List of Japanese typographic symbols
This article lists Japanese typographic symbols that are not included in kana or kanji groupings.
Repetition marks
JIS X 0208 |
JIS X 0213 |
Unicode |
Name(s) |
2139 |
1-1-25 |
3005 |
noma (ノマ)
kuma (クマ)
kurikaeshi (繰り返し)
dō no jiten (同の字点)
Kanji iteration mark. For example, 様様 could be written 様々. From 仝 (below).
2138 |
1-1-24 |
4EDD |
dō no jiten (同の字点)
Kanji repetition mark
2152 |
1-1-19 |
katakanagaeshi (かたかながえし)
kurikaeshi (くりかえし)
Katakana iteration mark
2153 |
1-1-20 |
Katakana iteration mark with a dakuten (voiced consonant)
2154 |
1-1-21 |
hiraganagaeshi (ひらがながえし)
kurikaeshi (くりかえし)
Hiragana iteration mark. For example, はは (haha) could be written はゝ.
2136 |
1-1-22 |
Hiragana iteration mark with a dakuten (voiced consonant). For example, はば (haba) could be written はゞ.
2137 |
1-1-23 |
3003 |
nonoten (ノノ点)
Ditto mark. The name originates from resemblance to two katakana no characters (ノノ).
3031 |
Kana vertical repetition mark
3032 |
Kana vertical repetition mark with a dakuten
〳 〵
1-2-19 (top), 1-2-21 (bottom) |
3033 (top), 3035 (bottom)
kunojiten (くの字点)
Repetition mark used in vertical writing. It means repeat the previous two or more kana.
〴 〵
1-2-20 (top), 1-2-21 (bottom) |
3034 (top), 3035 (bottom)
Kunojiten with a dakuten
Brackets and quotation marks
JIS X 0208 |
JIS X 0213 |
Unicode |
Name(s) |
2156, 2157 |
1–1–54, 1-1-55 |
300C, 300D |
kagi (鉤, "hook") (not to be confused with kagi (鍵, "key"))
kagikakko (鉤括弧, "hook brackets")
Usual Japanese quotation marks
2158, 2159 |
1–1–56, 1-1-57 |
300E, 300F |
kagi (鉤)
nijūkagikakko (二重鉤括弧, "double hook brackets")
Japanese version of double quotes, often used when indicating titles
2169, 216A |
1–1–42, 1-1-43 |
FF08, FF09 |
pāren (パーレン, "parentheses")
kakko (括弧)
marugakko (丸括弧, "round brackets")
shōkakko (小括弧, "small brackets")
216C, 216E |
1–1–44, 1-1-45 |
3014, 3015 |
kikkō (亀甲, "tortoise shell")
Used to insert comments into quoted text
216D, 216E |
1–1–46, 1-1-47 |
FF3B, FF3D |
kakko (括弧)
kagikakko (鉤括弧)
216F, 2170 |
1–1–48, 1-1-49 |
FF5B, FF5D |
brace (ブレース, "brace")
namikakko (波括弧, "wave brackets")
chūkakko (中括弧, "middle brackets")
FF5E, FF60 |
nijūpāren (二重パーレン, "double parentheses")
nijūkakko (二重括弧, "double brackets")
2171, 2172 |
1–1–50, 1-1-51 |
3008, 3009 |
kakko (括弧)
yamagakko (山括弧, "hill brackets")
gyume (ギュメ, "guillemets")
yamagata (山がた, "hill-shaped [symbol]")
The name gyume is phonetically guillemets
2173, 2174 |
1–1–52, 1-1-53 |
300A, 300B |
kakko (括弧)
nijūyamagakko (二重山括弧, "double hill brackets")
nijū-gyume (二重ギュメ, "double guillemets")
nijūyamagata (二重山がた, "double hill-shaped [symbol]")
2179, 217A |
1–1–58, 1-1-59 |
3010, 3011 |
kakko (括弧)
sumitsukikakko (隅付き括弧)
Used in headings, for example in dictionary definitions Referred to as Lenticular brackets in English.
1–2–58, 1-2-59 |
3016, 3017 |
1–2–56, 1-2-57 |
3018, 3019 |
301A, 301B |
Phonetic marks
JIS X 0208 |
JIS X 0213 |
Unicode |
Name(s) |
2443 |
1-4-35 |
sokuon (促音, "double consonant")
Doubles the sound of the next consonant. For example, "かた" /kata/ becomes "かった" /katta/, and "ショク" /shoku/ becomes "ショック" /shokku/
1-5-35 |
213C |
1-1-28 |
30FC |
chōonpu (長音符, "long sound symbol")
onbiki (音引き)
bōbiki (棒引き)
bōsen (棒線, "bar line")
Indicates a lengthened vowel sound. Often used with katakana. The direction of writing depends on the direction of text.
212B |
1-1-11 |
309B (standalone), 3099 (combining) |
dakuten (濁点, "voiced point")
nigori (濁り, "voiced")
ten-ten (点々, "dots")
Used with both hiragana and katakana to indicate a voiced sound. For example, ta (た) becomes da (だ), shi (し) becomes ji (じ).
212C |
1-1-12 |
309C (standalone), 309A (combining) |
handakuten (半濁点, "half-voice point")
handaku (半濁, "half-voiced")
maru (丸, "circle")
Used with hiragana and katakana to indicate a change from a hahifuheho sound to a papipupepo sound.
Punctuation marks
JIS X 0208 |
JIS X 0213 |
Unicode |
Name(s) |
2123 |
1-1-3 |
3002 |
kuten (句点, "sentence point", "period")
maru (丸, "circle", "small ball")
Marks the end of a sentence. Japanese equivalent of full stop or period.
2122 |
1-1-4 |
3001 |
tōten (読点, "reading point")
Japanese equivalent of a comma
2126 |
1-1-6 |
30FB |
nakaguro (中黒, "middle black")
potsu (ぽつ)
nakaten (中点, "middle point")
Used to separate foreign words and items in lists. For example, if ビルゲイツ ("BillGates") is written instead of ビル・ゲイツ ("Bill Gates"), a Japanese speaker unfamiliar with the name might have difficulty working out where the boundary between the given name and surname lies. Also used in some dictionaries to separate furigana and okurigana when noting kanji readings. For example, the reading for 上 in the term 上がる (a-garu, "to ascend") may be given as あ・がる, indicating that it is read as あ (a) when followed by the suffix がる (-garu). This symbol is known as an interpunct in English.
゠ =
30A0, FF1D |
daburu haifun (ダブルハイフン, "double hyphen")
Sometimes replaces an English en dash or hyphen when writing foreign words in katakana. It is also rarely used to separate given and family names, though the middle dot (nakaguro) is much more common in these cases. See also double hyphen.
Other special marks
JIS X 0208 |
JIS X 0213 |
Unicode |
Name(s) |
213A |
1-1-26 |
3006 |
shime (しめ)
This character is used to write 締め shime in 締め切り/締切 shimekiri ("deadline") (as 〆切) and similar things. It is also used, less commonly, for other shime namely 閉め, 絞め and 占め. A variant 乄 is used as well, to indicate that a letter is closed, as abbreviation of 閉め. The character originated as a cursive form of ト, the top component of 占 (as in 占める shimeru), and was then applied to other kanji of the same pronunciation. See ryakuji for similar abbreviations.
This character is also commonly used in regards to sushi. In this context, it refers that the sushi is pickled, and it is still pronounced shime.[1][2][failed verification]
2141 |
1-1-33 |
301C |
nyoro (にょろ)
naishi (ないし)
nami (波, "wave")
kara (から)
Used in "to from" constructions in Japanese, such as 月〜金曜日 "from Monday to Friday". In horizontal writing and on computers, the fullwidth tilde ~ (FF5E) is often used instead.
2144 |
1-1-36 |
2026 |
tensen (点線, "dot line")
santen leader (三点リーダ, "three-dot leader")
A line of dots corresponding to one half of a Japanese ellipsis also used as an ellipsis informally
2145 |
1-1-37 |
2025 |
tensen (点線, "dot line")
niten leader (二点リーダ, "two-dot leader")
Rarely used[clarification needed]
• ◦ ﹅ ﹆
1-3-32, 1-3-31 - - |
2022, 25E6, FE45, FE46 |
bōten (傍点, "side dot")
wakiten (脇点, "side dot")
kurogoma (黒ゴマ, "sesame dot")
shirogoma (白ゴマ, "white sesame dot")
Adding these dots to the sides of characters (right side in vertical writing, above in horizontal writing) emphasizes the character in question. It is the Japanese equivalent of the use of italics for emphasis in English.
2228 |
1-2-8 |
203B |
kome (米, "rice")
komejirushi (米印, "rice symbol")
This symbol is used in notes (註, chū) as a reference mark, similar to an asterisk
2196 |
1-1-86 |
FF0A |
hoshijirushi (星印, "star symbol")
asterisk (アステリスク, "asterisk")
This symbol is used in notes (註, chū)
1-3-28 |
303D |
ioriten (庵点)
This mark is used to show the start of a singer's part in a song
222E |
1-2-14 |
3013 |
geta kigō (ゲタ記号, "geta symbol")
Used as a proofreader's mark indicating unavailability of a glyph, such as when a character cannot be displayed on a computer. The name comes from geta, a type of Japanese sandal.
♪ ♫ ♬ ♩
2276 |
1-2-86, 1-2-91, 1-2-92, 1-2-93
266A, 266B, 266C, 2669 |
onpu (音符, "musical note")
Often used as an emoticon in informal text to indicate a singsong tone of voice or a playful attitude
3007 |
maru (まる, "circle")
Two circles (marumaru) are often used as a placeholder (either because a number of other words or numbers could be used in that position, or because of censorship)
Organization-specific symbols
JIS X 0208 |
JIS X 0213 |
Unicode |
Name(s) |
2229 |
1-2-9 |
3012 |
yūbin (郵便)
Used to indicate post offices on maps, and printed before postcodes. See also Japanese addressing system and Japan Post.
3036 |
Variant postal mark in a circle
1-6-70 |
3020 |
Variant postal mark with a face
3004 |
(jis mark (ジスマーク, "JIS mark")
nihon kougyou kikaku (日本工業規格, "Japanese Industrial Standards", "JIS")
This mark on a product shows that it complies with the Japanese Industrial Standards
24CD |
This mark is used by the Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ) on music publications to indicate that rental is prohibited.[3] Depending on the format (single or album), and whether the content is of Japanese or foreign origin, the rental ban can last from three days up to one year after the release date, at the record company's discretion.[4] Sometimes it is printed as just an uncircled "X", optionally followed by a swung dash ("~") and what may be the last date of the prohibition period. However, if the circled X only appears next to a release date (as indicated by "Y" or "L", see below), then it is unclear whether the release date is also the rental ban expiration date or if a standard prohibition period is in effect.
24C1 |
This mark is used by the RIAJ on music publications to indicate that the content is of Japanese origin.[3] It normally accompanies the release date,[3] which may include a letter "N" "I" "H" "O" "R" "E" or "C" to represent a year from 1984 through 1990, such as "H·2·21" to represent 21 February 1986.[citation needed]
24CE |
This mark is used by the RIAJ on music publications to indicate that the content is of foreign origin.[3] It normally accompanies the release date,[3] which may include a letter "N" "I" "H" "O" "R" "E" or "C" to represent a year from 1984 through 1990,[citation needed] and may include a second date in parentheses, representing the first release date of the content globally.[3]
See also
Japanese Symbols Retrieved 18 December 2022.