The International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology is one of the members of the International Science Council (ISC). It was founded in 1955 by merging the International Union of History of Science (IUHS) and the International Union of Philosophy of Science (IUPS),[1] and consists of two divisions, the Division of History of Science and Technology (DHST) and the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (DLMPST).
Structure and governance
The IUHPST does not have its own membership structure and governance, but is an umbrella organisation for its two Divisions, DHST and DLMPST. It is governed by the officers of the two Divisions in a rotational system where the Presidency of the Union rotates between the Presidents of the two Divisions.[2]
The current IUHPST President is Marcos Cueto (President of DHST), the current IUHPST Vice President is Valentin Goranko (President of DLMPST), the current IUHPST Secretary General is Liesbeth De Mol (Secretary General of DHST), and the current IUHPST Treasurer is Milada Sekyrková (Treasurer of DHST).
The DHST organizes an international congress every four years, and coordinates the activities of numerous commissions. The members of DHST are 98 national members (represented by national committees for the history of science) and 26 international scientific unions.
The current (2021–2025) DHST council consists of the executive members
Marcos Cueto (president),
Janet Browne (president elect),
Takehiko Hashimoto (first vice-president),
Hasok Chang (second vice-president),
Liesbeth De Mol (secretary general),
Milada Sekyrková (treasurer),
Thomás A. S. Haddad (assistant secretary general), and
the assessors
Xingbo Luo,
Michela Malpangotto,
Jahnavi Phalkey,
Maria Rentetzi,
Sergey Shalimov, and
Hamish Spencer.
The Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (DLMPST) is an international non-governmental organisation devoted to international cooperation in the fields of logic and philosophy of science across the world. Together with the Division of History of Science and Technology (DHST), the DLMPST forms one of the two divisions of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, representing the fields of logic and philosophy of science in the International Science Council (ISC).
The main activity of the DLMPST is the organization of the Congress for Logic, Philosophy and Methodology of Science and Technology (CLMPST) every four years.