Earlier the 12275 / 76 Allahabad - New Delhi had Duronto Express Coaches. This Train is now replaced with Prayagraj Junction railway station - New DelhiHumsafar Express with effect from 13 September 2019. The train comprises 15 3-tier AC, 4 Sleeper LHB coach along with two generator cars at each end. It has two screens in each coach displaying information about upcoming stations and passenger awareness. It is also equipped with CCTV cameras in each coach to ensure passenger safety. It is the 1st Humsafar Express which is having Sleeper Coaches since Humsafar Express is a full AC 3 Tier Train. These are state of the art coaches and are superior to the previous rake of Duronto Express which is now removed on railways exercise of upgradation and giving passengers a more convenient travel on peak routes.