurs within the confines of the eponymous Nile Hilton hotel.[6]
The case takes an intriguing turn as the sole witness to the gruesome crime emerges – a Sudanese maid by the name of Salwa (Mari Malek).[7] Shafiq denies culpability for the murder of Lalena, who, it turns out, collaborated with a sleazy pimp named Nagy (Hichem Yacoubi) to capture compromising images of her clients (including Shafiq) to be used as blackmail.[8] The film also revealed that Shafiq had another mysterious guy (Slimane Dazi) kill Lalena.[9]
On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 91% based on 55 reviews, and an average rating of 7/10.[10] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 70 out of 100, based on 8 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews".[11]