Eat Sleep Die (Swedish: Äta sova dö) is a 2012 Swedish drama film written and directed by Gabriela Pichler. Set in present-day Sweden, it follows a realistic story about an unemployed young woman named Raša (Nermina Lukac), who struggles to find a new job while simultaneously taking care of her sick father (Milan Dragišić).
The film is Pichler's feature debut, and the cast consists primarily of amateurs. The film's main actress Nermina Lukac has received many accolades for her performance.[2]
The film tells the story of 20-year-old Raša (Nermina Lukac), who lives with her sickly father (Milan Dragišić) in a small town in southern Sweden. Raša works in a local factory but is laid off when the factory downsizes. The film then follows her struggle to find a new job while simultaneously taking care of her father.