"Ashtrays and Heartbreaks" premiered on Major Lazer's SoundCloud account on April 3, 2013. The song is performed by Snoop Dogg (under the name Snoop Lion) as a lead artist and Miley Cyrus as a featured artist, and produced by Major Lazer, Ariel Rechtshaid, and Dre Skull.[1] The following day, the track was released as a digital single on iTunes by Berhane Sound System.[2] The feature was Miley Cyrus' first single since 2012. A lyric video was uploaded to Snoop's Vevo channel on YouTube.[3] In the United States, the single officially impacted rhythmic contemporary radio on April 29, 2013 and then contemporary hit radio on May 28.[4][5]
Music video
The video was filmed in April, 2013 by director P. R. Brown and premiered on Snoop Lion's Vevo on May 30, 2013.[6] It features a cameo of Diplo, a member of Major Lazer.[7]