Malice in Wonderland is a 1982 American experimental short film based on the 1865 novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (More commonly known as Alice in Wonderland) by Lewis Carroll. It tells the story of Alice's journey in Wonderland through a series of psychedelic hallucinogenic animations of the novel's major characters featuring animated nudity, various character morphing, and a distorted soundscape.[1][2] The film is considered Vince Collins' best known work.
Malice in Wonderland was included on the compilation Region 1DVDGeneral Chaos: Uncensored Animation released on February 6, 1998.[3]
Following its initial 1982 release, Malice in Wonderland caused controversy for its surreal sexual imagery. However, it had later gained a broader cult popularity by 2009 thanks to video sharing websites such as YouTube.[4]