The commune is made up of the following collection of villages and hamlets: Le Rocher Nantreuil, La Tarillée, La Motte, Ronfeugerai, La Fosse, La Mancelière, L'Être Hardy, La Pigeonnière, La Carneille, Taillebois, Le Hamel, Les Onfrairies, Les Tourailles, Notre-Dame-du-Rocher, Ségrie-Fontaine, Oëtre, Le Douit de Bréel, Bréel, Le Val Fermé and Athis.[5]
The commune has three rivers running through it, La Vere, the Gine and the Rouvre. In addition there are five streams running through the commune, Aubusson, Meheudin, Ferronniere, Fontaine and Onfrairies.[7]
Jardin Intérieur à Ciel Ouvert is a contemporary garden that was made open to the public in 2011, featuring over 1,200 species of plants.[9] It is classified as a Jardins remarquables by the Ministry of Culture and the Comité des Parcs et Jardins de France.[10]
Martinique cotton spinning factory a nineteenth century spinning factory, based in Athis-de-l'Orne that is still being used today .[11]
Croix de pierre a sixteenth century cross in La Carneille.[12]
Church of Saint-Vigor a nineteenth century church in Athis-de-l'Orne, designed by architect Ruprich-Robert and the walls were decorated by artist Louis Chifflet.[13]
Church of Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul a modern church in Bréel that contains a chapel from the end of the 15th century, intended for the burial of the Corday family.[14]
Hamel Saint-Etienne Lodge a 15th century lodge in La Carneille.[15]
Logis dit la Cour a 15th century Manor house in Taillebois.[16]
Church of SaintPierre-et-SaintPaul in Breel-by Rundvald