In July 2004, Taiwan was assured by the Dominican Republic that it would not switch its diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing, even though it had established business ties with China.
When Leonel Fernández was president-elect, he told Taiwan's ambassador that the new government will continue to recognize Taiwan.
China opened a commercial liaison office in the Dominican Republic, but the long-standing friendship between Taiwan and the Dominican Republic will remain unchanged, but the D.R. will have commercial ties with China.[1]
Dominican Republic In March, 1947 Huang Yun-ssu was appointed Minister to the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Minister to China, Dr. Leonte Guzmán Sanchez, arrived in China and presented his credentials in October, 1946. 1952 El licenciado Leonte 'Guzmán Sánchez, Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario de la República en China, queda nombrado Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario de la República en el Japón.[2]
(1920-1987) Sep 16, 1971 - El Embajador de la República Dominicana, JOSE VILLANUEVA 20 — Jose Villanueva, outgoing Dominican ambassador to the Republic of China, left for his new post in Israel.[3]