President of the government , chairman of the government , or head of the government is a term used in official statements to describe several Prime Ministers .
Andorra, Prime Minister of Andorra , Cap de Govern del Principat d'Andorra
Brunei, Sultan of Brunei Darussalam
Croatia, Prime Minister of Croatia
Greece, Prime Minister of Greece , Πρόεδρος της Κυβέρνησης
Hong Kong, Chief Executive of Hong Kong
Lebanon, Prime Minister of Lebanon
Macau, Chief Executive of Macau
Philippines, Prime Minister of the Philippines (defunct ), President of the Philippines
Serbia, Prime Minister of Serbia
Slovenia, Prime Minister of Slovenia
Spain, Prime Minister of Spain
Vatican City, President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State
United States, President of the United States
Chairman of the Government can refer to:
Head of the Government can refer to:
See also