HR 5171

V766 Centauri
Location of HR 5171 (circled)
Observation data
Epoch J2000.0      Equinox J2000.0
Constellation Centaurus
Right ascension 13h 47m 10.864s[1]
Declination −62° 35′ 22.95″[1]
Apparent magnitude (V) 6.1 - 7.5[2]
Right ascension 13h 47m 09.953s[3]
Declination −62° 35′ 15.99″[4]
Apparent magnitude (V) 9.83[4]
Spectral type K0 0-Ia[5]
B−V color index +2.499[4]
Variable type EB + SDOR?[6]
Spectral type B0 Ibp[7]
B−V color index +0.39[4]
Radial velocity (Rv)−38.20[8] km/s
Distance4,900 – 12,700 ly
(1,500[9] – 3,900[10] pc)
Proper motion (μ) RA: −5.648[1] mas/yr
Dec.: −1.797[1] mas/yr
Parallax (π)0.2459 ± 0.0514 mas[1]
Distanceapprox. 13,000 ly
(approx. 4,100 pc)
Absolute magnitude (MV)−9.2[11]
Proper motion (μ) RA: −5.715[3] mas/yr
Dec.: −2.143[3] mas/yr
Parallax (π)0.3257 ± 0.0126 mas[3]
Distance10,000 ± 400 ly
(3,100 ± 100 pc)
Absolute magnitude (MV)−5.8[12]
Period (P)1,304±6 days
Semi-major axis (a)2,028 - 2,195 R
Eccentricity (e)0
Inclination (i)>60°
Mass27 – 36[13][14] M
Radius1,060 – 1,160,[9] 1,315[2] – 1,575[14] R
Luminosity200,000 – 251,000,[9] 630,000+60,000
Surface gravity (log g)−0.5±0.6[13] cgs
Temperature4,470 – 5,012[9] K
Age3.5[10] Myr
[14] M
Radius312 - 401,[2] 650±150[14] R
Temperature4,800 - 5,200[2] K
Radius20 R
Luminosity160,000[15] L
Surface gravity (log g)3.0 - 3.5[7] cgs
Temperature26,000[7] K
Age4[10] Myr
Other designations
V766 Cen, HR 5171, HD 119796, HIP 67261, SAO 252448, CD−61°3988, WDS J13472-6235, AAVSO 1340-62
Database references

HR 5171, also known as V766 Centauri, is a yellow hypergiant in the constellation Centaurus. It is said to be either an extreme red supergiant (RSG) or recent post-red supergiant (Post-RSG) yellow hypergiant (YHG), both of which suggest it is one of the largest known stars. The star's diameter is uncertain but likely to be between 1,100 and 1,600 times that of the Sun. It is 3.6 kpc (11,700 light years) from Earth.

A 2014 publication hypothesized the star to be a contact binary, sharing a common envelope of material with a smaller yellow supergiant and secondary star, the two orbiting each other every 1,304 ± 6 days. A recent publication (2019) rules out this hypothesis, and the distance of HR 5171 has been revised to 5,200 ± 1,600 light years and its radius to 3-5 AU (i.e. 650 to 1080 times that of the Sun).[9]

An optical companion, HR 5171B, may or may not be at the same distance as the yellow supergiant.[9]


Interferometric images showing the passage of the companion in front of the primary

The HR 5171 system contains at least three stars. The primary A is an eclipsing binary (components Aa and Ab, or A and C in the Catalog of Components of Double and Multiple Stars) with two yellow stars in contact and orbiting in 1,304 days. The companion has been detected directly by optical interferometry, and is approximately one third the size of the hypergiant primary. The two stars are in the common envelope phase where material surrounding both stars rotates synchronously with the stars themselves.

Component B, located 9.4 arcseconds away from the primary, is a blue supergiant with the spectral type B0.[7] It is a highly luminous massive star in itself but visually three magnitudes fainter than the yellow hypergiant. The projected separation between the hypergiant primary and the blue supergiant is 35,000 AU, although their actual separation could be larger.[2]

Observational history

HR 5171 was named by inclusion in the Harvard Revised catalogue, later published as the Bright Star Catalogue. It was the 5171th entry in the catalogue, listed with a visual magnitude of 6.23 and K-type spectral type.[16] HR 5171 was catalogued as a double star in 1927.[17]

In 1956, HR 5171 was recorded at magnitude 6.4, spectral type G5p, and profoundly reddened.[18] In 1966 Corben recorded it as magnitude 6.51 and spectral type G5p, and noted it as being variable. A 1969 catalogue records a visual magnitude of 5.85 and a spectral type of A7V, presumably a case of mistaken identity.[19] In 1971, HR 5171 A was identified as a G8 hypergiant, reddened by over three magnitudes of interstellar extinction and also by half a magnitude of extinction from circumstellar material.[12] In 1979 it was confirmed as one of the brightest known stars with an absolute visual magnitude (MV) of −9.2.[11] The G8 spectral type was later adjusted to K0 0-Ia in the revised MK system, meeting the criteria of highly luminous supergiants.[20]

A visual band light curve for V766 Centauri. The main plot shows the long-term variability, and the inset plot shows the variation during the orbital period. Adapted from Chesneau et al. (2014)[2]

In 1973 HR 5171 was formally recognised as variable star V766 Centauri, based on Corben's 1966 catalogue.[21] At the time it was considered a "cool S Doradus variable", a class including stars such as Rho Cassiopeiae that are now known as the yellow hypergiants. These variables are usually classified as semi-regular (SRd) due to variations which are sometimes well-defined, at other times nearly constant, and may show unpredictable fading. A detailed study showed variability in both brightness and spectral type with possible periods developing from 430 days to 494 days. Surface temperature was calculated to vary from nearly 5,000K to below 4,000K.[22]

In a 2014 paper, VLTI observations directly determined an unexpectedly large size for HR 5171 and revealed that it is a contact binary. A shell of material around the star has also been directly imaged.[2] In 2016, VLTI observations showed an even larger radius and an unexpectedly cool temperature for a K0 hypergiant.[13] Further interferometry imaged the secondary star transiting the primary.[14]


Combined optical and infrared image of HR 5171
(ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2)

HR 5171 appears near the centre of the HII Region Gum 48d, a ring of material ionised most likely by one or both of the visible HR 5171 stars. The stars and the nebulosity all show similar space motions that would place them in the Centaurus spiral arm about 4,000 parsecs (4 kpc) away from Earth. It is apparently part of an extensive molecular cloud complex with a distance between 3.2 kpc and 5.5 kpc from Earth. Gum 48d would require one or two O-type stars to be ionised, presumably one or both of the HR 5171 stars a few million years ago. Its age is calculated to be 3.5 million years, one of the oldest known HII regions.[10]

Early calculations based on the assumed luminosity of HR 5171B gave a distance of 3.2 kpc and 3.2 magnitudes of interstellar extinction. Comparison of HR 5171A with similar stars in the Magellanic Clouds imply a distance of 3.7 kpc. An average distance based on all these calculations is 3.6 kpc,[12] which is still the widely accepted distance although there are reasons to think it could be closer.[7]

Gum 48d is also catalogued as RCW 80, although the designation RCW 80 is sometimes used for the more distant supernova remnant G309.2-00.6 which overlaps it.[7] The open cluster NGC 5281 lies 19' from HR 5171, projected against the supernova remnant but only about 1,200 parsecs from Earth.[23]


The spectrum of HR 5171 is easily separated into a luminous yellow star and a hot blue supergiant. The third component, HR 5171Ab, is not resolved and its spectral type is uncertain. Both stars show 3-4 magnitudes of reddening due to dust extinction.

The yellow star has been defined as the spectral standard for K0 0-Ia stars.[20] It shows the general features of a late G or early K supergiant, but with a number of peculiarities. High luminosity is indicated by the strength of the 421.5 nm CN break and the existence of the infrared oxygen triplet. It also shows a large infrared excess and exceptionally strong silicate absorption, both caused by a dust shell condensed out of material ejected from the star.[12] An unusual blue excess near 383.8 nm may be due to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) luminescence.[7] The spectrum is strongly influenced by the extended atmosphere of the star, with strong emission lines formed in the stellar wind and the continuum forming in an extended region rather than at the sharp surface of a photosphere. The star effectively has a pseudo-photosphere hiding the true surface of the star.[2]

The blue companion has been classified as B0 Ibp, a hot supergiant of normal luminosity, with some uncertainty. The spectral peculiarity code indicates that its absorption lines are less sharp than normal for a star of its type.[12]


HR 5171 shows erratic changes in brightness and colour. HR 5171B is apparently stable, with the changes being due to physical changes in the hypergiant star, variations in the envelope, and eclipses between the two close companions.

The primary and secondary minima have depths of 0.21 and 0.14 magnitudes respectively at visual wavelengths. The light curve shows almost continuous variation due to the contact nature of the system, but there is a distinct flat bottom to the secondary minimum where the secondary passes in front of the primary. The shape of the eclipse light curve suggests that the orbit is almost edge on to Earth, and that the secondary is slightly hotter than the primary.

The eclipses occur against a background of intrinsic variations. Statistically, the system has a mean magnitude of 6.54 and average variations of 0.23 magnitude over a period from the middle of the 20th century until 2013, but within this there are decades with relatively little variation and others which are much more active. Three deep minima have been observed, in 1975, 1993, and 2000, with the brightness dropping below 7th magnitude each time for around a year. Colour changes at these minima suggest a transfer of luminosity from the visual to the infrared, either as a result of cooling or recycling by the surrounding envelope. Following the deep minima, smaller brightness peaks are observed. Overall, the variability in brightness has been much stronger since 2000.

The variations in infrared brightness compared to visual brightness correspond quite well to the light curve, suggesting that brightness changes are related to colour or extinction changes, but there has been a secular trend in the B-V colour index. From 1942 until 1982, B-V steadily increased from around 1.8 to 2.6. Since then it has been approximately constant. This does not appear to be related to reddening as it is independent of the visual magnitude, so it suggests a change in the star itself. The most likely change is that the hypergiant has been cooling and increasing in size.

The variations are erratic, but a strong 657-day periodicity was noticed in Hipparcos photometry of HR 5171. More recent variations showed the strongest periodicity at around 3,300 days, but also showed other periods including one at 648 days. This persistent periodicity through all other variations is due to the eclipses twice every 1,304 days.[2]

It is classified in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars as a possible S Doradus variable, as well as an eclipsing variable.[6]


The angular diameter of HR 5171A has been published three times using measurements from the Very Large Telescope, twice with the AMBER interferometer and once with the PIONIER interferometer. In all cases, an unexpectedly large diameter was found, between about 3.3 and 4.1 mas, well over 1,000 R at the accepted distance of 3.6 kpc.

The earliest AMBER interferometry was at a range of infrared wavelengths in March 2012. The best-fit model was a sharply-defined uniform disk with a small bright spot towards its edge, all surrounded by a fainter extended envelope. The uniform disk, taken to be the photosphere of the larger star, was 3.39 mas across, corresponding to a radius of 1,315 ± 260 solar radii (915,000,000 ± 181,000,000 km; 6.12 ± 1.21 au). The size of the smaller disk, assumed to be the secondary star, was not well-defined.[2] The second set of AMBER observations were made in the K-band in April 2014. The best fits for a uniform disk and the Rosseland radius of a model atmosphere were almost identical at 3.87 mas and 3.86 mas respectively, corresponding to a radius of 1,492 ± 540 R (6.94 ± 2.51 au).[13] The PIONIER observations were made across six different infrared wavelengths during 2016 and 2017. Aperture synthesis was used to produce an image of HR 5171 at three different phases of the orbit. In two of the images, the secondary star is visible in front of the primary, and in the third it is expected to be behind the primary and was not visible. Modelled as a Rosseland stellar atmosphere surrounded by an extended uniform disk, the photosphere was found to be between 3.3 mas and 4.8 mas. Overall, the radius of the primary was calculated to be 1,575 ± 400 R (7.32 ± 1.86 au) and 650 ± 150 R (450,000,000 ± 100,000,000 km) for the secondary.[14] The radii are statistically consistent with each other, but more representative of an extreme red supergiant rather than a yellow hypergiant. It is unclear whether this is due to binary interaction or misinterpretation of the unusual and highly reddened spectrum.[2]

The luminosity has been calculated from spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting to be 630,000 L, assuming a distance of 3.7 kpc and 3.2 magnitudes of interstellar extinction.[11] This is considerably more luminous than expected for any red supergiant and extreme even for a yellow hypergiant.[7] The effective temperature derived from matching infrared spectra is 5,000 K,[2] while the temperature calculated from a radius of 1,490 R and luminosity of 630,000 L is 4,290 ± 760 K.[13]

The close secondary HR 5171 Ab is a luminous yellow star with a radius about a third that of the primary star and an almost identical temperature. From the shape of the eclipse light curve, it is 12% as luminous as the primary and slightly hotter. It is much less massive, estimated at only a tenth of the mass of the primary. Its exact properties can only be predicted from models since it is barely resolved from its larger companion and its spectrum cannot be distinguished.[2]

The hot companion HR 5171 B is a B0 supergiant, 316,000 times as luminous as the Sun according to a 1992 paper. Although it is about half the bolometric luminosity of HR 5171A, it is three magnitudes fainter as much of its radiation is in the ultraviolet. Its distance of 3.6 kpc is well-determined and it is associated with the nebula and cluster Gum 48d, but it is uncertain whether HR 5171A is at the same distance or much closer.[9]


The evolutionary history of HR 5171A is complicated by its uncertain and unusual physical properties and binary companion. As a single star with a temperature of 4,290 K, its properties correspond to a non-rotating star with an initial mass of 32 - 40 M, or possibly a rotating star of initial mass 25 M, which is several million years old and near its coolest temperature and largest size. Such stars are too massive to produce type II-P supernovae at the red supergiant stage and will evolve to higher temperatures, likely producing a different type of supernova explosion.[13] With a temperature of 5,000 K, it would be a slightly more evolved star, having left the red supergiant phase. The primary star is probably undergoing wind roche lobe overflow (WRLOF) with a portion of the material being transferred to the secondary. This is a possible evolutionary path to a stripped-envelope Wolf-Rayet binary system. The interaction between the pair should spin up the primary to synchronous rotation, which is a possible path to fast-spinning luminous blue variables or B[e] stars.[2]


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  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Chesneau, O.; Meilland, A.; Chapellier, E.; Millour, F.; Van Genderen, A. M.; Nazé, Y.; Smith, N.; Spang, A.; Smoker, J. V.; Dessart, L.; Kanaan, S.; Bendjoya, Ph.; Feast, M. W.; Groh, J. H.; Lobel, A.; Nardetto, N.; Otero, S.; Oudmaijer, R. D.; Tekola, A. G.; Whitelock, P. A.; Arcos, C.; Curé, M.; Vanzi, L. (2014). "The yellow hypergiant HR 5171 A: Resolving a massive interacting binary in the common envelope phase". Astronomy & Astrophysics. 563: A71. arXiv:1401.2628v2. Bibcode:2014A&A...563A..71C. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201322421. S2CID 52108686.
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  7. ^ a b c d e f g h Van Genderen, A. M.; Nieuwenhuijzen, H.; Lobel, A. (2015). "An early detection of blue luminescence by neutral PAHs in the direction of the yellow hypergiant HR 5171A?". Astronomy & Astrophysics. 583: A98. arXiv:1509.07421. Bibcode:2015A&A...583A..98V. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201526392. S2CID 56270146.
  8. ^ Gontcharov, G. A. (2006). "Pulkovo Compilation of Radial Velocities for 35 495 Hipparcos stars in a common system". Astronomy Letters. 32 (11): 759–771. arXiv:1606.08053. Bibcode:2006AstL...32..759G. doi:10.1134/S1063773706110065. S2CID 119231169.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g van Genderen, A. M.; Lobel, A.; Nieuwenhuijzen, H.; Henry, G. W.; De Jager, C.; Blown, E.; Di Scala, G.; Van Ballegoij, E. J. (2019). "Pulsations, eruptions, and evolution of four yellow hypergiants". Astronomy and Astrophysics. 631: A48. arXiv:1910.02460. Bibcode:2019A&A...631A..48V. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201834358. S2CID 203836020.
  10. ^ a b c d Karr, J. L.; Manoj, P.; Ohashi, N. (2009). "Gum 48d: An Evolved H II Region with Ongoing Star Formation". The Astrophysical Journal. 697 (1): 133–147. arXiv:0903.0934. Bibcode:2009ApJ...697..133K. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/697/1/133. S2CID 17962808.
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  15. ^ Jim Kaler. "V766 Centauri". Retrieved 2015-11-21.
  16. ^ Pickering, Edward Charles (1908). "Revised Harvard photometry : A catalogue of the positions, photometric magnitudes and spectra of 9110 stars, mainly of the magnitude 6.50, and brighter observed with the 2 and 4 inch meridian photometers". Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. 50: 1. Bibcode:1908AnHar..50....1P.
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矢作建設工業株式会社YAHAGI CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. 矢作建設工業本社(2014年7月)種類 株式会社市場情報 東証プライム 18701995年12月25日上場 名証プレミア 18701982年5月24日上場 略称 矢作建設本社所在地 日本〒461-0004愛知県名古屋市東区葵3丁目19番7号 北緯35度10分14.1秒 東経136度55分39秒 / 北緯35.170583度 東経136.92750度 / 35.170583; 136.92750座標: 北緯35度10分14.1秒 東経1...

This article is an orphan, as no other articles link to it. Please introduce links to this page from related articles; try the Find link tool for suggestions. (August 2022) Village in Madhya Pradesh, IndiaBardha VillagevillageBardha VillageLocation in Madhya Pradesh, IndiaShow map of Madhya PradeshBardha VillageBardha Village (India)Show map of IndiaCoordinates: 22°37′33″N 76°57′32″E / 22.625699384544564°N 76.95893190699881°E / 22.625699384544564; 76.958931...

TabunSingel oleh Yoasobidari album mini The BookBahasaJepangArti judulMungkin SajaHaven't (bahasa Inggris)Dirilis20 Juli 2020 (2020-07-20)GenreJ-popDurasi4:18LabelSony JapanPenciptaAyaseProduserAyaseKronologi singel Yoasobi Halzion (2020) Tabun (2020) Gunjō (2020) Video musikTabun di YouTubeHaven't di YouTube Tabun (たぶんcode: ja is deprecated , terj. har. Mungkin Saja) adalah lagu yang direkam oleh duo asal Jepang Yoasobi dari EP debut mereka, The Book (2021). Lagu ini dirilis pada...

This article is about the video game. For the first three films in the Alien franchise, see Alien (franchise). 1996 video gameAlien TrilogyDeveloper(s)Probe EntertainmentPublisher(s)Acclaim EntertainmentPlatform(s)PlayStation, Saturn, MS-DOSReleasePlayStationNA: February 29, 1996EU: March 29, 1996[1]SaturnNA: August 8, 1996EU: September 4, 1996MS-DOSNA: December 2, 1996[2]EU: 1996Genre(s)First-person shooterMode(s)Single-player Alien Trilogy is a first-person shooter video gam...

Muse of comedy in Greek mythology ThaliaGoddess of ComedyMember of the MusesRoman statue of Thalia from Hadrian's villa, now at the Prado Museum (Madrid)Personal informationParentsZeus and MnemosyneSiblingsEuterpe, Polyhymnia, Urania, Clio, Erato, Calliope, Terpsichore, MelpomeneConsortApolloChildrenthe Corybantes Thalia on an antique fresco from Pompeii In Greek mythology, Thalia (/θəˈlaɪə/[1][2] or /ˈθeɪliə/;[3] Ancient Greek: Θάλεια; the joyous, the f...

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Rajagopalaswamy Temple, Kumbakonam – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (September 2015) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Hindu temple in Tamil Nadu, India Rajagopalaswamy TempleRajagopalaswamy Temple, KumbakonamReligionAffiliationH...

American film and television producer This article is about the American film producer. For the rugby league player, see Nathan Ross (rugby league). For the rugby union player, see Nathan Ross (rugby union). Ross at The 69th Annual Emmy Awards, 2017 Nathan Ross is an American film and television producer. Personal life Ross grew up in Northbrook, Il and graduated from Glenbrook North High School.[1] He is an Indiana University and University of Illinois Chicago - School of Law graduat...

French politician (1950–2019) Armand JungMember of the National Assembly of FranceIn office5 July 1997 (1997-07-05) – 3 March 2016 (2016-03-03)Preceded byCatherine TrautmannSucceeded byÉric ElkoubyConstituencyBas-Rhin's 1st Personal detailsBorn13 December 1950Théding, Moselle, FranceDied31 July 2019 (aged 68)Political partyPSResidenceFranceWebsite[1] Armand Jung (13 December 1950 – 31 July 2019) was a membe...

Pemandangan kota Smolensk pada tahun 1912 Smolensk (bahasa Rusia: Смоленск;, bahasa Belarusia: Смаленск) adalah sebuah kota di sebelah barat Rusia yang terletak di Sungai Dnieper. Koordinat geografisnya adalah 54°47′N 32°03′E / 54.79°N 32.05°E / 54.79; 32.05 dan merupakan pusat pemerintahan Oblast Smolensk. Penduduknya pada tahun 2003 berjumlah 351.100. Kota ini pernah menjadi bagian dari Lithuania sejak awal abad ke-15 hingga tahun 1514. Sebuah...

American internet entrepreneur and investor (born 1983) Alexis OhanianOhanian at a paid family leave event in 2019BornAlexis Kerry Ohanian (1983-04-24) April 24, 1983 (age 40)New York City, U.S.Alma materUniversity of VirginiaOccupations Entrepreneur venture capitalist investor Notable work Reddit Initialized Capital 776 Spouse Serena Williams ​(m. 2017)​ Alexis Kerry Ohanian (Armenian: Ալեքսիս Քերի Օհանյ...