Primes in arithmetic progression

In number theory, primes in arithmetic progression are any sequence of at least three prime numbers that are consecutive terms in an arithmetic progression. An example is the sequence of primes (3, 7, 11), which is given by for .

According to the Green–Tao theorem, there exist arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions in the sequence of primes. Sometimes the phrase may also be used about primes which belong to an arithmetic progression which also contains composite numbers. For example, it can be used about primes in an arithmetic progression of the form , where a and b are coprime which according to Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions contains infinitely many primes, along with infinitely many composites.

For integer k ≥ 3, an AP-k (also called PAP-k) is any sequence of k primes in arithmetic progression. An AP-k can be written as k primes of the form a·n + b, for fixed integers a (called the common difference) and b, and k consecutive integer values of n. An AP-k is usually expressed with n = 0 to k − 1. This can always be achieved by defining b to be the first prime in the arithmetic progression.


Any given arithmetic progression of primes has a finite length. In 2004, Ben J. Green and Terence Tao settled an old conjecture by proving the Green–Tao theorem: The primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions.[1] It follows immediately that there are infinitely many AP-k for any k.

If an AP-k does not begin with the prime k, then the common difference is a multiple of the primorial k# = 2·3·5·...·j, where j is the largest prime ≤ k.

Proof: Let the AP-k be a·n + b for k consecutive values of n. If a prime p does not divide a, then modular arithmetic says that p will divide every p'th term of the arithmetic progression. (From H.J. Weber, Cor.10 in ``Exceptional Prime Number Twins, Triplets and Multiplets," arXiv:1102.3075[math.NT]. See also Theor.2.3 in ``Regularities of Twin, Triplet and Multiplet Prime Numbers," arXiv:1103.0447[math.NT], Global J.P.A.Math 8(2012), in press.) If the AP is prime for k consecutive values, then a must therefore be divisible by all primes pk.

This also shows that an AP with common difference a cannot contain more consecutive prime terms than the value of the smallest prime that does not divide a.

If k is prime then an AP-k can begin with k and have a common difference which is only a multiple of (k−1)# instead of k#. (From H. J. Weber, ``Less Regular Exceptional and Repeating Prime Number Multiplets," arXiv:1105.4092[math.NT], Sect.3.) For example, the AP-3 with primes {3, 5, 7} and common difference 2# = 2, or the AP-5 with primes {5, 11, 17, 23, 29} and common difference 4# = 6. It is conjectured that such examples exist for all primes k. As of 2018, the largest prime for which this is confirmed is k = 19, for this AP-19 found by Wojciech Iżykowski in 2013:

19 + 4244193265542951705·17#·n, for n = 0 to 18.[2]

It follows from widely believed conjectures, such as Dickson's conjecture and some variants of the prime k-tuple conjecture, that if p > 2 is the smallest prime not dividing a, then there are infinitely many AP-(p−1) with common difference a. For example, 5 is the smallest prime not dividing 6, so there is expected to be infinitely many AP-4 with common difference 6, which is called a sexy prime quadruplet. When a = 2, p = 3, it is the twin prime conjecture, with an "AP-2" of 2 primes (b, b + 2).

Minimal primes in AP

We minimize the last term.[3]

Minimal AP-k
k Primes for n = 0 to k−1
3 3 + 2n
4 5 + 6n
5 5 + 6n
6 7 + 30n
7 7 + 150n
8 199 + 210n
9 199 + 210n
10 199 + 210n
11 110437 + 13860n
12 110437 + 13860n
13 4943 + 60060n
14 31385539 + 420420n
15 115453391 + 4144140n
16 53297929 + 9699690n
17 3430751869 + 87297210n
18 4808316343 + 717777060n
19 8297644387 + 4180566390n
20 214861583621 + 18846497670n
21 5749146449311 + 26004868890n
22 19261849254523 + 784801917900n
23 403185216600637 + 2124513401010n

Largest known primes in AP

For prime q, q# denotes the primorial 2·3·5·7·...·q.

As of September 2019, the longest known AP-k is an AP-27. Several examples are known for AP-26. The first to be discovered was found on April 12, 2010, by Benoît Perichon on a PlayStation 3 with software by Jarosław Wróblewski and Geoff Reynolds, ported to the PlayStation 3 by Bryan Little, in a distributed PrimeGrid project:[2]

43142746595714191 + 23681770·23#·n, for n = 0 to 25. (23# = 223092870) (sequence A204189 in the OEIS)

By the time the first AP-26 was found the search was divided into 131,436,182 segments by PrimeGrid[4] and processed by 32/64bit CPUs, Nvidia CUDA GPUs, and Cell microprocessors around the world.

Before that, the record was an AP-25 found by Raanan Chermoni and Jarosław Wróblewski on May 17, 2008:[2]

6171054912832631 + 366384·23#·n, for n = 0 to 24. (23# = 223092870)

The AP-25 search was divided into segments taking about 3 minutes on Athlon 64 and Wróblewski reported "I think Raanan went through less than 10,000,000 such segments"[5] (this would have taken about 57 cpu years on Athlon 64).

The earlier record was an AP-24 found by Jarosław Wróblewski alone on January 18, 2007:

468395662504823 + 205619·23#·n, for n = 0 to 23.

For this Wróblewski reported he used a total of 75 computers: 15 64-bit Athlons, 15 dual core 64-bit Pentium D 805, 30 32-bit Athlons 2500, and 15 Durons 900.[6]

The following table shows the largest known AP-k with the year of discovery and the number of decimal digits in the ending prime. Note that the largest known AP-k may be the end of an AP-(k+1). Some record setters choose to first compute a large set of primes of form c·p#+1 with fixed p, and then search for AP's among the values of c that produced a prime. This is reflected in the expression for some records. The expression can easily be rewritten as a·n + b.

Largest known AP-k as of December 2023[2]
k Primes for n = 0 to k−1 Digits Year Discoverer
3 (503·21092022−1) + (1103·23558176 − 503·21092022n 1071122 2022 Ryan Propper, Serge Batalov
4 (263093407 + 928724769·n)·299901−1 30083 2022 Serge Batalov
5 (440012137 + 18195056·n)·30941#+1 13338 2022 Serge Batalov
6 (1445494494 + 141836149·n)·16301# + 1 7036 2018 Ken Davis
7 (2554152639 + 577051223·n)·7927# + 1 3407 2022 Serge Batalov
8 (48098104751 + 3026809034·n)·5303# + 1 2271 2019 Norman Luhn, Paul Underwood, Ken Davis
9 (65502205462 + 6317280828·n)·2371# + 1 1014 2012 Ken Davis, Paul Underwood
10 (20794561384 + 1638155407·n)·1050# + 1 450 2019 Norman Luhn
11 (16533786790 + 1114209832·n)·666# + 1 289 2019 Norman Luhn
12 (15079159689 + 502608831·n)·420# + 1 180 2019 Norman Luhn
13 (50448064213 + 4237116495·n)·229# + 1 103 2019 Norman Luhn
14 (55507616633 + 670355577·n)·229# + 1 103 2019 Norman Luhn
15 (14512034548 + 87496195·n)·149# + 1 68 2019 Norman Luhn
16 (9700128038 + 75782144·(n+1))·83# + 1 43 2019 Norman Luhn
17 (9700128038 + 75782144·n)·83# + 1 43 2019 Norman Luhn
18 (33277396902 + 139569962·(n+1))·53# + 1 31 2019 Norman Luhn
19 (33277396902 + 139569962·n)·53# + 1 31 2019 Norman Luhn
20 23 + 134181089232118748020·19#·n 29 2017 Wojciech Izykowski
21 5547796991585989797641 + 29#·n 22 2014 Jarosław Wróblewski
22 22231637631603420833 + 8·41#·(n + 1) 20 2014 Jarosław Wróblewski
23 22231637631603420833 + 8·41#·n 20 2014 Jarosław Wróblewski
24 230885165611851841 + 297206938·23#·n 19 2023 Rob Gahan, PrimeGrid
25 290969863970949269 + 322359616·23#·n 19 2024 Rob Gahan, PrimeGrid
26 233313669346314209 + 331326280·23#·n 19 2024 Rob Gahan, PrimeGrid
27 605185576317848261 + 155368778·23#·n 19 2023 Michael Kwok, PrimeGrid

Consecutive primes in arithmetic progression

Consecutive primes in arithmetic progression refers to at least three consecutive primes which are consecutive terms in an arithmetic progression. Note that unlike an AP-k, all the other numbers between the terms of the progression must be composite. For example, the AP-3 {3, 7, 11} does not qualify, because 5 is also a prime.

For an integer k ≥ 3, a CPAP-k is k consecutive primes in arithmetic progression. It is conjectured there are arbitrarily long CPAP's. This would imply infinitely many CPAP-k for all k. The middle prime in a CPAP-3 is called a balanced prime. The largest known as of 2022 has 15004 digits.

The first known CPAP-10 was found in 1998 by Manfred Toplic in the distributed computing project CP10 which was organized by Harvey Dubner, Tony Forbes, Nik Lygeros, Michel Mizony and Paul Zimmermann.[7] This CPAP-10 has the smallest possible common difference, 7# = 210. The only other known CPAP-10 as of 2018 was found by the same people in 2008.

If a CPAP-11 exists then it must have a common difference which is a multiple of 11# = 2310. The difference between the first and last of the 11 primes would therefore be a multiple of 23100. The requirement for at least 23090 composite numbers between the 11 primes makes it appear extremely hard to find a CPAP-11. Dubner and Zimmermann estimate it would be at least 1012 times harder than a CPAP-10.[8]

Minimal consecutive primes in AP

The first occurrence of a CPAP-k is only known for k ≤ 6 (sequence A006560 in the OEIS).

Minimal CPAP-k[9]
k Primes for n = 0 to k−1
3 3 + 2n
4 251 + 6n
5 9843019 + 30n
6 121174811 + 30n

Largest known consecutive primes in AP

The table shows the largest known case of k consecutive primes in arithmetic progression, for k = 3 to 10.

Largest known CPAP-k as of June 2024,[10][11]
k Primes for n = 0 to k−1 Digits Year Discoverer
3 17484430616589 · 254201 - 7 + 6n 16330 2024 Serge Batalov
4 35734184537 · 11677#/3 - 9 + 6n 5002 2024 Serge Batalov
5 2738129459017 · 4211# + 3399421517 + 30n 1805 2022 Serge Batalov
6 533098369554 · 2357# + 3399421517 + 30n 1012 2021 Serge Batalov
7 145706980166212 · 1069# + x253 + 420 + 210n 466 2021 Serge Batalov
8 8081110034864 · 619# + x253 + 210 + 210n 272 2021 Serge Batalov
9 7661619169627 · 379# + x153 + 210n 167 2021 Serge Batalov
10 189382061960492204 · 257# + x106 + 210n 121 2021 Serge Batalov

xd is a d-digit number used in one of the above records to ensure a small factor in unusually many of the required composites between the primes.
x106 = 115376 22283279672627497420 78637565852209646810 56709682233916942487 50925234318597647097 08315833909447378791
x153 = 9656383640115 03965472274037609810 69585305769447451085 87635040605371157826 98320398681243637298 57205796522034199218 09817841129732061363 55565433981118807417 = x253 % 379#
x253 = 1617599298905 320471304802538356587398499979 836255156671030473751281181199 911312259550734373874520536148 519300924327947507674746679858 816780182478724431966587843672 408773388445788142740274329621 811879827349575247851843514012 399313201211101277175684636727

See also


  1. ^ Green, Ben; Tao, Terence (2008), "The primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions", Annals of Mathematics, 167 (2): 481–547, arXiv:math.NT/0404188, doi:10.4007/annals.2008.167.481, MR 2415379, S2CID 1883951
  2. ^ a b c d Jens Kruse Andersen and Norman Luhn, Primes in Arithmetic Progression Records. Retrieved 2023-12-11.
  3. ^ "A133277 - OEIS". Retrieved 2024-11-05.
  4. ^ John, AP26 Forum. Retrieved 2013-10-20.
  5. ^ Wróblewski, Jarosław (2008-05-17). "AP25". primenumbers (Mailing list). Archived from the original on May 29, 2012. Retrieved 2008-05-17.
  6. ^ Wróblewski, Jarosław (2007-01-18). "AP24". primeform (Mailing list). Archived from the original on May 29, 2012. Retrieved 2007-06-17.
  7. ^ H. Dubner, T. Forbes, N. Lygeros, M. Mizony, H. Nelson, P. Zimmermann, Ten consecutive primes in arithmetic progression, Mathematics of Computation 71 (2002), 1323–1328.
  8. ^ Manfred Toplic, The nine and ten primes project. Retrieved on 2007-06-17.
  9. ^ Jens Kruse Andersen and Norman Luhn, The minimal & the smallest known CPAP-k. Retrieved 2022-12-20.
  10. ^ Jens Kruse Andersen and Norman Luhn, The Largest Known CPAP's. Retrieved on 2022-12-20.
  11. ^ Chris K. Caldwell, The Largest Known CPAP's. Retrieved on 2021-01-28.


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