In mathematics, the ring of modular forms associated to a subgroupΓ of the special linear groupSL(2, Z) is the graded ring generated by the modular forms of Γ. The study of rings of modular forms describes the algebraic structure of the space of modular forms.
Let Γ be a subgroup of SL(2, Z) that is of finite index and let Mk(Γ) be the vector space of modular forms of weight k. The ring of modular forms of Γ is the graded ring .[1]
The ring of modular forms is a graded Lie algebra since the Lie bracket of modular forms f and g of respective weights k and ℓ is a modular form of weight k + ℓ + 2.[1] A bracket can be defined for the n-th derivative of modular forms and such a bracket is called a Rankin–Cohen bracket.[1]
In 2003, Lev Borisov and Paul Gunnells showed that the ring of modular forms M(Γ) is generated in weight at most 3 when is the congruence subgroup of prime level N in SL(2, Z) using the theory of toric modular forms.[3] In 2014, Nadim Rustom extended the result of Borisov and Gunnells for to all levels N and also demonstrated that the ring of modular forms for the congruence subgroup is generated in weight at most 6 for some levels N.[4]
In 2015, John Voight and David Zureick-Brown generalized these results: they proved that the graded ring of modular forms of even weight for any congruence subgroup Γ of SL(2, Z) is generated in weight at most 6 with relations generated in weight at most 12.[5] Building on this work, in 2016, Aaron Landesman, Peter Ruhm, and Robin Zhang showed that the same bounds hold for the full ring (all weights), with the improved bounds of 5 and 10 when Γ has some nonzero odd weight modular form.[6]
There is a general formula for the weights of generators and relations of rings of modular forms due to the work of Voight and Zureick-Brown and the work of Landesman, Ruhm, and Zhang.
Let be the stabilizer orders of the stacky points of the stacky curve (equivalently, the cusps of the orbifold ) associated to Γ. If Γ has no nonzero odd weight modular forms, then the ring of modular forms is generated in weight at most and has relations generated in weight at most .[5] If Γ has a nonzero odd weight modular form, then the ring of modular forms is generated in weight at most and has relations generated in weight at most .[6]