Alberto Milhas, the first Uruguayan ambassador to China, arrives to assume his post.
Subsequently, Alberto Milhas was appointed by the Uruguayan Government as ambassador to China and Wang Chih-chen, Chinese ambassador to Argentina, was appointed concurrent ambassador to Uruguay.[1]
The position of Uruguay's ambassador to ROC had been vacant since 1981.
Relations between the ROC and Uruguay had weakened in recent years as Peking increased purchases of wool from Uruguay. The position of Uruguay's ambassador to ROC had been vacant since 1981. Peking bought about U.S. $46 million worth of wool from Uruguay in the year ended October 1987, while the ROC's purchases for the same period were about $6.5 million, the United Daily News
In April 2015 he was in Nairobi, as ambassador to the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Urban Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) from 17-20 October 1016 hold in Quito, where Uruguay participated for the first time.[7]