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Primera División messicana 1943-1944Liga Mayor 1943-1944 Competizione Primera División de México Sport Calcio Edizione 1ª Organizzatore Federación Mexicana de Fútbol Asociación Date dal 17 ottobre 1943al 16 aprile 1944 Luogo Messico Partecipanti 10 Formula Girone all'italiana A/R Risultati Vincitore Asturias(1º titolo) Secondo Real Club España Statistiche Miglior marcatore Isidro Lángara (27) Incontri disputati 90 + 1 Gol segnati 499 (6,54 per inc...

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Este artículo o sección se encuentra desactualizado.La información suministrada ha quedado obsoleta o es insuficiente.Este aviso fue puesto el 26 de septiembre de 2016. Bill Mollison Información personalNombre de nacimiento Bruce Charles MollisonNacimiento 4 de mayo de 1928 Australia, TasmaniaFallecimiento 24 de septiembre de 2016 Australia, TasmaniaNacionalidad australianoFamiliaCónyuge Lisa MollisonEducaciónEducado en Universidad de Tasmania Información profesionalOcupació...

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الصفحه دى يتيمه, حاول تضيفلها مقالات متعلقه لينكات فى صفحات تانيه متعلقه بيها. 2019 لوزان بيلارد ماسترز البلد سويسرا المكان لوزان تاريخ نوفمبر 2019 تاريخ الانتهاء 17 نوفمبر 2019 عدد المشاركين إحداثيات 46°31′00″N 6°38′00″E / 46.516669444444°N 6.6333194444444°E / 46.516669444444; 6.6333194444444 ...

An enlargeable map of the 942 core based statistical areas (CBSAs) of the United States and Puerto Rico. The 366 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) are shown in medium green. The 576 micropolitan statistical area (μSAs) are shown in light green. This is a list of U.S. metropolitan areas by their gross domestic product (GDP). Real GDP for the top 50 metropolitan statistical areas in millions of dollars[1][2] 2021 rank Metropolitan area 2021 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 201...

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Season of television series ShamelessSeason 1DVD CoverStarring William H. Macy Emmy Rossum Justin Chatwin Ethan Cutkosky Shanola Hampton Steve Howey Emma Kenney Cameron Monaghan Jeremy Allen White Laura Slade Wiggins Joan Cusack Country of originUnited StatesNo. of episodes12ReleaseOriginal networkShowtimeOriginal releaseJanuary 9 (2011-01-09) –March 27, 2011 (2011-03-27)Season chronologyNext →Season 2List of episodes The first season of Shameless, an American comedy-d...

2020 studio album by Public EnemyWhat You Gonna Do When the Grid Goes Down?Studio album by Public EnemyReleasedSeptember 25, 2020Length43:57LabelDef JamProducerChuck D (exec.)Flavor Flav (also exec.)The LBX (also exec.)C-DocDJ InfiniteDJ Pain 1DJ PremierEasy Mo BeeJohnny Juice RasadoRacer XThreepeeohPublic Enemy chronology Nothing Is Quick in the Desert(2017) What You Gonna Do When the Grid Goes Down?(2020) Singles from What You Gonna Do When the Grid Goes Down? State of the Union (ST...

هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (يوليو 2019) تحليل القابلية (بالإنجليزية: Identifiability analysis) هو مجموعة من الأساليب الموجودة في الإحصاءات الرياضية التي يتم استخدامها لتحديد مدى صحة المعاملات في النموذج ...

Pan-American countries by population, 2020 This is a list of countries and dependent territories in the Americas by population, which is sorted by the 2015 mid-year normalized demographic projections. Table Rank Country(or dependent territory) Population (2023) % ofpop. (2022) Averagerelativeannualgrowth(%)[1](2022) Averageabsoluteannualgrowth (2015)[2] Date oflast figure Source 1 United States 339,979,847 32.41 0.75 2,377,000 March 24, 2023 Official population clock 2 &...

Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada.Este aviso fue puesto el 7 de octubre de 2022. Producción de ropa en Britania entre 1914 y 1918. Trabajadores apilando bultos de ropa con el uso de una máquina dentada, en el departamento de ropa del Ejército Británico en Watford, Hertfordshire Desde el punto de vista de la economía, la producción es la actividad que aporta valor agregado por creación y suministro de bienes y servicios, es decir...

Retired U.S. Army general Timothy P. (Tim) McGuireBorn (1965-07-19) July 19, 1965 (age 58)California, U.S.AllegianceUnited StatesService/branchUnited States ArmyYears of service1987–2021RankMajor GeneralCommands heldJoint Readiness Training CenterFort Polk Timothy Patrick McGuire[1] (born July 19, 1965)[2] is a retired United States Army major general who last served as the Deputy Commanding General of the United States Army Installation Management Command from Aug...

Rocket Mortgage FieldHouseThe Q Informazioni generaliStato Stati Uniti UbicazioneOne Center Court 44115 Cleveland, Ohio Inizio lavori27 aprile 1992 Inaugurazione17 ottobre 1994 Costo100 milioni di dollari ProprietarioGateway Economic Development Corp. (CAVS/Quicken Loans Arena Company) ProgettoEllerbe Becket Intitolato aRocket Mortgage Informazioni tecnichePosti a sedere20 562 Coperturasì Uso e beneficiariPallacanestroCleveland Cavaliers (NBA) (1994-oggi)Cleveland Rockers (WNBA) (1...

Gallineta crestada Estado de conservaciónPreocupación menor (UICN 3.1)TaxonomíaReino: AnimaliaFilo: ChordataClase: AvesOrden: GruiformesFamilia: RallidaeGénero: GallicrexBlyth, 1852Especie: G. cinerea(Gmelin, 1789)[editar datos en Wikidata] La gallineta crestada (Gallicrex cinerea) es una especie de ave gruiforme de la familia Rallidae que habita los humedales del Sudeste asiático desde la India a Filipinas y de Japón a Indonesia. No se conocen subespecies.[1]̴...

Cuban army officer In this Spanish name, the first or paternal surname is Abón and the second or maternal family name is Lee. Alfredo Abon Lee in 2008 Captain Alfredo Abón Lee (October 25, 1927 – December 4, 2012)[1] was a Cuban army officer of Chinese Cuban ancestry who was the commander of the garrison at Yaguajay Squadron and was sent to Las Villas, replacing Colonel Roger Rojas Lavernia,[2] where he fought the 26th of July Movement in December 1958 in one of th...

Ukrainian Ground Forces unit 704th CBRN Protection Brigade704 полк РХБ.pngSleeve patch of the BrigadeActive1990 - 2013 2014 - presentCountry UkraineEngagementsRusso-Ukrainian WarInsigniaSubdued PatchHistoric PatchUnit FlagMilitary unit The 704th CBRN Protection Brigade (704th DR RCBP, Unit #A0807) - is the only separate (independent) formation of the Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops within the Ground Forces of Ukraine. It is located in Sambir in Lviv Oblast...

Disambiguazione – Se stai cercando altri significati, vedi Robert Johnson (disambigua). Robert JohnsonLa tomba di Robert Johnson Nazionalità Stati Uniti GenereDelta blues[1] Periodo di attività musicale1929 – 1938 Strumentovoce, chitarra, armonica a bocca EtichettaVocalion Records, Sony-Columbia Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale Robert Leroy Johnson (Hazlehurst, 8 maggio 1911 – Greenwood, 16 agosto 1938) è stato un cantautore e chitarrista sta...