Ahead of 2014 Indian general election, the BJP had declared that if they come in power they would try setting up a dedicated channel for Indian Farmers. The public broadcaster Prasar Bharti which currently runs the Krishi Darshan program on Doordarshan is one of the longest running programmes on DD National. It was launched on 26 January 1967.
DD Kisan have introduced two AI anchors named AI Bhumi and AI Krish that can speak 50 Indian and foreign languages on its 9th anniversary. "These news anchors are computer, which are like human, or rather they can work like a human. They can read news 24 hours and 365 days without stopping or getting tired", said the agricultural ministry in a statement while introducing DD Kisan's new look and new style.[3][4]
2021 - Hum Kisi Se Kam Nahi written by Tanveer Alam
2015 - Wah Chaudhary Directed by Vierendrra Lalit and produced by JV Manisha Bajaj and Tarsem Antil (Harikrit Films)